The Illusion of Democracy

The Illusion of Democracy - Phil Mennitti, 2017: LINK

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The Illusion of





The Illusion of Democracy

A More Accurate History of the Modern

United States

Any actual names or likenesses are used in a fictitious and

parodic manner.


Special thanks to these gifted teachers

Todd Thompson

Gerald Kim Gallagher

for making history so interesting



Table of Contents



Pre Coup d'etat


World War I


Adolph Hitler


Franklin Delano Roosevelt


Harry Truman


Dwight D Eisenhower


John F Kennedy


The Coup


Lyndon Johnson



Richard Nixon


Gerald Ford


Jimmy Carter


Ronald Reagan


George H W Bush


Bill Clinton


George W Bush


The 9/11 Op


Barrack Obama






"Who are to be the electors of the federal representatives?

Not the rich; more than the poor; not the learned, more

than the Ignorant; not the haughty heirs of distinguished

names; more than the humble sons of obscure and

unpropitious fortune. The electors are to be the great body

of the people of the United States."

- James Madison



Plutocracy. Noun. \plu-'ta-kr9-se\

A government ruled by the wealthy,

a corruption of democracy.



Most people are aware

that something is very wrong in our country. Typically folks

attribute the problem to an opposing party's viewpoint, or

who the current president is. Everyone chooses sides between

conservative talking points and liberal issues. Our fellow

Americans tune-in to channels such as FOX and CNN to

receive information passing as news. The whole time the

viewer wonders what happened to investigative journalism or

why politicians are continually re-elected despite

horrendously low approval ratings.

In my last book I covered the money side of what has

transpired to destroy the highest standard of living in the

world. In this book I will explain how we lost the Republic

through murder and politics, which works hand-in-glove with

the money side.

In our capitalistic system we are indoctrinated to believe the

American Way consists of accumulating the maximum

personal fortune possible without concern for our fellow

countrymen. The purpose of capitalism is to establish a class


structure, a hierarchy, haves vs have nots. At the most basic

level this means hate the poor and work harder. After all,

those people are poorer because they are lazier, but the

wealthy have earned every dollar they are worth. I guess

some families are just better quality "stock" than others, that

or we live in a country built on promises constructed by liars.

Our founding documents contradict those principles of a

ruling class. Nowhere is it written that America is to be a

capitalistic society. It was not in the Declaration of

Independence, the Articles of Confederation, or the

Constitution. Nothing is written about aristocracy, nothing

about establishing royal bloodlines. In fact, there is a line in

our Constitution that reads to the contrary. Article 1, Section

9, Clause 8 states "No title of nobility shall be granted by the

United States." Our Constitution further establishes a well

thought out system of checks and balances to prevent

unfettered power and wealth.

Those same founding documents proclaim equality among

the citizens; we are all created equal. Even though in this

poor economy, when any of us apply for employment it seems

that only those who are connected receive the job due to

nepotism. Each community has its version of high society. No

matter how inept the offspring appear, some people just

seem to have the right last name which opens doors for them.


This is especially true in western Pennsylvania school

districts. Substitute teachers are regularly passed over for

some school board member's relative that is fresh out of


These wealthy people calling the shots are not always just.

We the people accept injustices in society and rarely do any

of us seek retribution through violence or murder. We are

raised with a conscience. In spite of fantasizing about bringing

a lawyer, politician, or superintendent to justice by means of

violence or murder, ordinary people do not take action. We

believe in the rule of law despite legitimate needs to eliminate

people from society for their corrupt and deceitful acts. This

self-control is not shared by everyone in our culture. The

higher up the pyramid you look, the more we find self-serving

greed only concerned with fulfilling every want, regardless of

the effect on those around them. Scandal and murder is

completely acceptable for haughty heirs of vast fortunes.

As a history teacher I always recognized this double

standard. It is unwritten in our text books, it is unspoken in

our media, but it is there and it is clear. America does not

function the way we were taught in grammar school. The

reverence we have for our founding fathers in all their wisdom

does not translate into the reality of our current government.

The social unrest continues to grow as we reach out for


meaning and align ourselves with likeminded people agreeing

with us.

My journey down this rabbit hole toward the truth concealed

behind the veil of democracy began with a book called They

Killed Our President. Few people believe that a lone gunman

killed the president in 1963. That book provides more than

sixty-three pieces of evidence to prove a coup took place. Any

doubt you may have had is erased in the very first page by a

memo sent to Lyndon Johnson from the Attorney General's


My research has extended into many specific areas in

pursuit of the true history of modern America. The most clear

and concise history lesson I have found thus far is contained

in a free forty-five page pdf document available online. The

author is Mark Gorton and his paper is titled Fifty Years of the

Deep State. It summarizes my research over the past several

years, and connects the dots of all major events since the

coup of 1963. Gorton's work will be cited frequently in the

following pages as I bear witness in a similar fashion.

Evidence is everywhere. The internet is a valuable tool in

seeking the truth. It is one source where the world aides in

fitting the puzzle pieces together. Censorship has not

infiltrated the World Wide Web to the extent it has our

country's media. Just because we do not see proof on the


evening news does not mean the proof is not available.

People continue to come forward and blow the whistle on

clandestine operations. Unfortunately, what is really taking

place tends to be inconceivable to any educated, rational,

hard-working, citizen. People questioning the official story are

labeled conspiracy theorists and discredited as being crazy -

just as CIA document #1035-960 advised. However, what

most people fail to see is that when concrete proof exists that

contradicts an official story then it is not theory. It is



"I am opposing a social order in which it is possible for one

man who does absolutely nothing that is useful to amass a

fortune of hundreds of millions of dollars , while millions of

men and women who work all the days of their lives secure

barely enough for a wretched existence ."

- Eugene Debs, 1918


Pre-Coup d'etat

This chapter is

a little dry, but hang in there, it is necessary for

understanding what comes later. Bear witness to history. It

is not theory when there is proof. Then it is just a conspiracy,

and a conspiracy is exactly what has taken place. As we look

back through history starting with monarchies led by kings

and queens there is always a power struggle plotted by

nefarious persons or heroic vindicators, depending on who

comes out on top. It is always the victors who write history,

but we have socially evolved over the last few thousand

years. Or have we?

The common citizen has endured under feudalism and

indentured servitude. We have been given hopes of

democracy by Free Masons. We have refused to acknowledge

the impact or even the existence of the Thule Society, Skull

and Bones, Illuminati, or the Bilderberg group as anything

more than mere social clubs for the elite. How does it all


In 1831 a privileged young American named William

Huntington Russell traveled to German Universities for the


purpose of learning the "Scientific Method" of Georg Wilhelm

Friedrich Hegel. His philosophy was about manipulation,

creating a master and a slave; the teachings of what to think

and how to think it, and of total obedience to the state. If

one creates a pre-determined synthesis, they then can

produce the most desirable predetermined outcome. 1

Essentially this means: create a crisis, offer a profitable

solution, and reap the benefits.

This translates to the state is absolute; individuals are

granted their freedoms based upon their obedience to the

state by the intellectual elite. 2 These teachings have become

known as the "Hegelian Dialectic" principles. While studying

abroad Russell comes to the realization that controlled conflict

can be applied to banking for the purpose of creating personal

financial wealth.

At the time, the German state had taken control of the

education of its children utilizing the Prussian Education

Model. The purpose of the core regulated curriculum was to

mold the character and thought process of the youth so they

could be controlled as adult citizens. This made them obedient

to the state as education is a form of thought control. It is

1 Sutton, Professor Anthony. The Best Enemies Money Can Buy. Youtube. Available at

2 Joseph, Dr Rhawn. America Betrayed: The Brotherhood of Death. University Press.

2003. Page 2.


unclear if the Germans also established Standardized Testing

of their students.

During his studies in Germany, Russell joins Berlin's secret

order of Skull and Bones. Membership was for the privileged

class, the aristocracy, families of bankers and the moneyed

elite. Upon returning home to America Russell partnered with

the father of President Taft. Russell's brother, along with

Warren Delano Jr. - President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's

grandfather, operated Russell and Company, an opium


They created the American Chapter of the Order of Skull and

Bones at Yale University. This is no small detail, and it is no

coincidence that the Skull and Bones list of powerful alumni

is staggering. 3 Some notable members include the

Vanderbilts, the Walkers, the Bushs, and even John Kerry.

Russell and his cronies chose a pirate flag as the symbol for

their charter. The pirate flag implies death. A pirate is a

terrorist, a marauder, a murderer, a thief. He is answerable

to no one, he is above the law, and is without morals or


3 Wikipedia. List of Skull and Bones Members. Accessed online November 25, 2014.


To help finance the Civil War, in 1861 Treasury Secretary

Salmon P Chase recommended the establishment of a

national banking system. The idea was lobbied for by the

Vanderbilts, Harrimans, and Whitneys; all Skull and Bones

families. In 1863, as a means to help finance the war, a

system of national banks was instituted by the National

Currency Act. The banks each had the power to issue

standardized national bank notes based on United States

bonds held by the bank. The Act was totally revised in 1864

and later named the National-Bank Act or National Banking

Act as it is popularly known. The administration of the

national banking system was vested in the newly created

Office of the Comptroller of the Currency. The office, which

still exists today, examines and supervises all banks

chartered nationally and is a part of the US Treasury

Department. 4

The US Treasury is perfectly capable of printing and

managing a money supply. We had been without a central

bank system for the majority of our history. The Treasury

maintained a gold-backed currency system which was far

more stable; so much so that we were in surplus with no

national debt and not one cent collected from income taxes.

4 Wikipedia. The History of the Federal Reserve System. Accessed online November 25,



Taking control of the money was not enough, the elites

wanted control of the people. The legislature was ready and

eager to establish a new set of laws following the Civil War.

So what better way to seize control of the American people

than through a Constitutional Amendment?

In 1868 Congress created Amendment 14. At face value it

appears to eliminate debts incurred from the war and is

sandwiched between the 13 th and 15 th Amendments, which

were interpreted to be civil rights in nature.

As enumerated by the framers, our true sovereign

citizenship was to our respective states. We were exempt

from income tax, property tax, inheritance tax, etc. Section 4

of the 14 th Amendment changed our status to subjects of the

corporate United States through contracts via Social Security,

driver's license, birth certificates, tax forms, etc. Cloaked as

security and freedom, the Amendment entrapped us in debt

and servitude to their agenda.

At a time when we were freeing slaves, our masters enacted

the framework to empress the entire nation into service. In

essence we regressed to a period of serfdom toiling for the

opulence of lords. American citizens transformed into

indentured servants under a new system of voluntary



The Rockefellers

After being indicted for rape

in 1849, William Rockefeller became a traveling snake oil

conman and bigamist. He changed his handle to Dr. Bill

Livingston, "Celebrated Cancer Specialist," despite being

neither a doctor nor a cancer specialist. 5

Dr. Bill quickly became known as "Devil Bill" while

townspeople chased him from town to town after he swindled

them out of $25 for his cancer cure-all. This elixir he named

Rock Oil was a concoction of laxative and petroleum and had

no effect on cancer despite costing the average person two

months' salary.

As a parent, Devil Bill's philosophy was to cheat his sons

every chance he got because he believed it would make them

sharp. His son, John D Rockefeller, became the owner of

Standard Oil and with his obscene profits would essentially

take control of all aspects of modern American life. Politics,

the media, education, the medical profession, etc. all would

be influenced or controlled by the Rockefellers. 6

John D Rockefeller established the Standard Oil Company in

1870 in Ohio. He formed alliances with the railroad barons for

5 Corbett, James. Meet William Rockefeller, Snake Oil Salesman. The Corbett

June 22, 2011.

6 The Corbett Report. How Big Oil Conquered the World. YouTube, December 27, 2015.


transportation, undercut his competitors' prices, and quickly

formed a monopoly on oil in America. Rockefeller was so

dominant that Alphonse Rothschild copied John's business

model in Europe, and the Churchills created British Petroleum

(B.P. Oil). 7

At the time oil was used in lamps. However the invention of

the lightbulb nearly bankrupted the oil industry. As a result,

mass production of the automobile re-launched big oil's

stranglehold over the general population. Henry Ford nearly

broke free from the oil dependence by building his engines to

work with gasoline or alcohol. Alcohol was a free form of fuel

which common folk could brew at home. Free energy is never

an appealing agenda for the elites, so they devised a plan to

outlaw production of alcohol and preserve profits.

As is the usual goal, a plan had to be devised to appear at

face value to be of moral benefit driven by the ordinary

townspeople. This scheme which was guided by the hidden

hand grew into the prohibition movement and became the

eighteenth amendment. 8 Prohibition was United States law

from January 1920-December 1933. 9 Oil profits soared.

7 Corbett. Meet William Rockefeller, Snake Oil Salesman.

8 Corbett, James. Meet William Rockefeller, Snake Oil Salesman.

9 Wikipedia. Prohibition in the United States. Accessed online,

November 1, 2014.


John D Rockefeller was rumored to have a disdain for his

fellow man. He decided to use his immense power and fortune

to mold a new world. Rockefeller didn't want "well informed,

well educated people capable of critical thinking. That was

against his interests. He wanted obedient workers, people

who were just smart enough to run the machines and do the

paperwork, and just dumb enough to passively accept it." 10

In 1902 Rockefeller put up $180,000,000 of his own money

to create the General Education Board. The Board was

chartered by the United States Congress in 1903. This

transformed education in all facets across the country.

In public schools the Prussian Education Model was

implemented. This system was derived in part from the

teaching of Wilhelm Wundt and was used in pre-WWl

Germany as stated previously. It established national

standards forcing all teachers to submit to the prescribed

curriculum while preventing deviation. The purpose is to instill

fierce patriotism at the same time it dumbs down the

population generation after generation using a variety of

educational tools and assessment procedures. 11 Since the

implementation of the General Election Board, the United

States has fallen from the top spot in 1902, to 31 st in math,

10 Paraphrased from George Carlin.

11 Lionni, Paolo. The Leipzig Connection. Heron Books, 1993.


24 th in science, 21 st in reading in 2013. 12 As a result social

mobility in America has become largely mythical.

"In our dreams, we have limitless resources and the people

yield themselves with perfect docility to our molding hands.

The present education conventions fade from their minds, and

unhampered by tradition, we work our own good will upon a

grateful and responsive rural folk. We shall not try to make

these people or any of their children into philosophers or men

of learning, or men of science. We have not to raise up from

among them authors, editors, poets or men of letters. We

shall not search for embryo great artists, painters, musicians

nor lawyers, doctors, preachers, politicians, statesmen, of

whom we have an ample supply. The task we set before

ourselves is very simple as well as a very beautiful one, to

train these people as we find them to a perfectly ideal life just

where they are. So we will organize our children and teach

them to do in a perfect way the things their fathers and

mothers are doing in an imperfect way, in the homes, in the

shops and on the farm." - General Education Board,

Occasional Papers, No. 1 (General Education Board, New

York, 1913) p. 6.

The University of Chicago was created to begin the

"Rockefeller dream of education." Some of Rockefeller's

powerful friends recognized this opportunity and followed his

lead. The Carnegies aided the transformation of education

with their institute. Johns Hopkins medical school also

12 Weisenthal, Joe. Here's The New Ranking Of Top Countries In Reading, Science, And

Math. Business Insider. December 3, 2013.


converted as a result of sizable donations. Instead of training

medical professionals in a homeopathic healing approach,

they began educating their students to treat patients using

profitable petroleum-based chemical pharmaceuticals. 13

In 1913 John D Rockefeller and his son, John D Rockefeller

Jr., established the Rockefeller Foundation. The Foundation

was created to rewrite history and move the whole country to

chemical pharmaceuticals as means of health care. 14 They

would also become a facilitator of "approved" text books used

in the public school system. 15 The Rockefeller Foundation

"approves and funds" medical journals influencing

professionals in pharmaceutical, vaccine, treatment, and

procedure options according to their most recent "research."

13 Lionni. The Leipzig Connection. Pages 70-71.

14 The Corbett Report. How Big Oil Conquered the World.

15 Iserbyt, Charlotte. The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America. Conscience Press, 2011.


The Harrimans

With nationalized banking

established at the end of the Civil War, the Guaranty Trust

Company was created. The bank was controlled by the

Vanderbilt, Whitney, and the Harriman families.

Their business plan was simple. They would pay small

interest fees to the depositors while the bank loaned the

deposited money to businesses, governments, and men of

means, at a high interest rate. The money can be loaned to

the families that own the bank at 0% interest, or could even

be forgiven so they would not be burdened by paying back

the loan. Banks, after all, are risk free money-making

machines, if you own one. If someone defaults on their loan,

or if the bank goes bankrupt, only the depositors lose their

money. The wealthy elite never gamble or risk using their

own money.

Bert Walker was one of the Harriman's principle partners.

Bert was the maternal great-grandfather of George H W Bush.

Bert had some political aspirations as he sought, but lost, the

Republican presidential nomination. Bert's son George

Walker, who George Herbert Walker Bush was named after,

had enough political clout to influence administrations of

Republican presidents.


Averell Harriman was then granted permission to purchase

the bankrupted Union Pacific Railroad using Guaranty Trust

Company money. So the Harrimans and the Walkers

partnered with John D Rockefeller, who owned Standard Oil.

Rockefeller extracted the oil, and the Harrimans shipped it via

their railroad. We will see that oil companies have a tendency

to be used to generate profits while doubling as a front to

stage covert operations.

Sam Bush, paternal grandfather of George H W Bush, owned

Buckeye Steel Castings Company. Bush manufactured parts

for railroads. He was recruited to join the partnership with the

Harriman/Walker/Rockefeller families to begin making parts

for Harriman's Railroad.

Next the Harrimans used Guaranty Trust Company money

to start their own private investment firm, W A Harriman.

"The money powers prey upon the nation in times of peace

and conspire against it in times of adversity. It is more

despotic than a monarchy, more insolent than autocracy,

more selfish than bureaucracy. It denounces, as public

enemies, all who question its methods or throw light upon its


"I have two great enemies, the Southern Army in front of me

and the bankers in the rear. Of the two, the one at my rear is

my greatest foe. Corporations have been enthroned, and an

era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money


power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by

working upon the prejudices of the people until the wealth is

aggregated in the hands of the few, and the Republic is

destroyed." - Abraham Lincoln

In 1910 a secret meeting was conducted on a JP Morgan

estate called Jekyll Island off the coast of Georgia. Morgan

facilitated the endeavor at the behest of NM Rothschild. This

was where a bill called The Federal Reserve Act was devised.

It was written completely by bankers, not legislators. The

meeting was so covert that the banksters used fake aliases in

route to the island to conceal their identities from the public

and the government. 16 Once constructed, the bill was given

to Congressman Nelson Aldrich (father-in-law to John D

Rockefeller Jr.) to push through the senate. Meanwhile

presidential hopeful Woodrow Wilson accepted campaign

support in exchange for agreement to sign the bill into law

once in office. 17 Morgan's reach would extend across the


Author Morgan Robertson penned a novel in 1898 titled

Futility. The book detailed the sinking of an unsinkable ship

billed as the largest vessel afloat at the time. The imaginary

16 Zeitgeist. The Federal Reserve Act - Jekyll Island. Youtube. March 17, 2010. 1:24.

17 Zeitgeist. The Federal Reserve Act - Jekyll Island.


ship named Titan collided with an iceberg in April. The

collision resulted in a high loss of life because the ship

contained too few lifeboats for the number of passengers. On

April 15, 1912 the real Titanic recreated what happened in

the novel with uncanny similarities. The two ships had almost

identical names. Both were believed to be unsinkable. Both

were proclaimed the largest ships at sea. Both foundered in

April. Both events experienced catastrophic loss of life due to

insufficient numbers of lifeboats. Both had similar floor plans

and technical descriptions.

The real ship sailed with three wealthy and powerful people

on board. Those three men were the primary opposition to

creating The Federal Reserve central bank of America.

Benjamin Guggenheim, Isador Strauss, and John Jacob Astor

perished. By the end of 1912 all opposition to the Federal

Reserve was eliminated. The following year The Federal

Reserve came to be and has been controlled by elites

consistently engaging in activity inconsistent with America's

best interests.

As luck would have it, one of White Star Line's financiers

was JP Morgan. Morgan was scheduled for Titanic's maiden

voyage but cancelled his reservation just hours prior to

departure. After the sinking Morgan was asked fora response

and he said "It is the loss of life that counts." This gives new


meaning behind the quote from the movie "a real man makes

his own luck." Coincidentally, Washington D.C. then became

a corporation, a sovereign city-state, separate from the

country; similar to the Vatican. 18


18 28 United States Code § 3002 Section 15.

"Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful

and murder respectable."

- George Orwell



As the First World War

broke out most people were under the assumption, and

continue to be to date, that war took place because of

alliances among super power nations. Just like in a school

yard brawl, friends choose their sides, and a line is drawn,

eventually someone pushes the boundary too far and crosses

the line resulting in the rumble occurring. With WWI it was

the Allies of the Triple Entente vs the Central Powers.

Tensions grew as countries continued to align themselves by

choosing sides until the spark ignited the powder keg when

Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated. America was

then drawn into the fray through a false flag known as the

Zimmerman Telegram. This was a document constructed

alleging Mexico would take sides against us if they could be

rewarded with Texas when the dust settled. What we did not

see were the efforts of the Black Hand concealed from behind

the scenes controlling the puppet strings.


In 1913 the Wilson Administration approved the Central

Bank to transform into the privately controlled Federal

Reserve Bank. Eventually the Board of Directors would be led

by David Rockefeller, and stock holders included Allen Dulles

and John Foster Dulles (cousins of the Rockefellers)

representing German investments with Baron von Schroder. 19

The Fed began maneuvering to break away from the gold

standard which backed our currency in order for bankers to

manipulate inflation at will. Inducing inflation would become

The Fed's only purpose. Inflation is making sure our money

does not go as far as it did last year so we have to work harder

for the same amount. 20

By 1914, the stock market was forced to close for four

months. Europeans were heavily invested in our railroads and

with war breaking out the investors attempted to pull their

money out of our markets. JP Morgan's son, Jack, became his

successor. Jack Morgan called on clients Remington and

Winchester to increase arms production. Fie argued that the

19 The Lawful Path. Ownership of the Federal Reserve. Accessed online December 4,


20 Youtube. The Federal Reserve Explained. Accessed online May 12, 2012.


US needed to enter WWI. Goaded by the Carnegie Foundation

and other oligarchy fronts, Wilson accommodated. 21

The most decorated veteran in United States history was a

marine named Smedley Butler. He wrote a book titled War is

a Racket. In this book he details his service

and refutes every possible excuse for taking

military action, which holds up to today's

bureaucracy by our puppet masters. He

enumerates the campaigns he was involved

with and clearly states the final objectives, all

of which centered on profits for wealthy


Butler writes that between 1909-1912 he was stationed in

Nicaragua. Here his services were applied to racketeering for

the international bank of Brown Brothers. In 1914 he went to

Mexico, where he provided protection for American oil

interests. Butler travelled to Haiti and Cuba where he

provided safety for National City Bank's Collection efforts.

Then he went on to various Central American Republics for

the benefit of Wall St. In 1916 he landed in the Dominican

to the country

21 Doe, John. The Federal Reserve Cartel: The Rothschild, Rockefeller, and Morgan

Families. 6-25-2015. Accessed online at


Republic to protect the Sugar Interests. Finally his heroic

service ended in China as he became the defender of

Standard Oil where he impressed some very powerful

people. 22

If our military was truly for defense then our valuable

soldiers' lives would not be permitted more than 250 miles

from our shores. Unfortunately, the war was for profit. Butler

discussed the belief that "we must fight the enemy abroad so

we do not fight them here" is a mere sales slogan generated

by weapons manufacturers. They build weapons, they sell

weapons, and they need to convince us to buy mass

quantities of their weapons. So they create boogiemen to

scare us into using their weapons because stock piling them

would not warrant continued purchases. Common sense

should tell us no enemy would invade the mainland because

there would be a rifle behind every blade of grass. 23

Early into the war, the soldiers effectively enacted a truce

on their own. World War I is remembered for the terrible

conditions fighting in trenches along the western front.

During the week of Christmas, 1914, the troops stopped

shooting and ventured out into no man's land between both

22 Butler, Smedley. War is a Racket. Round Table Press, Inc. New York, 1935. Page 10.

23 Unsubstantiated quote attributed to Japanese Admiral Yamomoto, WWII.


trenches. Here they made a good-will joint effort to bury the

dead, to exchange souvenirs and alcohol, play soccer, and

sing carols. As the brutal ceasefire raged on with no

continuation in sight, the puppet masters were forced to

rotate in new platoons of soldiers to rekindle the fighting.

Neither side was willing to walk away empty handed.

As WWI ended, the American government was pressured to

seize the Hamburg-Amerika Shipping line in 1919. The

government, however, was not interested in operating a

shipping line and needed to find someone willing to do so. The

Harrimans decided to save the day purely out of the kindness

of their hearts, so they obtained it, but not just the shipping

line. In addition they were given the exclusive rights to 50%

of all shipping business originating in Hamburg and 100% of

all shipping business originating from America. 24

The House of Morgan financed half the US war effort, while

receiving commissions for lining up contractors like GE, Du

Pont, US Steel, Kennecott and ASARCO. All were Morgan

clients. Morgan also financed the British Boer War in South

Africa and the Franco-Prussian War. The 1919 Paris Peace

24 Joseph. America Betrayed, page 7.


Conference was presided over by Morgan, which led both

German and Allied reconstruction efforts. 25

In 1918, Prescott Bush, "father" of

George H W Bush, was a member of

Yale's Skull and Bones society. During

this year one of Skull and Bones most

notorious rituals was enacted. New

Bonesmen began kissing a skull during

initiation rites. Prescott travelled to Fort

Sill, Oklahoma and dug up the grave of

the legendary Apache leader Geronimo. Prescott stole the

skull, femurs, and horse tack. The artifacts were shipped back

to the Yale chapter in Connecticut as a trophy to Skull and

Bones. 26 Many photographs exist of Bonesmen posed around

a skull at the center of the photos, including one of George H

W Bush, who chose the moniker Magog for initiation. 27

In 1924 Fritz Thyssen and the Flarrimans teamed up in

international investing to create the Union Banking

Corporation. George Flerbert Walker was named the

25 Doe. The Federal Reserve Cartel: The Rothschild, Rockefeller, and Morgan Families.

26 Meltzer, Brad. Geronimo’s Skull. Lost History; The History Channel. December 5,


27 Iserbyt, Charlotte. Skull and Bones, The Order at Yale Revealed. Youtube. November 7,

2011. 58:00


president. The reason this is important is because the Union

Banking Corporation laundered funds to support Nazi

militarism. Fritz Thyssen was Adolph Hitler's primary financial

backer. Then in 1926 George Herbert Walker named his son-

in-law, Prescott Bush, Vice President of Harriman and

Company and President of Union Banking Corporation. 28

These were the men who began conspiring to create

immense personal wealth at the expense of the world. The

stock market crash creating the Great Depression was

engineered. People are controllable when they are destitute.

Fortunes are made during the hard times, not the boom

times. Domestically, this cartel purchased stocks for pennies

when the crash occurred and further consolidated control of

not just Wall Street but international markets. 29

Prescott Bush along with Standard Oil provided loans and

petroleum related products to a German businessman named

IG Farben. He had expertise in developing gases and

developed the poison gas used in concentration camps

including Auschwitz. Farben was a Nazi responsible for

murdering populations of Russians, Gypsies, and Jews. A

28 Joseph. The Brotherhood of Death, page 10.

29 EGWBT, Inc. Prescott Bush and the Plot to Overthrow FDR. Voice of the Raven. June

5, 2010. Accessed online, December 5, 2014.


book titled The Crime and Punishment of IG Farben

additionally provides evidence that he added fluoride to the

drinking water in the camps to sterilize the prisoners while

keeping them docile.

"We were at the worst time of the inflation. In Berlin the

government was in distress. It was ruined financially.

Authority was crumbling. In Saxony a communist government

had been formed and the Red Terror, organized by Max Hoelz,

reigned through the countryside. The German Reich was now

about to crumble." -Fritz Thyssen

Peace is not a profitable business, and the sanctions

imposed on Germany left the country in shambles following

the war. Something had to be done to solidify power and

increase profit. Meanwhile the complete lack of employment

left Germans destitute and depressed, unable to feed their

families. The men spent time in the local beer halls, where an

unemployed artist began publicly denouncing the efforts of

Germany's current government.



"Make the lie big , make it simple , /ceep saying it, and

eventually they will believe it."

- Adolph Hitler


Adolph Hitler

Times were tough

to be a German citizen. The devastation from WWI had taken

its toll. The Allies economic sanctions for war reparations

bankrupted the country. Unemployment was common.

Germany had lost hope and was eager for a change.

That talented landscape artist was unable to sell his work

since no one had money to purchase paintings. Hitler's

outspoken and dramatic temperament led him toward

politics. His magnetic personality attracted crowds which

responded to him as he played on their collective frustration.

In the beginning most Germans did not take Adolph Hitler

seriously, especially when he chose a miniature mustache to

stand apart visually from the other politicians. Germans

believed this starving artist had little chance of actually

winning an election for any office on his own.

In 1929 Prescott Bush announced plans to replace the

existing democracy in Germany. The sole purpose was for

creating a new war, whereby the directors could profit by

selling oil to both sides during a conflict. The investors of


Standard Oil, Hamburg-Amerika Shipping, and the Union

Banking Corporation were dissatisfied over the reparations

payments from WWI eating into their profit margins. They

began to search for the right man to bring about this new

war. It didn't take long for them to hear of the charismatic,

yet bizarre, Adolph Hitler.

Upon meeting Hitler and deciding he was their man, an

introduction was scheduled for the inner circle of investors. It

was at this conference that Hitler explained his plan to take

control of Germany to the cabal. He stated "revolution costs

500,000,000 marks. Legal takeover costs 200,000,000

marks. What will your bankers decide?" 30 The choice was

simple, profit was more important than democracy. Hitler

would be financed to create war. Led by Rockefeller; Wall St

bankers, industrialists, and Standard Oil contributed

$32,000,000 to Hitler between 1929 to 1932, $10,000,000 of

which was supplied immediately following the meeting. 31 It

was this money that directly enabled Hitler's rise to power.

In 1931 Hamburg-Amerika was owned by Averell Harriman,

George Walker, and Prescott Bush. Harriman and Company

merged with Brown Brothers to become the biggest

30 Warburg, Sydney. De Geldbronnen van Het Nationaal-Socialisme. Van Holkema &

Warendorf. Holland, 1933. Page 24.

31 Joseph. The Brotherhood of Death, page 15.


investment bank in the world, led by Prescott Bush. The

Chairman of both Hamburg-Amerika and Standard Oil was

Emil Helfferich. Helfferich

frequently wrote checks to

Heinrich Himmler from the

Standard Oil account up through

1944. This is the same time

period that Himmler's SS was

rounding up and mass

murdering non-Aryans at IG Farben's death camps.

This is also when Chase Manhattan Bank began seizing

Jewish money and gave it to Hitler for use in the war efforts.

There was no shortage of evil men. In 1931, Cornelius

Rhoads, a pathologist from the Rockefeller Institute for

Medical Research, intentionally infected human test subjects

in Puerto Rico with cancer cells; thirteen of them died. Puerto

Rican doctors later discover Rhoads purposely covered up

some of the details of his experiment, so Rhoads himself gave

a written testimony stating he believed that "all Puerto Ricans

should be killed." Later he went on to establish the US Army

Biological Warfare facilities in Fort Detrick Maryland (origin of

the HIV/AIDS virus patent # 4647773, the HIV/AIDS virus


The more we

do to you, the

less you seem

to believe we

are doing it.

■ Joseph Mengele


Google Images

cure patent # 5676977, the Avian Flu virus and the Swine Flu

/ A-H1N1 virus), Utah, and Panama, and is named to the US

Atomic Energy Commission, where he began a series of

radiation exposure experiments on American soldiers and

civilian hospital patients. 32

Aleister Crowley

Another noteworthy personality

was a wealthy Englishman who was heavily influenced by the

occult and black magic, his name was Aleister Crowley.

Allegedly he became a British spy as a young man. Crowley

was a world traveler who professed he was a prophet of

Thelema, a religion based on fulfilling your everyday desires

without guilt. He wrote the Book of the Law, a three verse

guide to the Thelemic Religion. The press denounced Crowley

as "the wickedest man alive," and labeled him a Satanist. Mr

Crowley is widely believed to be the illegitimate father to

Barbara Pierce Bush, George H W Bush's wife. 33 Barbara's

mother Pauline practiced Thelema and was a sixth-level

initiate of the Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO). The chronology of

32 Press Core. Assassinations by Induced Heart Attack and Cancer. Sign of the Times.

December 16, 2010. Accessed online November 26, 2014.

33 Canada, Kevin. Barbara Bush Daughter of Aleister Crowley. Youtube. December 26,

2013. 3:09.


a trip outside the country coincides with Crowley's location

and Barbara's conception. The similarities of physical

appearance as well as personality are a match.

Nikola Tesla

Once Albert Einstein was asked

what it felt like to be the smartest man on earth; his response

was "I don't know, you would have to go ask Nikola Tesla."

Tesla was the most brilliant mind of the last two hundred

years. He slept only two or three hours per day, refused to

eat meat, and suffered from intense obsessive-compulsive

disorder and paranoia. He conducted experiments capable of

altering weather patterns. Once he even created an

earthquake in New York State measuring in the fives on the

Richter scale. Tesla is credited with two hundred seventy-two

inventions. Perhaps most notably is the idea of Alternating

electrical Current (AC), which we use in our homes to date.

Tesla was not shy about discussing the origins of his ideas.

He claimed he would daydream and enter a trance like state

where he would commune with extraterrestrial intelligence.

In modern day terms he was able to telepathically connect to

something called the Akashik Record; a cosmic "internet"

knowledgebase so to speak. Here he claims he accessed the


information to construct these inventions beneficial to


One such invention, labeled The Death Ray, was less than

beneficial. It was believed to be a theoretical particle beam or

electromagnetic weapon. The Death Ray emitted an invisible

beam of energy capable of reducing buildings to rubble.

Witnesses claimed it could destroy anything made by the

hand of man in an instant. Allegedly it is this technology which

outfits Ronald Reagan's Star Wars Satellite, and is used by

the Israeli Military in their Iron Beam technology "defense"


Tesla was peaceful however, and dreamed of bringing free

energy to the world. He

created a device known as

Wardenclyffe Tower which

successfully transmitted his

AC electricity wirelessly for

miles. This made him a lot of

powerful enemies. The fat cats selling energy to the masses

didn't tolerate his invention and had it destroyed.

Tesla died penniless on January 7th, 1943 at the age of

eighty-six in room 3327 of the New Yorker Hotel. The official

cause of death is listed as heart thrombus. By the time he

was found, which is estimated to be within two hours of


passing, the FBI had already confiscated his lab and all his

notes. When questioned, the government responded that

they did confiscate the materials and review them, but there

was nothing of interest to them contained within so they

turned everything over to the Office of Alien Property. 34

Curiously, the government has constructed similar programs

based on Tesla's work which have cost taxpayers billions of

dollars to reconstruct, i.e. the Star Wars Satellite, the HAARP

Research Station, etc.

The story with Tesla does not end here; it gets even stranger

if you research several other accounts such as CIA

Commando Otto Skorzeny and his claims regarding George

Herbert Walker Bush. Or that Donald Trump's uncle was the

lead military scientist in charge of deciphering Tesla's notes

after death. Or on October 28, 1943 Albert Einstein

supervised a team of scientists using Tesla's notes for The

Philadelphia Experiment. 35 This experiment would lead to The

Montauk Project and then to the CERN hadron collider.

34 Tesla, Nikola. My Inventions. The Autobiography of Nikola Tesla. Experimenter

Publishing Company, Inc. New York. 1977.

35 The History Channel. True Story of the Philadelphia Experiment. The History Channel.

June 13, 2007.


"In politics , nothing happens by accident. If it happens , you

can bet it was planned that way."

- Franklin Delano Roosevelt


Franklin Delano Roosevelt

FDR was elected president

for four terms in total. Not because American's were conned

through propaganda, but because he took care of the country

domestically. Times were tough to be an American citizen.

The devastation from The Great Depression had taken its toll.

Wall Street's endeavors had bankrupted the country.

Unemployment was common. The nation had lost hope and

was eager for a change.

Roosevelt smiled and gave America a reason to smile once

again. He put men to work and gave them a purpose. Critics

say that President Hoover was right; that we would have

come out of the depression sooner had we done nothing. This

is like going to the emergency room and the doctor telling you

"suck it up and go home. It takes time, and it will hurt until

this passes." No one wants to hear that. People want the

compassionate nurse to walk in and say "I know what ails

you, I can fix it; here is a band aide to help you feel better."

Roosevelt's plan was just that, a band aide that made the

nation feel better. Besides, had we done nothing, had we not


created jobs and infrastructure using Roosevelt's New Deal,

we would have had nothing to show for our trepidation. We

built dams, we created roads, we dedicated national parks,

and we hired unemployed teachers to instruct adults how to

read. 36

A lot of good came from electing this man over and over and

over....and over. We reformed our economic system, at least

for a few decades. To prevent another catastrophic stock

market crash this administration enacted the Glass-Steagall

Act, which I discussed at great length in A Commoners Guide.

This legislation protected Main Street from Wall Street. It

separated investment banks from commercial banks. It

established the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)

to protect our money that was in banks, and created the

Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) to protect ordinary

people from being cheated too directly if they invested their


This worked for fifty years. Right up until the puppet masters

were no longer satisfied with the regulations impeding their

profits. Then they began chipping away at the Glass-Steagall

Act until nothing was left in the 1990s.

36 Roosevelt, Franklin D. A Rendezvous with Destiny. Speech before the 1936 Democratic

National Convention. Philadelphia, PA. June 27, 1936.


Smedley Butler was approached by the Republican

corporate interests. They offered to make him a wealthy man

by becoming their marionette in a fascist corporate state. The

plan was to have the most decorated marine in history take

the Oval Office and behind the scenes allow the corporate

elite to dictate policy. Butler played along. He infiltrated the

group and collected as much intelligence as he felt he needed

to successfully prosecute those responsible. Butler personally

took the information and the names of the conspirators to

President Roosevelt. Roosevelt chose not to act. He feared

that jailing the bankers and capitalists would send us straight

back into a depression. 37

By 1941 Roosevelt was under intense pressure from the

Allies, the military, and the business interests, to enter the

war. The Rockefellers had been funneling significant sums of

money to Japan using their own Institute for Pacific Relations.

On December 7, 1941, the country mobilized with the attack

on Pearl Harbor and the investors got their wish. What

Roosevelt knew ahead of time, what was and was not

permitted to happen, is not as clear as future misdoings in

that most of the witnesses involved passed away before the

internet became a tool to expose the truth.

37 Connolly, Francis R. JFK to 9/11: Everything is a Rich Man’s Trick. November 19,

2014. Accessed online, available at


As informed citizens, we all question popular manufacturers

and where their loyalties truly lie on a global scale. What has

been forgotten is who sided against our interests during this

war. The Ford Motor Company supplied tanks, engines, and

trucks to Germany. Hitler was so enamored with Henry Ford

that he pinned the High Cross of the Eagle to Ford's chest and

had a life size portrait of Ford in his office.

Coca-Cola provided soft drinks to German soldiers. The

Luftwaffe pilots would wrap a wet towel around bottles of

Coke, tie them to the fuselage of the plane, then fly up to

high altitudes to freeze the soda. German pilots enjoyed an

ice-cold Coke and a smile in the midst of desert warfare.

Let's also not forget that the Harrimans supplied the steel

railroad tracks leading into the Concentration Camps. Slave

labor is, apparently, the greatest capitalistic investment. 38

Eventually some assets of the Bush, Harriman, and Walker

properties would be seized by the United States Government

for violating the Trading with the Enemies Act in 1942.

Standard Oil would be charged with treason. The hearings

were chaired by Senator Harry S Truman, who dropped all

charges after Standard Oil threatened that if prosecuted they

38 Connolly. JFK to 9/11: Everything is a Rich Man’s Trick.


could not guarantee that the Allies would receive their oil

shipments. Those threats were implied by counsel from the

Dulles Brothers during the hearings.

Allen Dulles who would become the future Director of the

CIA, was a lawyer specializing in international finance. Dulles

was responsible for setting up business relationships between

Bush, Harriman, Rockefeller, and the Nazis. He served as

legal advisor for Standard Oil and IG Farben, and he played a

pivotal role promoting United States - Nazi corporate

relations. Dulles negotiated the deal between Standard Oil

and King Ibn Saud where America entered Saudi Arabia to

locate the oil and thus connect the American power elite with

the Saudi power elite. 39

John and Allen Dulles worked together to create the concept

of world domination as demanded by their boss Rockefeller,

whereby control of foreign countries was to be accomplished

by coercion, force, political overthrow or assassination, to

gain access to their resources. This is the prime directive still

in place today, as so eloquently spoken of by George H W

Bush, whose father Prescott - Rockefeller's right hand man -

made his fortune working with Hitler's war machine.

39 Reno, Jaime. The Saudi Money Trail. Newsweek, Inc. New York, 2002.


After Standard Oil twice artificially created oil shortages,

Dulles convinced the United States Government to fund the

construction of oil pipelines and refineries in the Persian Gulf

for Standard Oil, Texaco, and Mobil. Allen's brother, John

Dulles, would become a future Secretary of State.

It was during this time period, the Rockefellers ventured into

genetically modifying food. 40

Roosevelt went so far as to draft a plan for a new Bill of

Rights. This version was focused not on a citizen's political

rights, as the original was constructed, but on American's

economic rights. Roosevelt believed that a free and

democratic society could not flourish as long as its people

were shackled by debt or potential for ruin after hardships.

His remedy drew the wrath of the wealthy and the powerful

that depend on our servitude. Sadly, Roosevelt died before

this plan was enacted.

President Roosevelt may well have signed his own death

warrant as he outright threatened Prescott Bush that when

the war ends he would be brought to justice. Roosevelt began

making plans to charge Dulles, Bush, and Rockefeller with

treason, which likely was the final straw for the powerful

robber barons.

40 Regis, Natalie. Genetically Modified Crops and Food. Britannica Educational

Publishing. New York. 2016. Pages 43-44.


The end of the war in Europe was in sight as the allied armies

pressed their invasion into the German heartland. In

Washington, President Roosevelt's health had noticeably

deteriorated. The president needed a rest, a chance to

recuperate and regain his strength. Accordingly, the president

traveled to the "Little White House" in Warm Springs,

Georgia. With him followed an entourage of friends and

relatives. FDR had first visited this health spa, noted for its

healing mineral waters, twenty-one years earlier in an effort

to find relief for his paralyzed lower body.

At 1:00 PM on April 12, Roosevelt sat in the living room of

his cottage surrounded by friends and family. As he signed

letters and documents, an artist stood painting the

president's portrait at an easel nearby. The conversation was

lively, the atmosphere congenial. The president turned to the

artist and reminded her that they had only fifteen minutes left

in the session. Suddenly, he grabbed his head complaining of

a sharp pain. The president was suffering a massive cerebral

hemorrhage that would end his life in minutes. America's

longest serving president who had led the nation through the

Great Depression and World War II was dead. 41

41 Tully, Grace. The Death of President Franklin Roosevelt. Eyewitness account. Internet

accessed December 1, 2014.


To make sure an administration such as this, one that

valued people over profits, could never happen again, a new

amendment had to be passed to curtail popular presidents'

power by limiting their terms. Congress approved the

Twenty-Second Amendment which only permits a president

to serve two terms by way of election. Congressmen and

other elected officials however are not limited in their public


The timing of the president's passing is questionable. We

are aware that various biological weapons had been

developed at this time. For instance rapidly advancing

cancers and heart attack chemicals were being engineered for

use in "undetectable assassination" attempts. Considering

the political enemies Roosevelt had made, his death

necessitates further investigation.

Another question to ask is "What if Adolph Hitler was not a

loyal German national?" The facts are he was born in Austria.

His first career choice was as a fairly talented artist. He

practiced his dramatic oratory skill in front of a mirror to

perfect his theatrical craft. He was funded into power by

wealthy capitalists. He routinely interfered with his military

general's war plans repeatedly costing the German forces

defeats. There is a possibility Hitler was an opportunist who


found the golden road to immense wealth and eternal fame

as a marionette, who was then given exodus to South

America as the curtain closed on his final scene.

Prescott Bush served on the Yale University Board of

Directors. The faculty worked as recruiters for the intelligence

service. These students are over-privileged, obscenely

wealthy, outrageously well-connected individuals, all of whom

believe they are better than you, and are being hand-picked

in secrecy to manipulate the country.

"Yale has always been the agency's biggest feeder. In my Yale

class alone there were thirty-five guys in the agency."

-CIA Agent Osborne Day,

Yale Class of 1943

Though the war had ended, the Nazi threat persisted. In fact

the perceived risk was so great that Admiral Richard Byrd was

dispatched to Antarctica under a mission codenamed

Operation Highjump accompanied by contingents of allied

forces which included Russia. Byrd was commissioned 4,700

seamen, thirteen ships, and thirty-three aircraft. The allied

invasion was immediately and decisively repelled and the


mission terminated. Byrd's decimated surviving squadron

returned home in less than eight weeks. 42

Byrd began co-writing a book exposing the secrets of

Antarctica with Secretary of Defense James Forrestal.

Forrestal was sent to Bethesda Naval Hospital. At Bethesda

he began to discuss details of Operation Highjump with the

hospital staff. Subsequently, Forrestal was denied visitors,

including his wife, and shortly thereafter "fell" out of his

hospital window to his death. Byrd ceased authoring the book.

The initial expedition to Antarctica was funded by John D

Rockefeller Jr. A large portion of Marie Byrd Land was named

Rockefeller Plateau in his honor.

In 1946 David Rockefeller was placed on the staff at Chase

National Bank. 43 The chairman was his uncle, Winthrop

Aldrich. Chase National Bank was closely associated with the

oil industry. The Rothschilds mirrored this move in Europe.

42 Lite, Gary. Admiral Richard E Byrd - Operation Highjump. Youtube. August 25, 2014.

Available online at

43 Wikipedia. David Rockefeller.



"When even one American , who has done nothing wrong , is

forced by fear to shut his mind and dose his mouth , then all

Americans are in peril."

- Harry S Truman


Harry S Truman

The United States

has carried out intelligence activities since the days of George

Washington, but only since World War II have they been

coordinated on a government-wide basis. President Franklin

D Roosevelt initially appointed New York lawyer and war hero,

William J Donovan, to become the first Coordinator of

Information. After the US entered World War II, Donovan

became head of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) in

1942. The OSS - the forerunner to the Central Intelligence

Agency (CIA) - had a mandate to collect and analyze strategic

information. After World War II, however, the OSS was

abolished along with many other war agencies and its

functions were transferred to the State and War


To make a fully functional intelligence office President

Truman signed the National Security Act of 1947 establishing

the CIA. The National Security Act charged the CIA with

coordinating the nation's intelligence activities and

correlating, evaluating and disseminating intelligence


affecting national security. 44 Essentially, there was a gang of

people who worked together during World War II and never

got over it. They were generally motivated and highly

susceptible to intrigue and being on the inside. 45

The CIA's principle activities include: gathering information

about foreign governments, corporations, and individuals;

analyzing that information, along with intelligence gathered

by other agencies, in order to provide national security

assessments to policymakers; and, upon the request of the

President of the United States, carrying out or overseeing

covert activities and some tactical operations by its own

employees, by members of the US military, or by other

partners. The CIA can, for example, exert foreign political

influence through its tactical divisions, such as the Special

Activities Division.

The CIA has increasingly taken on offensive roles, including

covert paramilitary operations. One of its largest divisions,

the Information Operations Center (IOC), has shifted focus

from counter-terrorism to offensive cyber-operations. The

CIA has by far the largest budget in the Intelligence

Community, exceeding previous estimates. Details of the

44 CIA Website. History of the CIA. Available online,


45 Bernstein, Carl. The CIA and the Media. Rolling Stone Magazine. October 20, 1977.

Page 4. Available online at


overall intelligence budget are classified; however in 1994

Congress accidentally published a budget of $43.4 billion (in

2012 dollars) for the non-military National Intelligence

Program. 46

Several CIA activities have attracted criticism. They include

nonconsensual human experiments, extraordinary rendition,

enhanced interrogation techniques (torture), targeted

killings, assassinations, and the funding and training of

militants who would go on to kill civilians and non-

combatants. 47

Operation Paperclip

During the summer of 1945,

President Truman authorized a subcommittee of the Joint

Chiefs of Staff to proceed with Operation Paperclip which was

a mission to collect the brightest minds Germany had to offer.

The government yielded 1500 Nazi scientists, technicians,

and engineers. The "official" purpose was to prevent the

Soviet Union from obtaining them and using their services

against us as the Cold War was heating up.

46 Gellman, Barton. U.S. Spy Network's Successes, Failures and Objectives Detailed in

'Black Budget'Summary. The Washington Post. August 29, 2013.

47 Wikipedia. Central Intelligence Agency. Accessed online, December 18, 2014.


The Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency (JIOA) worked

independently to create false employment and political

biographies for the scientists. The JIOA also expunged from

the public record the scientists' Nazi Party memberships and

regime affiliations. Many of these individuals were members

of the Gestapo and had conducted experiments on people in

concentration camps and committed various other war


Once "bleached" of their Nazism, the scientists were granted

security clearances by the US government to work in the

United States. Paperclip, the project's operational name,

derived from the paperclips used to attach the scientists' new

political personae to their "US Government Scientist" JIOA

personnel files. 48

One of the Nazi experiments that continued in America,

under the supervision of the CIA, was mind control. The

program was code named Project MK Ultra.

After WWII ended a Congressional Hearing was held on

Standard Oil's treasonable behavior. The hearings concluded

that "Standard Oil had seriously imperiled the war

preparations of the United States" and that Standard Oil had

48 Wikipedia. Operation Paperclip. Internet accessed December 16, 2014.


colluded with IG Farben, to prevent the United States from

gaining access to war-related technologies such as the

creation of synthetic rubber.

On September 22, 1947, Judge Charles Clark stated

"Standard Oil can be considered an enemy national in view of

its relationships with IG Farben after the United States and

Germany had become active enemies." Most of the charges

were dropped, though a few patents were seized.

At the end of World War II, America's ally and the former

Prime Minister of Great Britain, Winston Churchill had a

specific view of America's role on the global stage. After

leaving office, Churchill made a decent living traveling and

giving speeches. Fie was very intelligent and had lightning

quick wits. Within the first year of the war's end, focus was

turned to our former allegiance with the communist Soviet

Union. Churchill gave one of his most famous speeches known

as the "Iron Curtain Speech."

Fie praised the United States as being a kindred spirit

leading the free and democratic world. Churchill wanted our

vast resources used for the United Nations. Fie alluded the US

should lead in a role similar to a sheriff. In essence he passed

Britain's torch as the world colonial power, thus calling upon


America to be the world's police. Truman and the rest of our

leaders were happy to oblige.

The king of Saudi Arabia became a major player in the oil

industry at this point. Ibn Saud was a ruthless and shrewd

ruler. As a young man he conquered the Arabian territories

and united them under his reign renaming them Saudi Arabia.

In 1938 he permitted American geologists working for

Standard Oil to enter the country and find the oil. They then

began the long and obscenely profitable partnership of

fleecing the world for the consumption of this utility during

and following WWII. The oil production brought wealth and

even more power which Ibn Saud used to his advantage.

In October 1953, the king died in his sleep of a heart attack.

To date the Saudi Royal Family is among the wealthiest and

most powerful people in the world.

Prescott Bush

The Dulles Brothers

The Rockefellers

The Harrimans

ALL committed treason against the United States in order to

profit during WWII.


Prescott Bush decided it was time to influence American

politics. He chose to do what any free capitalist would do; he

took out an ad in the newspaper. The ad basically stated that

a republican group of investors were seeking an unscrupulous

politician willing to follow orders and answer to the people

funding the campaign. 49 A young lawyer answered the

advertisement; his name was Richard Milhous Nixon.

In 1950 Prescott Bush personally decided to try a run for

office in Connecticut, he lost. In 1952 he campaigned for a

Senate seat. Bush lost the Primary Election and the

Republican Party chose not to endorse him for the

nomination. Later that year Senator Brien McMahon died at

the ripe old age of 49. McMahon

established the civilian United

States Atomic Energy

Commission to supervise US

nuclear technology. Bush took

over his Senate position and

retained it until January 1963. Nixon with Prescott Bush


49 Rothman, Lily. 9 Things You Didn’t Know About Richard Nixon. Time. August 6,



"The real rulers in Washington are invisible , and exercise

power from behind the scenes ."

- Felix Frankfurter, 1952

Supreme Court Justice


Dwight D Eisenhower

After World War II

the popularity of the former Supreme Commander of the

Allied Force's soared. In 1948 he declined proposals to run for

office. The two most beloved presidents in history, until now,

were both military generals (Washington and Grant), and

Eisenhower was about to eclipse Grant. In 1952 Eisenhower

was persuaded to run for office thanks in part to a "Draft

Eisenhower" campaign.

I Like Ike was the mantra as Eisenhower parted ways with

Truman and the democrats. In an unexpected move he joined

forces with the republicans. As we know, it takes money to

campaign for office. The big ticket holders saw Ike as a sure

thing so they approached him with a plan.

The focus in office would be crusading against communism,

Korea, and corruption. Eisenhower was tasked with ending

price and wage controls domestically while seeking to undo

several New Deal policies that adversely affected the wealthy.

He was told that these policies were hindering small business

which ultimately cost Americans jobs.


In order to receive campaign funding, Ike had to agree to

take their man Richard Nixon as his running mate. The

election was a landslide.

As the Korean War was waged abroad we find direct killing

of American soldiers by American owned companies. The

American casualty cost of the Korean War was 33,730 killed

and 103,284 wounded. The North Korean Army, which

crossed the South Korean border, was trained, supported,

and equipped by the Soviet Union. North Korean forces

employed a brigade of Soviet T-34 medium tanks which were

outfitted with US manufactured Christie suspensions. Their

artillery vehicles were direct copies of US manufactured

Caterpillar tractors. The trucks came from the Henry Ford

Gorki Plant or the ZIL plant. The North Korean Air Force

utilized 180 Yak planes built in plants with US Lend-Lease

equipment. 50

During Eisenhower's administration several covert programs

began operating. One of which was MK Ultra, the CIA program

for mind control. It was performed in 80 institutions by

experimenting on unsuspecting individuals. A front

50 Sutton, Anthony. The Best Enemy Money Can Buy. Chapter Two: American Trucks in

Korea and Vietnam - For the Other Side. Dauphin Publications, 1986.


organization was used such as colleges, hospitals and prisons

while the victims had no idea that the CIA was behind the

experiments. The scheme was authorized in 1953 by none

other than Allen Dulles and employed those Nazi scientists

that were given exile to the US.

This program was run by Dr. Sidney Gotlieb who was

director of the MK Ultra Project from 1953 to 1964. MK Ultra

was a secret chemical and biological warfare program created

at the height of the Cold War. Its purpose was the

development of chemical techniques of brainwashing,

espionage, and mind control. 51 Dr. Gotlieb was the inspiration

for the movie Dr. Strangelove, and brainwashed subjects

were the inspiration for the movie The Manchurian Candidate.

In traditional hypnotism we are told that participation must

be voluntary in order to work, and that no individual would

do things they would not normally do against their conscious

free will. MK Ultra was different; it used LSD, Scopolamine,

and other drugs to successfully program the victims to

commit murders unknowingly while under the spell. The CIA

would use this program extensively in future operations.

This research has also been applied to ordinary, non¬

military, applications. An Australian businessman has claimed

51 BLTC Research. Dr. Sidney Gotlieb and MK Ultra. Brighton, United Kingdom. 1995.

Accessed online November 24, 2014.


an agent involved with the MK Ultra Program sold his

knowledge to profit from the retail industry. The music played

and the scents utilized in retail stores are all a deliberated

effort compelling you to spend money.

Dr. Mary Sherman was a cancer researcher working in New

Orleans during the 1950s with Dr. Alton Ochsner. They had

been working on a biological weapons program which

included polio and cancer engineering. 52 The goal of the

program was to create and weaponize a rapidly progressing

strain of disease. The engineers were under the belief their

product would be used to kill world leaders, specifically Fidel

Castro. This was in attempt to avoid another world war. One

of the agents aiding the facility and transporting lab mice

would be Lee Harvey Oswald during the summer of 1963.

Dr. Sherman's death in July 1964 was allegedly the result of

an "accident" while working in her lab with a linear particle

accelerator beam. 53 Her body was found stabbed multiple

times, missing most of her right arm, and burned.

Investigators assert she was brutally butchered post-mortem

in attempt to conceal the cause of her death. Dr. Sherman

had been called to testify before the Warren Commission. Her

52 Haslam, Edward T. Dr. Mary’s Monkey. Trine Day Publishing. 2007.

53 Haslam. Dr. Mary’s Monkey.


murder would be investigated by Jim Garrison, and add to the

conspiracy theory surrounding the Kennedy assassination.

Operation Mockingbird

During the 1950s

the CIA began Operation Mockingbird, a secret campaign to

influence the media. It was initially organized by Cord Meyer

and Allen Dulles for the purpose of promoting the CIA's views.

Taxpayer money funded a few magazines and other

publications which were a front for the CIA media wing. Their

task was concentrated on propaganda, economic warfare,

sabotage, anti-sabotage, evacuation measures, subversion

against hostile states, assistance to underground resistance

groups, and support of indigenous anti-communist elements

in threatened countries of the free world. 54

In the early days Operation Mockingbird was limited to

planting stories, and using the communist Red Scare to

coerce journalists to cooperate by revealing sources or

reporting stories using a CIA-friendly point of view. In fact,

correspondents returning from abroad routinely emptied their

54 Wise, David and Ross, Thomas. Invisible Government. Random House. New York,



notebooks and offered their impressions to agency

personnel. 55

This drew the attention of J Edgar Hoover who was

concerned about the CIA becoming more powerful than the

FBI. Hoover began investigating Mockingbird agents and went

so far as to deny Cord Meyer security clearance. He tossed

Meyer into the McCarthy witch hunt for communists in the

government, but Allen Dulles and Frank Wisner came to

Meyer's defense and refused to permit a Senate Committee

Hearing to interrogate Meyer. 56 Since Hoover couldn't beat

them, he joined them, and began planting his own

"journalists" in the media touting the FBI agenda. 57

Hoover utilized the talents of a man named Walter Winchell.

Winchell was an American newspaper and radio gossip

commentator. Using connections in the entertainment, social,

and governmental realms, he would expose exciting or

embarrassing information about celebrities in those

industries. This caused him to become feared, as a journalist,

because he would routinely impact the lives of famous or

powerful people, exposing alleged information and rumors

55 Bernstein. The CIA and the Media, page 3.

56 Wikipedia. Operation Mockingbird. Internet accessed November 26, 2014.

57 Sullivan, William. The Bureau: My Thirty Years in Hoover's FBI. Norton, 1 st Edition.



about them, using this as ammunition to attack his enemies,

and to blackmail influential people. 58

The late G-Man William Sullivan wrote a book in 1979 titled

"The Bureau: My Thirty Years in Hoover's FBI." Sullivan was

an aide to J Edgar Hoover, but was forced to resign by the

aging director in 1971. Sullivan was killed in a hunting

accident in 1977 just days before he was scheduled to testify

in front of the House Select Committee on Assassinations. He

was writing the book when he was killed, and his family had

it finished and published posthumously in 1979.

In his book, Sullivan made the following comments about

the FBI's true agenda under Hoover, which included propping

up radio personality Water Winchell. "The FBI's main thrust

was not investigation but public relations and propaganda to

glorify Hoover. 59 " "We sent Winchell information regularly. He

was our mouthpiece. Of course, he became so obvious after

a while that he finally lost his value, and Hoover lost interest

in him. Winchell once had a tremendous audience, though,

and he was very valuable to Hoover then, who used him

practically every time he wanted to leak a story. When I hear

people talk about a 'new' FBI, I know that the changes they

talk about are only paper changes. This public relations

58 Wikipedia. Walter Winchell.

59 Sullivan. The Bureau: My Thirty Years in Hoover's FBI, page 80.


operation of Hoover's, this massive attempt to control public

opinion, continues to this day, and it is at the very heart of

what is wrong with the bureau. Unless it is exposed, until

every editor of every weekly newspaper who ever printed an

FBI press handout realizes how he has been used, the FBI will

do business in the same old way." 60

Frank Wisner was the CIA's premier orchestrator of "black

ops" or clandestine services; he eventually committed

"suicide." Wisner was vocal and liked to boast. With regards

to Operation Mockingbird, Wisner referred to it as his "mighty

Wurlitzer," a wondrous propaganda instrument he built, and

played, with help from the press. 61

By the late 1950s the CIA "owned" prominent and respected

reporters from The New York Times, Newsweek, and CBS.

Editors of various publications even believed they were doing

their patriotic duty in complying with the agency. Several

publications went so far as to create positions for active

agents to work as reporters. Dulles however, did not

construct stories himself. It was agreed that the actual

arrangements would be handled by subordinates, this way

Dulles and the owners could maintain plausible deniability.

60 Sullivan. The Bureau: My Thirty Years in Hoover's FBI, page 94.

61 Bernstein. The CIA and the Media, page 9.


As the decade came to a close 3,000 salaried and contract

CIA employees were eventually engaged in efforts of media

manipulation. 62 Operation Mockingbird started out as nothing

more than propaganda to influence opinion. What it

eventually becomes is nothing short of state-censored and

controlled media with a sole purpose of misdirection and

distraction by dividing us against one another over petty

differences. This is so we cannot unite as American's and

remove our shadowy rulers from power.

The CIA has used George Washington's Farewell Address

advice on partisanship against us. They intentionally

manufacture division by fostering strict party affiliation

among the people. 63 It forces Americans to choose a side in

a conservative vs liberal dichotomy.

62 Constant, Alex. Mockingbird: The Subversion of the Free Press by the CIA. Page 42.

63 Washington, George. The Address of Gen. Washington To the People of America, on

His Declining the Presidency. Library of Congress. Washington D.C. 1796.


Operation 40

Vice President Richard Nixon

was instrumental in the creation of a CIA team trained for

assassinating world leaders. This group was known as

Operation 40. The purpose behind this team was to avert

another world war by assassinating the high profile targets

running adversarial countries. During the training of

Operation 40 the team had their eye on Fidel Castro, the new

ruler of Cuba who kicked corrupt American business interests

out of his country. Nixon rewarded his financial sponsor by

appointing Prescott's son to supervise the team.

CIA Director Allen Dulles was led to believe that Cuba had

become a "far-left dictatorship, which if allowed to survive

would encourage similar actions against US holdings in other

Latin American countries." So in order to protect business

interests, Castro had to go. Eisenhower agreed and signed a

National Security Council directive authorizing the training to

proceed and to include anti-Castro Cuban nationals.

Members supervising the program had worked together in

other operations such as the 1954 coup in Guatemala. There

a CIA-planned attempt to overthrow the government initially

failed, but Eisenhower sent in military support to ensure final

success for the coup. Some of these agents were E Howard


Hunt, David Atlee Phillips, David Sanchez Morales, Frank

Fiorini Sturgis, etc.

Operation 40 handled everything from sabotage, to

interrogations by torture, to murder; any action necessary to

disrupt and topple unfriendly governments. Sturgis stated

"this assassination group would upon orders, naturally,

assassinate either members of the military or the political

parties of the foreign country that you were going to infiltrate,

and if necessary some of your own members who were

suspected of being foreign agents. We were concentrating

strictly on Cuba at that particular time." The group sought to

incite civil war in Cuba and overthrow the government of Fidel


In President Eisenhower's Farewell Address he made a point

to warn us about what was taking place behind the scenes.

He explained that there is a weapons industry of vast

proportion he labeled the Military Industrial Complex. This

industry is based on profits. He further stated we must guard

against this weapons industry to never let it interfere with our

liberties or democratic processes. He also warned that the

power of money is ever present, specifically in the oil

industry, and said that "plundering for our own ease and

convenience the precious resources of tomorrow must be


avoided. Do not expect to deplete the material assets of our

grandchildren without asking the loss also of their political

and spiritual heritage." He cautioned the country to avoid

becoming a community of dreadful fear and hate; he

continued "we must become a confederation of equals if we

wish democracy to survive for all generations to come." 64

Note the body language

Eisenhower with Prescott Bush

Google Images

64 Eisenhower, Dwight D. Eisenhower’s Farewell Address to the Nation. January 17, 1961.



"In the councils of government, we must guard against the

acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or

unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential

for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will


- Dwight D Eisenhower


John F Kennedy

The dream of Camelot

abruptly ended in Dealey Plaza on November 22, 1963.

According to the official story a pro-communist, lone nut,

gunman named Lee Harvey Oswald assassinated President

Kennedy as he rode in a motorcade campaigning for re-

election in Dallas, Texas.

Kennedy was far from perfect, he was willing to win elections

at any cost and his first presidential election in 1960 was no

different. He perpetuated the myth of Camelot which was a

vibrant, youthful, healthy image of a happily married couple;

none of which was accurate. As a catholic and a democrat he

was viewed as soft by the southern states,

so he needed Lyndon Baines Johnson on

the ticket to secure campaign financing

and support from LBJ's Texas oil friends;

such as Hunt Oil. Both men disliked one

another. They tolerated each other to

attain Office. Google Images


Kennedy defeated Nixon to win the presidency by the

narrowest margin in our history. The deciding factor had been

the introduction of television; Nixon out debated Kennedy,

but Kennedy was visually more appealing. According to the

data, he secured more female votes, which made the


There was constant tension in the White House. The

president was at odds with the cabinet and his advisors over

military action abroad, he was at odds with NASA regarding

various elements of the space program, and domestically

Kennedy was attempting to root out the mafia in America;

which was secretly working with the CIA. In public policy

Kennedy was pursuing Civil Rights equality; which at the time

was a hot-button issue that faced resistance almost


Perhaps the greatest tension though was between Kennedy

and Lyndon Johnson. Johnson was bent on seizing the

presidency for himself. Both men agreed on little and

Kennedy made plans to drop Johnson once seeking re-

election. In the meantime the president's brother, Attorney

General Robert F Kennedy, was feeding information on

Johnson's murder investigations to the press.

Johnson rose to power in Texas through brutality and

intimidation. His foul language in the White House is


legendary. In Texas he was being investigated for nine

murders, election fraud, and accepting bribes. 65

Time Magazine was drafting a bombshell article to print

exposing Johnson's crimes that would have hit newsstands in

December, if the assassination would not have taken place.

Johnson was a rabid psychopath. 66 When he was young he

tied a stick of dynamite to a dog and blew it up in the town

square. When he was older he beat a mule to death using an

axe handle. Once in politics, his liberal sister became a

liability so he killed her, but he didn't do this himself. Johnson

partnered with a man named Mac Wallace. Wallace typically

did the killing so Johnson could focus on keeping his hands

clean once he pursued elected office. 67

Operation Zapata

Three months after taking

the oath of office, the cabinet convinced JFK to take military

action on Cuba. Fidel Castro's efforts to eliminate the corrupt,

capitalistic, business ventures from his island were an affront

to democracy. The moneyed corporate interests were

65 Tolchin, Martin. How Johnson Won Election He’d Lost. The New York Times.

February 11, 1990.

66 Strohmeyer, John. Crisis in Bethlehem: Big Steel’s Struggle to Survive. University of

Pittsburgh Press. Pittsburgh. 1994.

67 Stone, Roger. Book TV. Interview. Accessed online December 1, 2014.


besmirched and demanded action. Kennedy gave the go

ahead thus green-lighting Operation Zapata in an attempt to

overthrow Castro.

The CIA operational name for the Bay of Pigs Invasion of

April 1961 was "Operation Zapata." Zapata Off-Shore was an

oil drilling rig, financed by the Walkers and owned by George

H W Bush, near the coast of Cuba. Zapata Off-Shore was

named after a Mexican revolutionary, with communist

leanings, who would invade towns and murder every man,

woman and child. It was used by Allen Dulles 68 as a staging

platform for CIA missions in Latin America 69 and was in

danger of being shut down by Castro.

In early November 1960, the CIA agreed to use US

contractors for the maritime component of the operation.

John Sherwood of the CIA stated that "Bush was like

hundreds of other businessmen who provided the nuts-and-

bolts assistance such operations require... What they mainly

helped us with was to give us a place to park people that was


68 Loftus, John. Secret War. The Secret War Against the Jews: How Western Espionage

Betrayed The Jewish People. St. Martin's Griffin Press. April 15, 1997. Chapter 16, page


69 Bardach, Ann Louise. Without Fidel: A Death Foretold in Miami, Havana and

Washington. Google Books. October 6, 2009. Chapter 3, page 60.


Bush would be given a list of names of Cuban oil workers

the agency would want placed in jobs. The oil platforms he

dealt in were perfect for training the Cubans in raids on their

homeland. 70 Through his work with Zapata Off-Shore, Bush -

CIA codenamed "Poppy," is believed to have come into

contact with Felix Rodriguez, Barry Seal, Porter Goss, and E

Howard Hunt, around the time of the Bay of Pigs operation.

CIA liaison officer Colonel L Fletcher Prouty alleges that

Zapata Off-Shore provided or was used as cover for two of

the smaller ships (LCIs) used in the Bay of Pigs invasion: the

Barbara and the Houston. Prouty claims he delivered two

ships to an inactive Naval Base near Elizabeth City, North

Carolina, for a CIA contact and he suspected very strongly

that George H W Bush must have been involved:

"They asked me to see if we could find - purchase - a couple

of transport ships. We got some people that were in that

business, and they went along the coast and they found two

old ships that we purchased and sent down to Elizabeth City

and began to load with an awful lot of trucks that the Army

was sending down there. We deck-loaded the trucks, and got

70 Baker, Russ. Family of Secrets: The Bush Dynasty, America's Invisible Government,

and the Hidden History of the Last Fifty Years. Bloomsbury Press. November 17, 2009.

Chapter 2, page 16.


all of their supplies on board. Everything that they needed

was on two ships."

"It was rather interesting to note, looking back these days,

that one of the ships was called the Houston, and the other

ship was called the Barbara. Colonel Hawkins had renamed

the program as the Bay of Pigs operation. The code name was

"Zapata." I was thinking a few months ago of what a

coincidence that is. When Mr. Bush graduated from Yale, back

there in the days when I was a professor at Yale, he formed

an oil company, called "Zapata," with a man, Lieddke

[Liedtke], who later on became President of Pennzoil. But the

company that Lieddke [Liedtke] and Mr. Bush formed was the

Zapata Oil Company. Mr. Bush's wife's name is Barbara, and

Mr. Bush claims as his hometown Houston, Texas. Now the

triple coincidence there is strange; but I think it's interesting.

I know nothing about its

meaning. But these invasion

ships were the Barbara and

the Houston, and the

program was "Zapata."

George Bush must have been

somewhere around." 71

The future US Presidents George H W Bush and George W Bush at the christening of the Scorpion for

Zapata Off-Shore Company. Photograph courtesy of Rowan Companies.

71 Ratcliffe, David T. Understanding Special Operations and Their Impact on The Vietnam

War Era. 1989 Interview with L. Fletcher Prouty Colonel USAF (Retired). Chapter 1.


John Loftus writes: "Prouty's credibility however has been

widely attacked because of his consultancy to Oliver Stone's

film JFK," but notes that: "While his credibility has suffered

greatly because of his consultancy, his recollections about the

CIA supply mission have been confirmed by other sources." 72

The Bay of Pigs operation was directed out of the "Miami

Station" (code-name JM/WAVE), that was the CIA's largest

base worldwide. It housed 200 agents who handled

approximately 2,000 Cubans. Robert Reynolds was the CIA's

Miami station chief from September 1960 to October 1961.

He was replaced by career-CIA officer Theodore Shackley,

who oversaw Operation Mongoose, Operation 40, and other

covert activities. Shackley supervised Porter Goss, Donald

Gregg, Felix Rodriguez, Barry Seal, etc. In 1976, when Bush

became CIA Director, he appointed Ted Shackley as Deputy

Director of Covert Operations. In 1981, when Bush became

Vice President, he appointed Donald Gregg as his National

Security Advisor.

Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty's Military Experiences 1941-1963, Part III: 1961-1963

Experiences of and Perspectives on the Bay of Pigs. Transcript available online at

72 Charnin, Richard. JFK. Accessed Online,


Researcher Kevin Phillips discussed George Bush's "highly

likely" peripheral role in the Bay of Pigs events. He points to

the leadership role of Bush's fellow Skull and Bones alumni in

organizing the operation. He noted an additional personal

factor for Bush: the Walker side of the family (who initially

funded Zapata Corporation) had apparently lost a small

fortune when Fidel Castro nationalized their West Indies

Sugar Company. 73

Over 1,400 US-trained Cuban troops, divided into five

infantry battalions and one paratrooper battalion, assembled

in Guatemala before setting out for Cuba by boat on April 13.

On April 15, eight CIA-supplied B-26 bombers disguised as

stolen Cuban planes attacked Cuban air fields and returned

to the US. On the night of April 16, the main invasion landed

at a beach named Playa Giron. It initially overwhelmed a local

revolutionary militia. The Cuban Army initiated a counter¬

offensive, which Castro personally took control over. April 17,

the invasion began as the troops waded ashore. Within

twenty-four hours the invaders surrendered, with the

majority of troops being publicly interrogated and eventually

sent back to the US. The failure totaled 1,202 CIA-led Cuban

exiles captured and 114 killed.

73 Phillips, Kevin. American Dynasty: Aristocracy, Fortune, and the Politics of Deceit in

the House of Bush. Penguin Books. September 7, 2004.


This loss strengthened the position of Castro's

administration, which proceeded to openly proclaim their

intention to adopt socialism and strengthen ties with the

Soviet Union. This led to the events of the Cuban Missile Crisis

of 1962. President Kennedy ordered a number of internal

investigations. The invasion was a major embarrassment for

US foreign policy at a time when no one at the pentagon

thought the president could do anything correct. Across much

of Latin America, the failure was celebrated as evidence of

the fallibility of US imperialism.

On December 21, 1962, Cuban Prime Minister Fidel Castro

and James B Donovan, a US lawyer, signed an agreement to

exchange 1,113 prisoners for $53 million in food and

medicine, sourced from private donations and from

companies expecting tax concessions. On December 29,

1962, President Kennedy and his wife Jacqueline attended a

"welcome back" ceremony for Brigade 2506 veterans at the

Orange Bowl in Miami, Florida.

As Allen Dulles later stated, CIA planners believed that once

the troops were on the ground, any action required for

success would be authorized to prevent failure, just as

Eisenhower had done in Guatemala in 1954 after the invasion

looked as if it was collapsing. President Kennedy was angered


with the CIA's failure, and declared he wanted "to splinter the

CIA in a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds." 74

JFK fired Dulles as Director of the CIA after he was double

crossed in a media release. So of course, it only made sense

that when it was time for LBJ to form the Warren Commission

the first person that made the list was none other than Allen

Dulles, JFK's nemesis.

Kennedy's refusal to send in additional air support to ensure

success for the Operation angered many people. Perhaps

most notably was Frank Fiorini Sturgis. Frank trained the

Cuban Nationals and was personally involved in the invasion.

Many of his men died and for decades he became an

outspoken critic of John Kennedy. 75 Sturgis allegedly took on

a lead role in the Dealey Plaza coup to exact revenge by

helping assassinate Kennedy.

The president was at odds with his cabinet over the direction

of policy. He removed all paramilitary operating powers from

the CIA and charged his Joint Chiefs of Staff with future

operations. He began personally negotiating for peace with

74 Burgos, Evan. An Inside Job: CIA a Suspect for Some in JFK’s Killing. NBC News.

November 20, 2013.

75 Youtube. JFK, Sturgis, Hunt, and the Bay of Pigs. Available at


Castro and Khrushchev of the Soviet Union. Kennedy single-

handedly averted nuclear war by secret phone conversations

with the Soviet Premier.

During the early 1960s many covert false flag attacks on the

United States itself were planned to provide an excuse for

going to war. Kennedy would outright oppose them all.

Operation Northwoods

This plan was to fake

a "Communist Cuban terror campaign in Florida and

Washington, D.C." by hijacking commercial airliners, bombing

buildings and ships, and political assassinations. The Joint

Chiefs of Staff expected these acts would create public

support for war with Cuba by blaming it for terrorist activities.

Chairman Lyman Lemnitzer signed the proposal and arranged

for CIA operatives to carry out the terrorist attacks on

American targets. In addition to Operation Northwoods, the

Operation Mongoose program of the US Department of

Defense had a number of similar proposals to be taken

against the Cuban regime of Fidel Castro.

Lemnitzer presented the plans to Secretary of Defense

Robert McNamara on March 13, 1962. Three days later

President Kennedy told the general that there was no chance


the US would take military action against Cuba. Within

months Lemnitzer was denied another term as JCS chairman.

However, his career did not end. He was appointed Supreme

Allied Commander Europe of the North Atlantic Treaty

Organization (NATO) in November 1962.

Even after General Lemnitzer lost his job as the Chairman

of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the JCS still planned false flag

pretext operations at least into 1963. A US Department of

Defense document says of one of the scenarios, "A contrived

'Cuban' attack on an OAS (Organization of American States)

member could be set up and the attacked state could be

urged to take measures of self-defense and request

assistance from the US and OAS." 76

Twelve false flag proposals were outlined in a February 2,

1962 memorandum entitled "Possible Actions to Provoke,

Harass or Disrupt Cuba," written by Brigadier General William

H Craig and submitted to Brigadier General Edward Lansdale,

the commander of the Operation Mongoose project. The

memorandum outlined Operation Bingo, a plan to "create an

incident which has the appearance of an attack on US facilities

(Guantanamo Bay Naval Base) in Cuba, thus providing an

76 Wikipedia. Operation Northwoods.

Accessed online, November 3, 2014.


excuse for use of US military might to overthrow the current

government of Cuba."

It also included Operation Dirty Trick, a plot to blame Castro

if the 1962 Mercury manned space flight carrying John Glenn

would have crashed, saying: "The objective is to provide

irrevocable proof that, should the MERCURY manned orbit

flight fail, the fault lies with the communists et al. Cuba." It

continues, "This to be accomplished by manufacturing various

pieces of evidence which would prove electronic interference

on the part of the Cubans." 77

The president understood the dark forces he was facing. In

a statement that came to be known as The President and the

Press Speech, he said; "For we are opposed around the world

by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies on covert

means for expanding its sphere of influence on infiltration

instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on

intimidation instead of free choice, on guerillas by night

instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted

vast human and material resources into the building of a

tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military,

diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political


77 Ibid.


Meyer Lansky

Since World War II,

organized crime partnered with the CIA and FBI in a mutually

beneficial relationship involving gun running, smuggling,

money laundering, and assassinations. JFK chose to fight

organized crime despite his father's previous involvement.

The battle between the president and his brother against

Mafia Don Sam Giancana was enormously important in the

assassination. It was this anti-mafia policy the Kennedys

pursued which was making it impossible for J Edgar Hoover

to continue to protect the mob.

Hoover had been the sole Director of the FBI since its

creation in 1935. Despite being known for keeping secret files

on prominent politicians to control them through blackmail,

the mob kept one on him. This is the reason why Hoover

allegedly protected the mob due to incriminating evidence

they had been blackmailing him with regarding his private


As we now know, Giancana was not the only man the

Kennedys needed to focus their attention on. Meyer Lansky

who was known as the Mob's Accountant, made powerful

people a lot of money building hotels and casinos in Las

Vegas. He had been expanding pursuits into Cuba where he

already constructed hotels and was preparing to build a


casino, until Fidel Castro seized power and closed the borders

to the corrupt capitalist interests that had been exploiting

Cuban citizens.

Lansky demanded action. His calls fell on deaf ears since he

was a well-known Mafioso and leader of the Havana Mafia

during the 1950s. Lansky was angered by the failures of the

Bay of Pigs and saw Kennedy as being soft on communism

and cowardly in international policy. He began plotting

against the Kennedys with his wealthy and powerful business

associates. His hit man in Cuba was Charles Nicoletti who

partnered with scoundrel Chauncey Holt of the CIA. 78 Holt was

stationed in Cuba manufacturing professional fake

identifications. 79

The Cuban Missile Crisis

For thirteen days in October 1962

the world waited—seemingly on the brink of nuclear war.

America's military was initiating a blockade outside Cuban

harbors against the Soviet Union; it was an attempt to

prevent the Soviets from delivering nuclear missiles capable

of hitting cities in America. While the tense standoff was

78 Holt, Chauncey. Self-Portrait of a Scoundrel. Trine Day Publishing. Walterville, OR.


79 Dankbaar, Wim. Interview with Chauncey Holt. Accessed

online February 11, 2015, available at


taking place, secretly Kennedy and Khrushchev were on the

phone negotiating peace.

The Cuban Missile Crisis occurred due to the fact that

American military operations were harassing the new

communist dictatorship of Cuba. This further escalated the

tensions with the Soviets because the United States already

positioned nuclear missiles in Turkey and Italy which were

pointed at strategic targets inside the Soviet Union.

To level the playing field, the Soviets attempted to bring

their own nuclear missiles to their new friends in Cuba and

point them at the United States. The purpose was to create a

stand-off so neither side would launch at the other without

fear of they themselves being destroyed through retribution.

Kennedy agreed to remove the missiles from Turkey and

Italy, which averted war, but also made enemies by further

enraging his military advisors. Peace is not profitable, and

now the strain on the relationships between the president and

his council had reached the boiling point.


Lee Harvey Oswald

Oswald has been portrayed

as a failure and a communist-sympathizing wife beater. His

persona as a lone nut assassin that killed President Kennedy

could not be further from the truth. Oswald was highly

intelligent and competent, and was recruited to be a

government agent. As a young man he enlisted in the

Marines. In the Marine Corps, he qualified as a "Marksman"

on the shooting range - the lowest rank you can achieve.

However, his aptitude in other areas drew the attention of his

commanders and at this time he was selected by the Office

of Naval Intelligence (ONI), and later worked for the CIA and


While performing duties as a "Radar Technician" he rapidly

learned Russian and spoke it fluently within a matter of

weeks. A fifty-year veteran of covert operations was William

Robert "Tosh" Plumlee. Plumlee first met Oswald at

Illusionary Warfare Training at Nag's Head, North Carolina in

1957. This is a facility that trains operators in propaganda,

language instruction, false identities, maintenance of cover

stories, etc. These courses were referred to as "Spook School"

and were preparatory for going covert in international

operations. Everybody who attended this facility was CIA or


Military Intelligence. Plumlee would encounter Oswald

operationally multiple times in the future. 80

Oswald was shipped to Russia in 1959 allegedly under a fake

defector program where he lived for three years. While

working as a spy it is believed Oswald provided the Russians

with secret intelligence that enabled them to bring down Gary

Power's U-2 Spy Plane. Oswald also married a woman named

Marina while performing these duties overseas. Marina lived

with her uncle - a KGB Colonel. The interesting fact is that

Oswald needed a bride in order to remain in Russia. Within

six weeks Lee married Marina, despite being ill in a Russian

hospital for two of those weeks. 81 Some researchers

speculate that Marina was also an agent, that the couple used

each other as double agents for their respective countries,

and ultimately the reason she was never permitted to leave

the United States after the assassination.

Upon returning to the United States allegedly penniless,

neither Lee nor Marina were detained or questioned. Keep in

mind this is right after the McCarthy witch hunts for

communists and during the height of the Red Scare.

Mysteriously they found the money to move to Texas, then

Louisiana, where Lee established himself as a vocal

80 Ventura. They Killed Our President, page 69.

81 Vary Baker, Judyth. Interview. Buzzsaw. The Lip Broadcasting. December 5, 2014.


communist and publicly promoted the Fair Play for Cuba


While conducting a rally advocating Cuba and communism,

Oswald was involved in a street fight; which further

established Oswald's cover as a communist. The investigating

officer concluded the fight was staged as a media event.

Several individuals photographed at the scene of the fight are

known members of Operation 40, specifically Rafael Cruz,

father of Congressman and presidential candidate Ted Cruz. 82

Witnesses from New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison's

trial would testify that Oswald was working with David Ferrie

and Clay Shaw. Ferrie had a checkered past after expulsion

from seminary school. This included research for the MK Ultra

project of which Ferrie was a consultant. Initially the CIA was

intrigued by the legends of zombies under the influence of

drugs, according to Ferrie, this progressed to hypnosis. 83

Ferrie believed that by assassinating Castro, it could save

Kennedy, and prevent the country from becoming a fascist

Orwellian-nation that waged wars for profit with no clear

victories. 84

82 Wayne Madsen Report. Was the Father of Presidential Hopeful Cruz Involved in the

JFK Assassination? Available online at

83 Vary Baker, Judyth. Me & Lee. Trine Day Publishing. Walterville, OR. 2008. Page

213 and 216.

84 Ibid. 384.


Oswald's objective was to report on progress to his superiors

as he worked alongside Ferrie and Shaw. During this time

period he was also assisting Judyth Vary Baker who was

engineering bio weapons 85 at a lab secretly financed in part

by Jack Ruby. 86

Baker worked for Dr. Alton Ochsner under supervision of Dr.

Mary Sherman and believed that she was working on a cure

for cancer, when in reality Baker was working to create a

weapon for killing Fidel Castro. Oswald reported on progress.

He also transported lab mice, chemicals, and equipment. His

assignment was to infiltrate the anti-Castro Cuban

community in part to determine who could be trusted in the

field of medicine. Oswald's mission was to deliver the

bioweapon to friendly doctors. 87

On July 29, Oswald confided in Judyth, who was his mistress

that he believed he was being set-up to take a fall. He had

just given a speech at a communist rally and spoke

afterwards to his superior about starting college using the GI

Bill. His superior refused and made a comment to the effect

that college was not going to be necessary. 88

85 Ibid. 210.

86 Ibid. 233.

87 Ibid. Page 211.

88 Vary Baker, Judyth. Interview. Buzzsaw. The Lip Broadcasting. December 5, 2014.


Shortly before the assassination the "penniless" Oswald was

again relocated and placed back in Dallas with a position at

the Texas School Book Depository. He rented a bedroom from

Ruth Paine, step-daughter to the owner of Bell Helicopter - a

close personal friend of Vice President Johnson.

Proving that Oswald was an agent of the CIA has been

difficult since his tax records are classified. It is a matter of

"National Security" that we are not allowed to know how

much Oswald was paid to stack books for the book depository.

What we do know is that Sherriff's Deputy Roger Craig wrote

"Oswald worked for the FBI as an informer. That he was paid

$200.00 a month and his code number was S 172." 89 We also

know that J Edgar Hoover issued a memo in 1964

acknowledging Oswald's involvement as a government agent.

It states that "Oswald was trained by the agency, under cover

of the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI), for a Soviet

Assignment." 90 Oswald's informant number was 179. 91 The

KGB became aware of the plot to assassinate Kennedy and

89 Craig, Roger. When They Kill a President. 1971. Downloaded October 23, 2014.

90 Hoover, J Edgar. Memorandum to James J Rowley. March 3, 1964.

91 Ventura, Jesse. American Conspiracies: Lies, Lies, and More Dirty Lies That the

Government Tells Us. Sky Horse Publishing, 2011. Audiobook, chapter IV, 2:10.


made an attempt to kill Oswald to prevent the Soviet Union

from becoming the scapegoats leading to a war. 92

Oswald claimed he took orders from a man that went by the

name Jesus, 93 and he personally believed David Atlee Phillips

was the man setting him up to be the patsy. 94

These details have entire books focused on each single piece

to the puzzle. This book is meant to connect the dots and

prove that these details are not coincidence. Instead of

getting bogged down with explanations of minute detail,

including pristine bullets and the multiple Oswalds the CIA

employed, I wish to continue with the bigger picture and how

it all fits together. Otherwise this book would be so long that

no one would read it. Are you still reading it?

June 4, 1963 JFK signed Executive Order 11110. This was

an effort by Kennedy to transfer power from the Federal

Reserve to the United States Department of the Treasury by

replacing Federal Reserve Notes with silver certificates. This

returned the power to create currency to the Treasury and

would have forced the Federal Reserve central bank out of

business. If the order would have survived it would have likely

92 Hargrove, Jim; Armstrong, John. Harvey and Lee. Internet accessed November 23,


93 Baker. Me & Lee. Page 371 and 457.

94 Baker. Me & Lee. Page 521.


prevented the Vietnam War and possibly eliminated future

national debt.

Two weeks prior to the assassination Kennedy was rumored

to have drafted a speech he planned to deliver to the nation.

In no uncertain terms he intended to declare outright war on

the CIA. He went on to explain that he stood against any

conflict with Vietnam, despite the pressure from various

organizations, and he is alleged to have written there "will not

be a single helicopter flying overhead, nor a single pair of

boots on the ground."

Johnson also made a statement. Two separate witnesses

have independently verified that LBJ was present during a

final pre-assassination meeting at oilman Clint Murchison's

mansion in Dallas the evening of November 21, 1963. As he

left the meeting he said to his mistress, "After tomorrow

those Goddamn Kennedys will never embarrass me again.

That's no threat. That's a promise." 95

95 Ventura. They Killed Our President, page 272.



Dealey Plaza


Operation 40

Here is the only known group photograph of some of the members of Operation 40, the CIA’s

supersecret assassination squad, taken in the Mexico City nightclub, La Reforma, January

1963. To the left (with glasses) is Porter Goss, Barry Seal is seated behind him. Leaning over

the table laughing is Felix Rodriguez. The 4th from the right is said to be Jorgo Robreno,

the 3rd Alberto ‘Loco ’ Blanco. Covering his face with his sport coat is Tosh Plumlee and to

the far right is William Seymour.


96 Accessed online December 8, 2014.



"There is a plot in this country to enslave every man ,

woman , and child. Before I leave this high and noble office,

I intend to expose this plot."

- John F. Kennedy, 1963

Seven days before his assassination


The Coup

President Kennedy landed in Dallas

for a campaign stop on November 22, 1963. He and the first

lady were accompanied by Texas Governor John Connally and

his wife. Richard Nixon had just been in Dallas campaigning

the day before. Nixon went so far as to make statements to

multiple newspapers that Kennedy would drop Johnson as his

Vice President in this election.

Texas was a hostile state to JFK due to his peace strategy

and Civil Rights policies. He was scheduled to give a speech

on this campaign stop in hopes of regaining some support for

the election. The Secret Service was aware of two previous

assassination plots in Miami and Chicago, though the local law

enforcement led by Sheriff James Eric "Bill" Decker refused to

aide in security of the motorcade on any level. Kennedy had

made very powerful enemies in politics, the oil industry,

organized crime, government organizations, and among good

ole boys.


"The very word secrecy is repugnant in a free and open

society; and we are as a people inherently and historically

opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret

proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of

excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far

outweigh the dangers which are cited to justify it."

-President John F. Kennedy


The short answer: The CIA, at the directorate level,

assassinated President John F Kennedy in Dallas, Texas on

November 22, 1963, to replace him with CIA-friendly Vice

President Lyndon Johnson. Former CIA director Allen Dulles

issued the Kill Directive to the Agency's Deputy Director for

Counterintelligence (covert military operations) James Jesus

Angleton, a devoted Dulles assistant from before the CIA

existed. Angleton engaged another long-time directorate

insider to maintain the cover-up by murdering witnesses,

Richard M Helms, the Deputy Director for Plans


For mission command, Angleton selected Major General

Edward G Lansdale, a hardline militarist employed by both

the CIA and Air Force. Lansdale despised Kennedy for denying

him the ambassadorship to Vietnam, and was a genius at

covert military strategy. Lansdale planned and directed the


assassination, and is photographed beside George H W Bush

in Dealey Plaza.

Lansdale turned to Floyd M Boring,

second in command of the United States

Secret Service and a close ally of both

himself and Dulles, to prepare the murder

scene. Boring deployed Secret Service

agents to design a slow motorcade route ] p

to a luncheon and presidential address site, chosen by Forrest

V Sorrels Special Agent in charge of the Dallas office.

The bubble top was ordered off by Secret Service Agent

Winston Lawson. The route made a sharp, slow turn into an

open area called Dealey Plaza. There, multiple snipers fired

up to thirteen shots, four of which struck the president: in the

back, throat, rear head and right temple. The final shot, an

exploding projectile, blew the right half of his brain out the

back of his head." - Richard Hooke, 2014

George H W Bush was photographed multiple times

moments prior to the execution. He was standing on the

sidewalk between the Texas School Book Depository and the

Dal-Tex Building. Incidentally, the Dal-Tex Building is where

Abraham Zapruder's business operated. Zapruder captured

the most famous images of the assassination on his 8mm


home-movie camera. His building also had windows open

during the motorcade's arrival in Dealey Plaza. Serious

researchers place George H W Bush on the second floor of the

Dal-Tex Building supervising one of many Operation 40 CIA

assassination teams triangulated in Dealey Plaza. An

enhanced photo of the open window appears to show a man

with George H W Bush's hairline leaning over a man looking

through the scope of a rifle. 97

So why did George H W Bush do it? Why did he supervise a

hit team to assassinate the President of the United States?

The answer is: He became a "made" man in the political world

of high-stakes, global, organized crime. The players, which

included his father, could now trust him. He had proven

himself, and they knew that he would never be able to rat

them out since they had such damning evidence to use

against him should he try.

Did it pay off?

George H W Bush is given the Directors position for the CIA.

He loses a run for Senate; he is given a seat in Congress

anyway. He loses another run for Senate; he is given a job at

the White House. He loses his bid for the Presidency; he is

given the Vice Presidency.

97 Hooke, Richard. JFK Researcher. Lee Harvey Oswald is Innocent; facebook Group

Page. 2014.


Johnson was not willing to leave anything to chance; his

future was riding on this mission. Johnson insisted on putting

one of his own men in Dealey Plaza, and he knew exactly

where. Johnson was good friends with DH Byrd, the owner of

the Texas School Book Depository. Johnson made

arrangements for at least one of the teams to be in the

building. Evidence suggests that there was a team on the

fourth floor, and we know there was a team on the sixth floor.

Johnson's hit man Mac Wallace was positioned on the sixth

floor with a reliable weapon, not the official weapon that was

"found" later in the day. We know because Wallace left a

fingerprint on a box of books stacked in the "sniper's nest" on

the sixth floor.

Other known conspirators that were operating in Dealey

Plaza include David Morales, Frank Sturgis, and Roco White

(Badge Man) a vicious thug planted on the Dallas Police force

just prior to the assassination. He also dabbled in photo

editing. Most research proves the famous image of Oswald

holding the rifle in his back yard, with shadows all going the

wrong directions, was White's posture and White's body with


Oswald's face pasted on. From the lip up it is Oswald, from

the lip down it is White. 98

Another important player in the coup was George de

Mohrenschildt (Dee-more-an-shield), Lee Harvey Oswald's

immediate CIA handler. 99 He reportedly was the person that

changed the motorcade route 100 , and was close

friends with George H W Bush. De

Mohrenschildt was intertwined deep in the

conspiracy plot with relationships to several of

the business and oil interests, specifically Clint


With the change of the motorcade route standard operating

procedure was violated. 100-200 agents would have lined the

sidewalks and rooftops. Agents would have ridden on the

custom steps of the limo. Building windows would have been

closed along the route. Snipers would be in place. No one

would have been allowed to open an umbrella or make hand

signals. The limo would never have been allowed to take this

route with such an unusual curve, remove the bubble top,

Google Images

98 Hooke, Richard. JFK Researcher. Lee Harvey Oswald is Innocent.

99 Baker. Me & Lee. Page 371 and 457.

100 Adamson, Bruce. The JFK Assassination Timeline Chart. Amazon Digital Services,

Inc. January 2012.


slow down below ten miles an hour, or come to a complete

stop for several seconds. 101

As the motorcade approached Dealey Plaza a man faked a

seizure. This incident distracted any medical and law

enforcement personnel in the area. Once the motorcade

traveled down Houston and began to make the unusual turn

onto Elm, Vice President Johnson is photographed already

with his head down. Johnson didn't even have the courtesy to

pull his wife down with him. The man faking the seizure would

never be identified.

Why would a lone assassin on the sixth floor of The School

Book Depository fail to take the easiest shots when the

limousine is slowly rolling toward him on Houston? The only

reason to wait until after the awkward turn onto Elm St, which

the driver actually runs into the curb directly under the

sniper's nest, has to stop, back up, then continue, is because

of triangulation of fire. Multiple assassins in multiple locations

meant the alleged shooter from the sixth floor had to wait

until JFK was in the kill zone.

As the first shot rang out the Secret Service all turned to

look behind them in the direction of The School Book

Depository building. This critical moment in history was being

101 Stone, Oliver. JFK. Warner Brothers Entertainment. 1991.


recorded from several angles. Possibly the most important

was from the infield grass of Dealey Plaza. Photojournalist Ike

Altgens captured an image that has become known as Altgens

Frame 6. The world's best forensic scientists have pointed out

and proven without question that Lee Harvey Oswald was

standing at the doorway of the School Book Depository

watching the motorcade drive past. Oswald did not fire any

shots at President Kennedy; he was "just a patsy."

Shots continued to volley in to the limo and when John

Connally was hit he exclaimed "My god, they're going to kill

us all." An odd statement in the context of what was

happening, unless he had knowledge of the plot. Witnesses

claim the limo came to a complete stop for up to three

seconds. The driver turned to look at the president as the final

shot exploded through JFK's head and drove his body back

and to the left, splattering the windshield of motorcycle escort

Officer Bobby Hargis.

During the calamity taking place after the execution there

were several witnesses that allegedly saw Oswald calmly

drinking a Coca-Cola in the second floor lunch room; though

the timeframe claims that he ran down four flights of stairs

from the sixth floor sniper's nest, unseen by coworkers, at an

impossible speed, and was not out of breath. Whether this

testimony is true or not he did escape the building before it


was sealed off by Dallas Police. Oswald would later be

identified by Officer Roger Craig at the Sheriff's Station.

As Officer Craig was maneuvering through the chaos he

notes people racing toward the Grassy Knoll and Rail Yard.

Craig observed a station wagon pull along the Elm Street

curb, the driver honked the horn, and a man ran down the

hill and got in. They drove away before Craig could reach

them and detain them for questioning. Researchers claim the

station wagon was used by Oswald's landlady, Ruth Paine, 102

though there is no record she owned it. The alleged cab and

bus ride that Oswald took to arrive at the theater where he

was apprehended did not take place. The time table does not

synchronize with events, and all passengers mysteriously

died before testifying that Oswald was not a commuter with


Deputy Constable Weitzman told the Warren Commission he

encountered "other officers, Secret Service as well" on the

grassy knoll. In 1975, he told reporter Michael Canfield the

man he saw produced credentials and told him everything

was under control. He said the man had dark hair, was of

medium height, and was wearing a light windbreaker. When

102 Baker. Me & Lee. Page 492 and page 498.


shown photos of Frank Sturgis and Bernard Barker, Weitzman

immediately pointed at Barker, saying, "Yes that's him." Just

to make sure, Canfield asked, "Was this the man who

produced the Secret Service credentials?" Weitzman

responded, "Yes, that's the same man." 103

Dallas patrolman JM Smith also ran up the grassy knoll. At

the top, he smelled gunpowder. Encountering a man, he

pulled his pistol from his holster. "Just as I did, he showed

me he was a Secret Service agent ... he saw me coming with

my pistol and right away he showed me who he was." 104

In the mid-70s, Dallas police sergeant David Harkness told

the House committee, "There were some Secret Service

agents there - on the grassy knoll - but I didn't get them

identified. They told me they were Secret Service." Sergeant

Harkness went to the REAR of the Texas School Book

Depository Building within a few minutes of the assassination.

When he arrived there, he encountered several "well-armed"

men dressed in suits. These "well-armed" men told Harkness

they were Secret Service agents. 105

103 Marrs, Jim. Crossfire: The Plot That Killed Kennedy. Perseus Books Group. New

York. Chapter The Man Who Was to Kill Oswald, page 118.

104 Testimony of Joe Marshall Smith. July 23, 1964. Office of the U.S. Attorney.

Transcript available online at

105 Hurt, Henry, Reasonable Doubt: An Investigation Into The Assassination Of John F.

Kennedy, New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1985. Pages 110-111.


According to a Secret Service report in the National

Archives, "All the Secret Service agents assigned to the

motorcade stayed with the motorcade all the way to the

hospital, none remained at the scene of the shooting." As a

reminder, tramp Chauncey Holt had been recently stationed

in Cuba manufacturing professional fake identifications.

Next to The School Book Depository building, George H W

Bush identified himself to several witnesses as a member of

the Secret Service. This claim was not believable to at least

one Dallas Police Officer on scene, as Bush was arrested by

Officer R E Vaughn. According to Roger Craig, Vaughn

approached Bush who was observed fleeing the Dal-Tex

Building. Upon questioning Bush he explained he was an

independent oil operator from Houston. Once in custody the

prisoner was taken from Vaughn by Dallas Police Detectives

and that was the last that he saw or heard of the suspect. 106

Seventeen-year-old George W Bush was also photographed

in Dealey Plaza. He was frantically searching for his father

with Abraham Zapruder's secretary, who just moments

before, was steadying her boss on top of the pedestal he

filmed the execution from. Zapruder had vertigo and she had

106 Craig, Roger. When They Kill a President. 1971. Downloaded October 23, 2014.


to reach up and grab his belt to hold on to him while he had

the optimum view of the execution. Zapruder owned a dress¬

making business located in the Dal-Tex Building. He was a

business partner of George de Mohrenschildt's wife. 107

Americans questioned the events that took place in Dealey

Plaza. Typically, we find that the earliest reports tend to be

the truest and most reliable. Public suspicion was fueled by

initial broadcast reports conflicting with subsequent reports.

The earliest reports, even the preliminary report from Dan

Rather, noted that the fatal head shot came from the front,

which were later altered.

Witnesses ran to the Grassy Knoll in droves where they saw

a muzzle flash and smoke from behind the picket fence. The

witnesses had their cameras confiscated. Most would be

ignored by the media. The persistent witnesses were bullied

into forgetting what they thought they saw by law

enforcement, and many died under mysterious circumstances

before testifying about what they observed.

The three well-dressed tramps that were apprehended and

escorted from the rail yard were also identified by forensic

107 Adamson, Bruce. The True Story Behind Oswald’s Best Friend: George de

Mohrenschildt. Accessed online, fall 2014.


scientists. They were Charles "Frenchy" Rogers, Charles

Harrelson, and Chauncey Holt - the paper bag he carried

concealed walkie-talkies and phony Secret Service IDs. 108

Harrelson is the estranged father of a famous actor.

Harrleson confessed his participation in the execution of

President Kennedy, but spent his last days in prison for

assassinating a judge. Harrelson died of cancer shortly after

the confession.

Chauncey Holt was quoted before his death as saying "there

were more mercenaries in Dealey Plaza that day than at a

Soldier of Fortune convention."

108 Dankbaar, Wim. Interview with Chauncey Holt. Accessed

online February 11, 2015, available at



No handcuffs.

The Three Tramps were Charles “Frenchy” Rogers, Charles

Harrelson, and Chauncey Holt. In the background is E Howard

Hunt’s wife who later died in a suspicious plane crash and was

reportedly higher rank in the CIA than her husband. Also, take a close

look at Oswald in the background talking to the officer.


109 Dankbaar, Wim. Lois Gibson presentation on the three tramps. May 16, 2013.



Upon arrival

at Parkland Memorial Hospital it was found to be jammed

from wall to wall with people wearing suits. They were in the

hallways, in the emergency rooms, everywhere. The

president's body was raced in and his wife followed. Jackie

sat on a chair outside of Trauma Room 1 and presented

attending surgeon Dr. Jenkins with portions of skull and brain.

Outside the hospital, brains and blood were washed from

the limousine, even before the president had been

pronounced dead. The car was a crime scene of epic

magnitude and evidence was immediately being destroyed.

LBJ ordered Governor Connally's suit to be taken and cleaned.

By Monday morning the limousine had been stripped, rebuilt,

and all original parts destroyed - including the windshield

which featured a bullet hole from the front. 110 The direction

of the blood and brain splatter along with the trajectory from

the bullet hole in the windshield were now lost. Existing

evidence was eliminated to prevent recreation of the attack.

Inside the hospital doctors were worried about JFK's carotid

artery as they initially notice a bullet hole of entry in the front

of the president's throat along the trachea. They used that

110 Ventura. They Killed Our President, page 34.


hole to insert the tracheal breathing tube. Doctors then

noticed the back half of Kennedy's head was an open exit

wound with the cerebellum falling out on to the gurney. Dr.

McClelland recalled that he could look down through the back

of the president's skull and saw a large section of the brain


At 1:00 the president was declared dead. A casket was

ordered to be brought down for JFK. In the meantime, Father

Huber attended to the president. As he finished Mrs. Kennedy

entered and asked the priest if he had given Jack last rights.

The priest replied he had "given conditional absolution to the

president." Jackie then exchanged wedding rings with Jack

and kissed his foot as she was escorted away.

There was a heated standoff over who had jurisdiction of the

body. Dr. Rose stopped the Secret Service attempting to

leave with the president's casket. He stood in front of the

casket and explained that Texas law requires an autopsy to

take place in Texas for murder victims. Dr. Rose was

physically picked up and set aside. He was forced out of the

way as the Secret Service absconded with the president's

body. The procession headed to Love Field where they

boarded Air Force 1 to make a getaway.

The rifle discovered on the 6 th floor was not a Carcano. The

Mannlicher-Carcano 6.5mm was "found" in a subsequent


search by FBI personnel later that day. The rifle had a

defective worn-out firing pin, the telescopic sight was not

accurately sighted in, and no ammunition clip was officially

reported. This lack of an ammunition clip requires the shooter

to load each bullet by hand individually. Without an

ammunition clip, rapid fire would be impossible. 111 Pair all of

that with the fact that a 6.5mm bullet is not physically capable

of exploding the president's head or leaving traces of

frangible ammunition in the head x-ray. 112

Officer Roger Craig, Constable Seymour Weitzman, Deputy

Eugene Boone, Captain Will Fritz, and Lieutenant JC Day

searched the sixth floor in the moments following the

shooting. They found the weapon during an extensive search

and identified it as a German Mauser 7.65mm - which was

clearly stamped on the barrel of the rifle. 113 Gerald Ford

ignored and eliminated this fact from the official report by the

Warren Commission but Officer Craig has documented the

event in his paper When They Kill a President.

Prior to Oswald's arrest in the movie theater, Officer JD

Tippit was murdered several blocks out of the way, not in line

with the theater or Oswald's alleged bus route. The murder

111 Ventura. They Killed Our President, page 53.

112 Ventura. They Killed Our President, page 166

113 Craig. When They Kill a President, page 12.


was pinned on Oswald, though most researchers believe

Tippit was one of the active participants in the assassination

and was silenced by other insiders to the plot. Researcher

Francis Connolly goes so far as to assert that Tippit's body

had to be harvested to produce a look-alike corpse for wounds

to be inflicted that would match the lone gunman story. 114

The irony is that more than a half hour prior to Tippit's

murder, the Dallas Police issued a warrant for Oswald's

arrest. The murder of Officer Tippit was what Oswald would

officially be charged with later that evening.

Once in custody, Oswald was taken back to Dealey Plaza to

the Sheriff's Station. This is where Officer Craig identified him

as being the man that ran down the hill and rode off in Ruth

Paine's station wagon. In Oswald's possession was a Minox

Subminiature Spy Camera with a five digit serial number. 115

According to the Minox Corporation their cameras that were

commercially available contained six digit serial numbers.

However, the five digit serial numbered units were

untraceable and Minox could not provide sales information.

114 Connolly, Francis R. JFK to 9/11: Everything is a Rich Man’s Trick. November 19,

2014. 2 hours 6 minute mark. Accessed online, available at

115 Marrs, Jim. Lee Harvey Oswald's Phone Call Before His Assassination. Youtube.

December 21, 2015. 1:08:34 minute mark. Available online at


During his extensive questioning, Oswald maintained his

innocence and had a personality which made those involved

feel as if he were in charge despite being under arrest. At one

point during his interrogation, Oswald stated "now everyone

is going to know who I am" out of disgust. The inference was

that his cover had been blown by the publicity.

Initially Oswald claimed he did not know why he was

arrested and stated he had not been charged. Keep in mind

that Oswald was a covert agent, he had been to the Soviet

Union and back, he was involved with Dr. Oschner's

experiments, and he helped Ferrie smuggle arms. Oswald's

world was based upon deception. In the beginning he likely

believed he just needed to keep quiet and his handlers would

come to retrieve him as they did with George H W Bush.

This explains his genuine look of shock when a reporter

informed him he had been charged with murdering the

president. As a result, we can see that Oswald's attitude

began to change. In a subsequent statement Oswald

exclaimed he was just a patsy. The department continued

their interrogations, only the length of which now suggests

Oswald started talking. Interestingly, on such a monumental

occurrence, protocol was violated and veteran police officers

claim that none of Oswald's testimony was recorded during

his marathon questioning.


To say that Oswald is innocent is not simply a black or white

statement; there are varying shades of grey involved.

Oswald was clearly standing in the doorway of The School

Book Depository as the first shots were fired, which forensic

science has proven using the Altgens image. He did not pull

any triggers or fire any bullets at the president. However, he

was up to his neck in covert operations. His job was duplicity

and he was clearly competent as an agent.


The Cover-up

Before leaving Parkland hospital

Mrs. Kennedy was asked to change her dress. She replied

"No, I want the American people to see what "THEY" did to

my husband." She didn't say "he," she didn't say "someone,"

she said "they." [The following year Jackie hired an

investigator that successfully uncovered four of the gunmen,

according to her butler. Jackie and her children's lives were

threatened if she ever released the evidence.] 116

Mrs. Kennedy was then swiftly escorted aboard Air Force 1,

which makes a getaway, not a take-off. Johnson insisted on

being sworn-in as president immediately upon boarding the

plane. He added insult to injury by calling a grieving Bobby

Kennedy to mull over his options, then took the oath of office

directly beside the newly widowed Jacqueline Kennedy.

Johnson did not place his hand on a bible for the Oath of

Office; instead he used JFK's Catholic Prayer Missal.

In the uncropped version of the photo, you can clearly see

the celebratory glee on the face of Johnson's supporters in

116 Cafarakis, Christian. The Fabulous Jackie. Productions de Paris. 1972.


the background. Johnson even turned to Texas Congressman

Albert Thomas and he winked. Thomas would later be

responsible for bringing the Johnson Space Center to Dallas.


James Huggins

The Kennedy family

had a personal friend on the inside, his name was James

Huggins. He was an ex-CIA operator who was flown by Bobby

Kennedy to Bethesda Naval Hospital as a trusted witness for

the autopsy that evening. Huggins observed the right half of

his president's head was "blown away." He had a bullet hole

in his throat which was an entry wound, a bullet hole in his

back, and a bullet hole in his chest; which when the doctors

began to explore, The Admiral in charge stopped them and

stated there would be no complete autopsy. The doctors

probed the wound and found a .308 Magnum round. They also


found a second bullet in the chest cavity. Huggins personally

probed the president's back wound with his little finger until

it reached the bullet which stayed in the president and was

not retrieved.

Huggins states that the first shot came from the Grassy

Knoll and hit his president in the throat. During the autopsy

Huggins ignored intense protest of the doctors and the

Admiral and took a glass probe from the tray of autopsy

instruments, he stuck it in the left side of the president's head

wound and pushed the rod through his head which followed a

path originating above the right ear. "They have portrayed

the president to have a bullet wound in the back of his head

that was an entry wound, that's bullshit."

The president's casket did not return on Air Force One with

LBJ and Jackie, it was flown separately on the support plane.

Huggins claims there was a casket on Air Force One but it did

not contain the president's body. Instead it contained the

body of an Air Force Officer who just happened to suffer a

head wound. Huggins believed the reason for the

doppelganger was to begin building a case for non¬


"There were a lot of people involved. The Military Industrial

Complex, the CIA, the FBI, Secret Service, Dallas Police, and


South American Intelligence types were involved with killing

my president and my friend, John Kennedy." 117

To the plotters of the assassination, JFK was perceived as a

traitor. They looked upon his murder as the execution of a

turncoat during war. The penalty for treason was death.

According to them, Kennedy appeased Castro, where instead

of deposing him at the Bay of Pigs, he paid Castro millions of

dollars and humiliated our country. Kennedy also conducted

"unauthorized" negotiations with Khrushchev about

disarmament. Kennedy's whole drive to end the Cold War

with the Soviets was perceived as treachery. 118

New Zealand newspapers printed Oswald's picture, entire

history, and guilt, within seven hours our time from the actual

assassination taking place. It would take an additional four

hours before Dallas Police would charge him with any crime.

George H W Bush flew to Washington, D.C. the following day

to meet with and threaten J Edgar Hoover. Previously Hoover

117 Roy, Alan. Eyewitness Testimony: Kennedy Assassination by Ex-CIA Agent James

Huggins. Youtube. November 22, 2013. Accessed online, available at

118 Hankey, John. Dark Legacy II. Alice in Arms Productions. June 2014. Synergetic

Distribution. Viewed October 12, 2014.


seized Prescott Bush's Nazi Union Bank of New York in 1942,

and now he was again meddling in CIA operations by

investigating the assassination. Hoover responded deftly by

creating the memo recording his conversations with a Mr.

George Bush of the CIA. 119 To date George H W Bush denies

ever being an employee of the CIA prior to his appointment

as CIA Director in 1976.

Former CIA operative Robert Morrow claims that Hoover had

learned in advance of both the contract on JFK and the

ensuing plot to assassinate him. In his book, Morrow asserts

the contract "called for the assassination of the president

prior to November 4, 1964 (the date of the next presidential

election), and was clearly the directive of New Orleans crime

boss Carlos Marcello." 120

Gerald Ford was so close to Hoover that he served as the

FBI director's informant while he was on the Warren

Commission. This is confirmed by an internal FBI memo from

December 12, 1963. 121 The memo written to Hoover by his

deputy Cartha DeLoach states: "Ford indicated he would keep

119 Hoover, J. Edgar. Memorandum to the State Department advising a briefing to Mr

George Bush of the CIA. November 29, 1963.

120 Morrow, Robert. First Hand Knowledge : How I Participated in the CIA-Mafia Murder

of President Kennedy. SPI Books, New York. November 1, 1993. Page 192.

121 Hoover, J. Edgar. Memorandum for Mr. Tolson. December 12, 1963.


me thoroughly advised as to the activities of the commission.

He stated that would have to be done on a confidential basis;

however, he thought it had to be done." 122 The Washington

Post disclosed the memo in 1991. Newsweek had earlier

described Ford as "the CIA's best friend in Congress." 123

Hoover biographer Curt Gentry concurs that Ford was

Hoover's informant on the commission. In fact, in his 1991

book J Edgar Hoover, Gentry notes that the Hoover-Ford

connection went back a number of years. Discussing the FBI's

"favored politicians," the author said such people "were

warned who their opponents would be, what background they

had, and what skeletons might be hidden in their closets. In

some cases, they were even elected with the FBI's help. By

1946 the bureau had become so impressed with that young

congressional hopeful; they arranged support for Gerald Ford.

Ford then expressed his thanks in his maiden speech before

the House by requesting a pay raise for J Edgar Hoover."

President Richard Nixon later described the "Oswald did it

by himself scenario" as "the greatest hoax that has ever been


122 Stephens, Joe. Ford Told FBI of Skeptics on Warren Commission. The Washington

Post. August 8, 2008.

123 Tague, James. LBJ and the Kennedy Killing. Trine Day Publishing. Walterville, OR.

October 22, 2013. Chapter 46: Gerald Ford’s Big Lie and the Magic Bullet.


Jack Ruby

We are told that

in order to spare Mrs. Kennedy further grief of a trial; the

bumbling and incompetent, low-level mafia thug, Jack Ruby

stumbled in to the Dallas Sheriff's Station, and seized an

opportunity to kill Oswald as he just happened to be led out

in front of the crowd at that exact moment.

Jack Ruby was a member of the mafia, he ran a gentlemen's

club in Dallas. He also knew Lee Harvey Oswald since he was

young. 124 Oswald once introduced Judyth Vary Baker to Ruby

at David Ferrie's apartment. 125 They worked with many of

the same people. The mafia, the CIA, and the FBI did have

that working relationship mutually benefitting one another

since WWII. Ruby's job was a go-between for delivering

money and arranging storage of weapons. He also used his

club to entertain important guests to make business deals and

create working relationships.

It was Ruby's responsibility to clean-up loose ends since

Oswald was not meant to survive the assassination and

divulge information. This is why Ruby was let into the Sheriff's

Station and Oswald was not brought out to transport until

Ruby was in position. His tardiness and purchase of a

124 Haslam. Dr. Mary’s Monkey, page 307.

125 Vary Baker. Me & Lee, page 233.


MoneyGram was an attempt at an alibi that the killing was

not premeditated.

While in prison Ruby became ill. Sheriff Decker would not

permit him medical attention but finally allowed a psychiatrist

to examine Ruby who diagnosed him with a cold. Ruby stated

to all his guards, the jail supervisor, and the assistant District

Attorney "they are going to kill me." When Ruby was to be

moved to a different prison, the Sheriff of Wichita Falls

refused to accept Ruby due to how ill he was. Only then was

Ruby sent to Parkland Hospital where he died a few days

later. 126 Ruby claimed he was injected with cancer. Dead men

tell no tales...

Monday, November 25, 1963, John F Kennedy Jr. spent his

third birthday surrounded by people dressed in black. That

morning he saluted his father as the caisson rolled by to take

the slain president (we hope) to his final resting place.

Johnson met with his military advisors on Tuesday,

November 26, 1963 - one day after Kennedy was buried.

During this meeting Johnson signed National Security Memo

273. This basically reversed Kennedy's anti-war stance and

126 Craig. When They Kill A President, page 20.


plan of troop withdrawal from Vietnam. During the meeting

Johnson stated "get me elected and I'll get you your damn

war." The memo granted permission to begin covert

operations against the North Vietnamese and would

eventually lead to the false flag claims at the fictional Gulf of

Tonkin incident that ignited the Vietnam War. 127

A few days after the coup, a drunk and guilt-ridden Mac

Wallace made a confession to Rod Mackenzie.

"There was this meeting at Murchison's mansion on

November 21, 1963 around 7:00 through 9:00 or 9:30 pm.

They called it a Victory Party for Lyndon Baines Johnson who

was soon to be president. Mac Wallace had been LBJ's hitman

for years taking his contracts through Cliff Carter. That was

well known in the circles I travelled in those days so I was

really hooked with the babble of the now saturated Mac


All the big wigs were at the party however the ones that

were not in the know thought it was supposed to be for

Richard Nixon and J Edgar Hoover to be recognized for some

award or another. Everyone was in town for the Pepsi Cola

Convention and LBJ had been there all afternoon. I noted that

127 Bumiller, Elisabeth. Records Show Doubts on ’64 Vietnam Crisis. The New York

Times. New York. July 14, 2010.


I had seen Nixon at the Cabana (Dallas Cabana Motel) that

night as well as in Frank Sturgis' gal's room. Mac said after

the speeches and meeting, which everyone that went to the

meeting in a separate room, was enlightened and agreed that

John F Kennedy was to be shot the next day. Some did not

know the particulars but they all agreed to it and Hoover had

everyone sign a paper to that effect and Johnson also had a

separate signed sheet of paper. So it was a conspiracy of the

big wigs in that room with no doubts.

Clyde Tolson (J Edgar Hoover's life partner) was the driver

that took LBJ, Mac Wallace, John J McCone, a man called

Bishop and Cliff Carter to Pat Kirkwood's "The Cellar", in Ft

Worth, after the Victory Party at Murchison's mansion. The

party was continued, he said, after they left...Lyndon was

raving and really venting with statements that after tomorrow

that "fucking Kennedy bastard" would never bother him again

and that Connally and Yarborough would be out of his hair for

good. Later Cliff Carter went through a check list of the hit

persons they had ready... Mac was in charge and the planning

had been done to the person that would hit the three people

to be shot that next day right down to the amount of bullets

to be used.

The people in the insider's meeting, at the Murchison

mansion, were as follows:


Clint Peoples, Mac Wallace, Bill Decker, Clint Murchison, HL

Hunt, Cliff Carter, John Connally, WO Bankston, Carlos

Marcello, John Roselli, Joseph P Dugan, Richard Nixon, Sam

Giancana, Carlos Marcello, Joe Civello, Don Smith, Joe

Yarborough, Jack Rubenstein (Ruby), Maurice Bishop, Clay

Bertram (Shaw), Jack Grimm, Larry Campbell, George Brown,

John J McCloy, Amon G Carter, Clyde Tolson, J Edgar Hoover,

Earle Cabell, BR Sheffield, John Currington, RL Thornton, and

David Ferrie. All of these people signed an affidavit that they

wanted Kennedy killed the next day and not just one paper

but two, one that Hoover had Clyde Tolson take and the other

Johnson folded and placed in his suit breast pocket. There

was a lot of others at that party and just a few are Shirley

Pauling, Gordon McClendon, Don Newbury, Phil Elliot, David

Blair, Lex D Owens, Neil Spelce, Frank Cormier, Madeleine

Brown, Val Imm, Dick Kantazar, Helen Thomas, Ted Powers

and Frank Cornier. There were others plus a number of

household and chauffeurs as well as three workers that were

used in other capacities for the party (a gardener and two

maintenance people).

Most of the first list were not involved directly in the killing,

however a few of them were; Cliff Carter, Carlos Marcello,

Jack Grimm, Jack Rubenstein, Mac Wallace and George


Reese. These were the people that were at the Murchison

Ranch that also actually were on the hit teams. According to

Mac there were twenty-six people on these teams and they

were as follows:

COMMAND AREA at the second floor of The School Book

Depository: Cliff Carter, Carlos Marcello, Jack Rubenstein,

George Reese

IN THE ALLEY BEHIND THE FENCE and above the so-called

GRASSY KNOLL: Clyde Foust, John Ernst, Jack Grimm, Joe


UNDER THE BRIDGE in case the PRESIDENT was not shot and

above in the Rail Road area (these people were never used):

Charles Harrelson, Percy Chauncey Holt, Charles Frederick

Rogers, a man called "Dimitri."


Weatherford, Roger Craig, Richard Scalzetti, Michael Victor

Mertz (Jean Souetre)


DEPOSITORY in the nest and other set up areas: Ruth Anne

Martinez, Lee Harvey Oswald (under a spell according to

Mac), Malcolm "Mac" Wallace, and Lawrence Loy Factor

THE DAL-TEX BUILDING the team was supposed to be on the

top but had problems??? Eugene Hale Brading, Frank Fiorini

(Sturgis), Rafael "Chi Chi" Quitero, Richard Cain.


This is the list of who was there as shooting teams on

November 22, 1963 according to Malcolm "Mac" Wallace who

was second in command of the whole shooting match. By the

time he had got to tell this remarkable relation of his own

guilt as well as the others I was sure he was telling the truth.

He was drinking hard and he was a violent man as well as a

very well-known hit-man and enforcer around Texas. I was

worried that the knowledge I had gleaned would cause my

demise as well.

This man had no conscience I knew and if he felt threatened

he would do the killing just to be sure. It crossed my mind to

nail him but the girls would have known and I sure would not

do a "no witness cleaning job." I had only killed in self-

preservation in combat to that time and decided that because

Wallace did drink and forget that my chances were pretty

good if I got out of there as soon as he passed out. He told

me his job was to kill John Connally not the president but he

got both of them." 128

Wallace allegedly stated officer Roger Craig was on the roof

of the County Records Building, Oswald was in the sixth floor

128 Hooke, Richard. Mac Wallace's Post Assassination Confession to Rod Mackenzie.

NFESSION%20-%20single%20paper.pdf Accessed online, 10-29-2014.


of The School Book Depository, and doesn't mention George

H W Bush at the Dal-Tex building. These are discrepancies we

have proof to refute. However, his statement should be noted

for historical record, as some truth is clearly contained within.

There were no coincidences in Dealey Plaza.

By 1963 the CIA had strengthened its influence on the

media through Operation Mockingbird. Most notably was their

control over Time and Life Magazines, and The New York Post.

Time Magazine purchased the Zapruder Film and locked it

away for twelve years. The film was edited by Kodak. 129 What

would eventually be released to the public would be a poorly

degraded copy that was heavily doctored to fit the demands

of the CIA. This is especially evident with modern day

technology. If you view the Zapruder Film on a high definition

television it blows up the image so large that any layman can

clearly see the evidence of tampering in the pixilation.

Public suspicion was also fueled by rumors surrounding

unknown individuals making impromptu appearances at

college campuses and playing an unedited copy of the

Zapruder Film. College students would attest that the quality

129 Lahman, Sean. Zapruder Film Analysis Still Disputed. USA Today. McLean, VA.

November 22, 2013.


of the film was far superior in resolution to what would be

released in 1975; that it clearly depicted a minimum of eight

shots fired; that the driver comes to a complete stop for three

seconds enabling the fatal head shots; and that the final shot

was far more graphic and clearly originated from the direction

of the Grassy Knoll.

To complicate a recreation of the events, the city of Dallas

ordered the street to be repaved making it several inches

higher. The city also moved and shortened light and sign

poles randomly. 130 One light pole was moved six inches.

Presumably, the purpose was so truth seekers would no

longer be able to line-up photographic evidence on scene

using these landmarks.

130 Wikipedia. Dealey Plaza. The Kennedy Assassination. Available online at


Hooke, Richard.

Lee Harvey Oswald is Innocent.


Hypothesis Confirming Observations

Patterns of Alignment

Hooke, Richard. George H W Bush and the Murder of JFK.



Hooke, Richard. Lee Harvey Oswald is Innocent.


In 1975, CIA Chief William Colby testified in Washington D.C. that George HW Bush and E. Howard Hunt were heads of

two of the CIA hit teams, in Dealey Plaza, that assassinated President Kennedy; Colby was subsequently fired. _

Hooke, Richard. George H W Bush and the Murder of JFK.


"One day all the lies will collapse under their own weight,

and the truth will once again triumph."

- Dr. Joseph Goebbels


Lyndon B Johnson

On November 25, 1963

the day of John F Kennedy's funeral, a document was sent to

the White House. While Bobby Kennedy was out of the office

attending the ceremony, Assistant Attorney General Nicholas

Katzenbach sent a memorandum to Bill Moyers of the new

Johnson Administration. This would come to be referred to as

the Katzenbach Memo.

Three days after the assassination the investigation had

barely gotten under way. This was merely a formality as the

government had a specific agenda and any evidence that may

have been collected would need to fit the preconceived course

of action. The memo states, "The public must be satisfied that

Oswald was the assassin; that he did not have confederates

who are still at large; and that evidence was such that he

would have been convicted at trial."

The letter continues, "Speculation about Oswald's

motivation ought to be cut off, and we should have some

basis for rebutting thought that this was a Communist

conspiracy or (as the Iron Curtain press is saying) a right-


wing conspiracy to blame it on the Communists.

Unfortunately the facts on Oswald seem about too pat - too

obvious (Marxist, Cuba, Russian wife, etc.). The Dallas police

have put out statements on the Communist conspiracy

theory, and it was they who were in charge when he was shot

and thus silenced."

To conclude the instructions to the White House, the

Attorney General's Office recommended an official committee

to form and research the events for the peace of mind of the

American people. Katzenbach advised "the appointment of a

Presidential Commission of unimpeachable personnel to

review and examine the evidence and announce its

conclusions." He ended by advocating a quick public

announcement to "head off speculation or Congressional

hearings of the wrong sort." 131

The Warren Commission

To lead this panel of unimpeachable personnel Chief Justice

Earl Warren was selected to preside over the council. Warren

was responsible for the American Internment Camps during

WWII where citizens of Japanese, German, and Italian

descent were detained on American soil. The purpose of the

131 Katzenbach, Nicholas. Memorandum for Mr Moyers. November 25, 1963.


Commission was to find evidence supporting the

preconceived notion of the lone nut assassin and convince the

American public of Oswald's guilt. Warren began to assemble

his team.

After being fired by JFK the former Director of the CIA, Allen

Dulles, was appointed to the commission. It is Dulles'

responsibility to make sure the assassination is thoroughly

investigated and the facts are obtained, wherever they may

lead to. The choice makes total sense, right?

LBJ phoned his unwilling mentor, Senator Richard Russell

and bullied him into serving on the Commission. In colorful

language and thinly veiled threats Johnson treated his mentor

with the lack of respect Johnson is remembered for. The

conversation was recorded and is available online. 132 Senator

Russell was the primary dissenting opinion on the final

findings of the Warren Commission's Report. 133

To prove Oswald's guilt, the Commission needed a theory

which utilized the three spent cartridges found neatly in a row

on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository. An

ambitious young staffer named Arlen Specter stepped in with

132 David Von Pein’s JFK Channel. Phone Call: Lyndon Johnson & Richard Russell

(11/29/63). August 27, 2013.

133 Biancolli, Dani E., "The First Dissenter: Richard B Russell and the Warren

Commission" (2002). Dissertations, Theses, and Masters Projects. Paper 1539626373.



the answer. Specter concocted the Single-bullet or "Magic-

bullet" theory. It stated that the second shot from Oswald's

6.5mm Carcano rifle, which had a defective firing pin and was

not sighted in, created all the damage to both Kennedy and

Connally. The bullet "magically" changed direction several

times in midair causing seven entry wounds and seven exit

wounds in total before departing Connally's wrist in pristine

condition. Specter theorized the first shot was the missed

shot that hit a curb and wounded onlooker James Tague's

cheek near the underpass, and the third shot was the fatal

shot to the president's head.

Specter's eagerness to play ball won him a career seat in

the Pennsylvania Senate as his reward. I am from

Pennsylvania. I cannot name a single person who has ever

admitted to voting for Arlen Specter. This is troubling. Not

only does this suggest that we have not legitimately elected

a president since 1963, but it also implies that other high-

profile leadership positions are filled in a non-democratic


Specter could not prove the "Magic-bullet" theory without

help. Congressman Gerald Ford forged the autopsy records

and moved the position of the bullet hole in the president's

back. He raised the wound up higher so the trajectory of the

bullet's magical path could be somewhat believable by


rational people. 134 Ford also eliminated from the report that

the first search of the Texas School Book Depository

recovered a Mauser 7.65mm rifle on the sixth floor.

Respected researcher and author Richard Charnin has

detailed other sinister findings. Charnin focused his attention

on the fifty-one witnesses that claimed shots were fired from

the Grassy Knoll area. 135 Those fifty-one witnesses were

bullied in attempted coercion and then ignored by the final


The Commission, failing to change the memories of

witnesses, dismissed them with a wave of the hand. "No

credible evidence," says the Report, "suggests that the shots

were fired from the railroad bridge over the Triple Underpass,

the nearby railroad yards or any place other than the Texas

School Book Depository." 136

"No credible evidence! It is clear how the Commission

reached this absurd conclusion. Once it was committed to the

thesis that there could be only one assassin and no

accomplices, it readily accepted the clues pointing to Lee

Oswald in the TSBD (The School Book Depository). Now that

the assassin and his place were identified, it became

134 Ventura. They Killed Our President, page 221.

135 Feldman, Harold. Fifty-One Witnesses: The Grassy Knoll. The Nation. 1965.

Available online, l_wits.html

136 Warren Commission Final Report, page 61.


'incredible' that any other assassin or any other source of

shots could exist. Ergo, any evidence that there was another

assassin and another shot source is not 'credible'." 137 -Richard


CIA Document #1035-960

The CIA went into

damage control mode utilizing Operation Mockingbird to

combat widespread disbelief after the Warren Commission

Report was released to the public finding Lee Harvey Oswald

as the lone assassin. They issued CIA document #1035-960,

CIA Instructions to Media Assets: RE: Concerning Criticism

of the Warren Report. It was marked "DESTROY WHEN NO

LONGER NEEDED" plus "PSYCH" and "CS" for Psychological

Warfare Unit of Clandestine Services Department of United

States Central Intelligence Agency. 138

The document instructs on the "discrediting of the

conspiracy theorists, so as to inhibit the circulation of such

claims in other countries." Section three instructs the media

to assert that conspiracy talk is being deliberately generated

by communist propagandists. It continues that assets are to

137 Charnin, Richard. JFK. JFK Conspiracy and Systemic Election Fraud Analysis.

138 Ventura. They Killed Our President, page 241.


point out that dissenting opinions against the Commission's

Report are to be either (I) wedded to theories adopted before

the evidence was in, (II) politically motivated, (III) financially

motivated, (IV) hasty or inaccurate in their research, or (V)

infatuated with their own theories.

The CIA suggests that when encountering conspiracy

theorists that reporters should single them out and employ

Epstein's theory for attack.

Section four provides specific talking points which we have

heard repeatedly since 1963. They instruct the media to insist

that RFK would be the last man to overlook or conceal any

conspiracy. That Ford would not have held his tongue for the

sake of the democratic administration. That Senator Russell

would have had every political interest in exposing misdeeds

on the part of Chief Justice Warren. That a conspirator would

not choose a location for shooting where so much depended

on conditions beyond his control: the route, the speed of the

car, the moving target, and the risk that the assassin would

be discovered. And that a group of wealthy conspirators could

have arranged much more secure conditions. Section four

continues that any vague accusations concerning mysterious

witness deaths can always be explained in some natural way.


The final instructions in the document are to counter

speculation whenever possible by referencing the Warren

Commission Report itself. 139

Robert F Kennedy

Bobby Kennedy knew

who was behind his brother's coup. Agent Huggins provided

Bobby with information, even autopsy photos. Bobby ran for

president in order to have the power to bring those

responsible to justice. Unfortunately the CIA was one step

ahead of him. CIA Chief of Counter Intelligence, James Jesus

Angleton had Bobby's phones bugged since discovering he

was acting as a mediator to go between JFK and Khrushchev

while negotiating peace. 140 This was treason as far as they

were concerned, after working so hard to create a cold war;

it was only a matter of time before Bobby would have to be

killed too.

RFK had just won the Primary Election and polls showed him

as the favorite to win in November. While campaigning he

gave a speech at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles on

139 CIA Document #1035-960. RE: Concerning Criticism of the Warren Report. April 1,

1967. Available online,


140 Hooke, Richard. Bobby Kennedy - Reasons He Had to Be Killed single paper.pdf

Accessed online December 29, 2014. Facebook Group: Lee Harvey Oswald is Innocent!


June 6, 1968. As he was being escorted away by security,

they broke with protocol and the procession detoured through

the hotel's kitchen where Kennedy was shot and killed.

The patsy blamed for the assassination was a man named

Sirhan Sirhan who had been processed by the MK Ultra

program. The official story claims Sirhan shot Bobby in the

back of the head at point blank range, though security guards

testified Sirhan never got close enough to fire those shots and

only fired into the air wildly as a distraction. The kitchen crime

scene sustained thirteen shots as confirmed by audio

recording; Sirhan's pistol could only hold eight bullets.

Witnesses, who would not be permitted to testify, identified

the shooter as Thane Eugene Cesar, another CIA agent. As

the assassination unfolded, witnesses all reported a woman

in a polka-dot dress. She served to distract the procession

while "activating" Sirhan. She then ran down a fire escape

yelling "we shot him." Investigating officers made three

records of these eye-witness accounts, all of which


In all, 1200 photographs were confiscated and destroyed.

Scott Enyart photographed the assassination while standing

on a table. His rolls of film were confiscated by authorities.

Enyart petitioned the courts for return of his film. He received


eighteen photos back, and those photos were promptly stolen

from his car on the way home. 141

Dr. William J Bryan was employed by the CIA and FBI. He

served as the technical advisor for the movie The Manchurian

Candidate. Dr. Bryan phoned KABC radio and explained on-

air what had happened. He would later go on to establish the

American Institute of Hypnosis, and would hypnotize the

Boston Strangler in prison after being arrested.

Liaison for the FBI and LAPD, Dr. William Kroger wrote a

book on mystical orders, hypnosis, and auto-hypnosis using

the pseudonym Jonathan Risner. His co-author from the book

claimed Dr. Kroger programmed Sirhan. Dr. Kroger knew Jack

Ruby, Sam Giancana, and Jack White the Chief Field Officer

for MK Ultra. 142

Sirhan repetitiously wrote the phrases "RFK must die,"

"$100,000," and "Please pay to the order of Sirhan" in a

notebook. Upon arrest Sirhan immediately selected attorney

Grant Cooper from a list, despite never having heard of him

before. Cooper took the case for free. Previously he had

experience representing Johnny Roselli, and he created the

motive that Sirhan had been upset with RFK for providing jets

141 Ventura. American Conspiracies. Chapter VI, 12:20.

142 Ventura. American Conspiracies. Chapter VI, 25:30 - 26:45


to Israel. Sirhan first asked Cooper "If I got the money, where

is it?" Sirhan later stated "Cooper sold me out." 143

Operation Mockingbird was solidified with the death of RFK.

At this point the CIA begins to control the media with a

purpose of dividing and distracting us over trivial issues so

we do not unite against them.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Dr. King had to be silenced

to end the anti-war movement which had been gaining

momentum. Dr. King spoke of peace and equality. Peace is

not profitable, so

Operation Detachment

Alpha 184 snipers were

dispatched to Memphis

April 4, 1968 to insure the

assassination succeeded.

James Earl Ray was

merely another patsy. The King family met with Ray in prison,

he told them he didn't kill Dr. King, and they believe him. The

assassination was handled by Carlos Marcello using local

mafia hit men to make the actual kill. 144 As with other high-

143 Ventura. American Conspiracies. Chapter VI, 26:50.

144 Gorton. Fifty Years of the Deep State, page 8.


profile assassinations, the targets are always under military

intelligence surveillance, but the surveillance never notices

the true assassins.

Ray was obsessed with hypnosis and he met with Dr. Xavier

von Koss from the MK Ultra program on multiple occasions.

Ray repetitiously wrote a phrase that now was "the time for

all good men to come to the aide of their country." 145

The King family filed a wrongful death suit in circuit court in

1999, though it was not covered by the media. The transcript

is available online at The King Center. Judge Joe Brown spent

two years examining technical questions regarding the

murder weapon and said that 67% of the bullets from the test

did not match the murder weapon. He was subsequently

removed from the case for showing bias.

Anomalies abound as witnesses at the scene claimed the

shot was fired from the bushes on the retaining wall. Those

bushes were promptly removed and the site altered. The

bullet recovered did not fit the cartridge for the alleged rifle,

the rifle was not sighted-in, and Ray did not possess the skill

to make the shot. Four police units were mysteriously

withdrawn from the area. 146 Sound familiar?

145 Ventura. American Conspiracies. Chapter V, 29:15.

146 Ventura. American Conspiracies. Chapter V.



As President Johnson

sent the country to war in Vietnam using untruths regarding

the Gulf of Tonkin incident, 147 Bell Helicopter profited

substantially. Bell Helicopter was going bankrupt until The

First National Bank of Boston, approached the CIA about

redesigning it for use in South East Asia. The owner of Bell

Helicopter was Ruth Paine's step-father, Arthur Young.

Young's partner and designer of the helicopter was President

Johnson's personal pilot, Joseph Mashman. 148

The F-lll fighter jet was manufactured by General

Dynamics of Fort Worth, TX. This company originally was

started by Arthur Leopold Busch and would eventually be

owned by Lockheed Martin. Secretary of Defense, Robert

McNamara, chose General Dynamics after four rounds of

bidding over Boeing.

The North Vietnamese were so out-gunned and out-manned

that the planners had to make adjustments; otherwise the

war would have ended in months. The US Generals decided

to decrease the number of soldiers drafted and maintain a

force where the battle lines stayed relatively in the same

147 Wikipedia. Pentagon Papers. Available online at

148 Adamson, Bruce. The JFK Assassination Timeline Chart. Amazon Digital Services,

Inc. January 2012.


location. This policy was reinforced by strategic planning to

return US Soldiers to base camps rather than allow them to

defend land they had fought to liberate. The generals also

facilitated alcohol and drug shipments to keep our soldiers

impaired on a regular basis. 149

Ford Motor Company upgraded the Viet Cong's capabilities

by sending vehicles to the Soviet's Gorkey plant in Russia to

then be shipped to the battlefront. It just so happens that the

former president of Ford Motor Company was Secretary of

Defense McNamara. 150 Fie played a major role in escalating

US involvement in the Vietnam War and would go on to lead

the World Bank from 1968-1981. 151

The concept of equipping the Vietcong would come from

[Nixon's] National Security Advisor Flenry Kissinger, who

reportedly sold the idea that by giving military technology to

the Soviets would temper their global territorial ambitions. It

is sufficient to state that Kissinger aroused considerable

concern over his motivations, including his Madman

149 McElroy, Wendy. U.S. Government Guilty of Creating Heroin Addicts. The Daily Bell.

October 16, 2014. Available online at


150 Weiner, Tim. Robert S. McNamara, Architect of a Futile War, Dies at 93. The New

York Times. July 7, 2009.

151 Wikipedia. Robert McNamara. Available online at

https://en.wikipedia. 0 rg/wiki/R 0 bert_McNamara#President_ 0 f_F 0 rd_M 0 t 0 r_C 0 mpany


Strategy. 152 Not least of which that he had been a paid family

employee of the Rockefellers since 1958 and has served as

International Advisory Committee Chairman of the Chase

Manhattan Bank, a Rockefeller concern. 153

The CIA initiated the Phoenix Program of recruiting

hardened criminals, Viet Cong defectors, and various ethnic

minorities like the Hmong, and Montagnards forming brutal

death squads trained in methods of covert war. They would

sneak into a village at night and brutally slaughter someone

they suspected of working with the National Liberation Front

(NLF) along with their families and witnesses, and then hope

the attack would be blamed on the Viet Cong themselves.

Ironically, they called the tactic counter terror, when what

they were doing was actual terrorism.

US Special Forces acted as advisers sometimes training the

Provincial Reconnaissance Units (PRU) guerilla teams, they

were, and continue to be, CIA foot soldiers. 154 The CIA also

staged false flag terror attacks by bombing theaters and

152 Burr, William and Kimball, Jeffrey. Nixon, Kissinger, and the Madman Strategy during

Vietnam War. The National Security Archive. George Washington University. May 29,


153 Sutton, Anthony. The Best Enemy Money Can Buy. Dauphin Publications. Chapter

Two: American Trucks in Korea and Vietnam - For the Other Side. 1986.

154 Turner, Hugo. The CIA’s “Phoenix Program” in Vietnam and the “War on Terror.”

Global Available online at



blaming it on Viet Cong "terrorists." 155 Operatives preyed on

Vietnamese beliefs about the afterlife to add additional horror

to their murders. The Vietnamese believed the liver and the

third eye were important to reaching heaven. The CIA would

have the PRU cut out their victims' pineal gland and even have

them eat their liver. Thus, their victims would not only be

killed but denied an afterlife. 156 Ed Lansdale would further

terrorize Viet Cong using psychological warfare by painting

the Eye of God identifying homes of guerilla supporters, then

return to kidnap, torture, and butcher the residents. 157

Prisons and black sites were constructed all over the

country. Prisoners were subjected to horrific tortures,

starvation, beatings, electric shock, and rape. The purpose

was for intelligence collection. The CIA maintained a network

of spies throughout the country and it attempted to assemble

a master list of all the NLF members in South Vietnam.

After the fall of Diem, Vietnam experienced a long string of

coups as South Vietnam's generals battled each other for

control. Warlords and assets sought to use their positions to

155 Corbett, James. Interview 709 - Douglas Valentine on Ellsberg and the CIA. The July 17, 2013.

156 Valentine, Douglas. The Phoenix Program. TDY. Available online at

157 Valentine, Douglas. The Phoenix Program: America’s Use of Terror in Vietnam. Open

Road Media. Forbidden Bookshelf. Ebook. Available at


profit through drug dealing, embezzlement, prostitution and

protection rackets. Many US contractors, military officers and

CIA agents also managed to earn fortunes in various corrupt

schemes. 158

The war was undertaken to enrich the corporate elite back

home using Hegelian Dialectic Principles and the CIA wanted

their cut of profits. In Laos much of the war centered over

control of the opium poppy fields. 159 The CIA ran a front

airline named Air America that smuggled in guns and

smuggled out drugs. 160

Tactics of Phoenix are common among counter-insurgency

campaigns. The US sent the exact same people involved in

the Phoenix program to advise El Salvador on how to wage

war on its own peasants. From there the same schemes were

employed all around Central America in the 1980s, then to

Iraq in the 1990s, then to Afghanistan, and Syria.

The legacy of the Phoenix Program is one of terror, torture,

and death. The United Nations declared the US had a

responsibility to insure South Vietnam adhered to the Geneva

Convention regarding treatment of prisoners, since the US

158 Turner. The CIA’s “Phoenix Program” in Vietnam and the “War on Terror.”

159 Collins, Larry. The CIA Drug Connection Is as Old as the Agency. The New York

Times. December 3, 1993.

160 Central Intelligence Agency. CIA Air Operations in Laos, 1955-1974. lune

27, 2008. Available online at



had designed and funded their prison system. William Colby

was called before congress where he denied that the Phoenix

Program was an assassination operation but merely an effort

to coordinate intelligence gathering.

At a speaking engagement a reporter hounded the president

by repeatedly asking for an explanation on America's

involvement in Vietnam. An annoyed LBJ finally stopped

ignoring the reporter, faced him, unzipped his pants, and

pulled out his member which he referred to as "Jumbo."

Johnson's response to the stunned reporter was "This is why"

and walked away. 161

The Vietnam whistleblower, Daniel Ellsberg, who leaked the

Pentagon Papers would become entangled not just in

Vietnam, but also Watergate. Ellsberg was employed under

Secretary of Defense McNamara at the Pentagon. His expose

would prove that the Johnson Administration "systematically

lied, not only to the public but also to Congress." 162

161 Nussbaum, Emily. The Penis as Text for Serious Thinkers: Be Careful What You Wish

For. The New York Times. New York. December 22, 2001.

162 Apple, R.W. Pentagon Papers. The New York Times. New York. October 23, 2013.


By the end of the war 58,148 Americans were killed in

Vietnam, 61% were younger than twenty-one years of age. 163

Approximately 12,000 helicopters saw action. The Defense

POW/MIA Accounting Agency lists 1,618 Americans

unaccounted for in South East Asia. 164

Johnson, one of the most driven and power-hungry men to

ever hold office dropped out of presidential contention in 1968

choosing not to seek re-election.

163 Hanson, Capt. Marshall, USNR (Ret), Beaton, Capt. Scott. Vietnam War: Facts, Stats &

Myths. Available online at


164 Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency. MIA Fact Site. Available online at


"It's easier to fool people than to convince them they have

been fooled."

- Mark Twain


Richard Nixon

Nixon campaigned in the 1968 election

with financing by Prescott Bush. The Rockefellers assisted

under the stipulation that Henry Kissinger would receive a

cabinet position. Karl Rove was the propaganda minister

spinning stories to help Nixon face a lesser opponent on

Election Day. This was also facilitated by 3 rd party candidate

George Wallace being shot because he was taking votes away

from Nixon. The injury forced Wallace to withdraw from the

race. Despite fewer than three out of five Americans voting,

Nixon would be victorious even though Dick Gregory

accidentally won Pennsylvania through vote manipulation. 165

The Kennedy family seemingly continued to refuse to go

along with the new order of things. In 1969 Teddy was

making waves since they lost Bobby and Jack, so he had to

be controlled. The powers that be could not continue

executing Kennedys and get away with it. This time a new

165 WeAllBeTV. Dick Gregory Won Pennsylvania With 9 Million Votes in '68 U.S.

Presidential Election. August 15, 2016.


strategy had to be used to discredit the Kennedys, so they

chose scandal. They recognized yet another opportunity to kill

two birds with one stone since Teddy was hosting a gathering

to reunite members of Bobby's campaign staff as he

contemplated a presidential run of his own. E Howard Hunt

and his team of "plumbers" as they would come to be known

during Watergate testimony were dispatched to Hyannisport.

As the Chappaquiddick Island meeting lasted late into the

evening, a sober Teddy finally excused himself around

11:15pm since he was scheduled to compete in a yachting

regatta the following morning. Upon leaving the party he was

bludgeoned over the head, and woke up bloody in his

Massachusetts hotel room. Here he was informed of the

events that had taken place while unconscious and then

threatened; but it was not his life that was threatened, it was

the lives of his children.

An attractive young staffer from the meeting named Mary

Jo Kopechne had been placed in a Kennedy car. She was

taken to Dike Bridge which would be on the way home for

Kennedy and a route he was familiar with. The car was

stopped, the rear passenger window smashed out, and the

gas pedal pinned down. 166 As the car was placed in gear the

166 Damore, Leo. Senatorial Privilege: The Chappaquiddick Cover-up. Regnery

Publishing, Inc. May 15, 1988. Page 7.


tires dramatically dug up the unpaved road and launched the

car into the water where it came to rest upside down. 167 Mary

Jo did not make it out alive despite evidence she regained

consciousness and attempted to free herself. 168

Now the Kennedys were faced with scandal involving the

death of a young woman paired with sexual undertones, all

of which Teddy was framed for. 169 The evidence clearly does

not match the official story, though it was all believable to

educated, rational, hard-working, citizens. Especially when

considering the rumored extra-marital exploits of his brother

at the White House.

For three days Teddy met with the family and their attorney.

Here they decided to fight back the only way possible, they

concocted an equally outrageous scenario of what happened

to combat the "official" story for posterity and read the

statement on television. Teddy told tales of superhuman feats

of strength and stamina in a vain effort to save the life of

Mary Jo after mistakenly taking a wrong turn off the bridge.

In the end Teddy was found guilty of leaving the scene of an

accident and his image publicly tarnished. 170

167 Cutler, Robert. You the Jury. Self Published. 1974. Chapter 4 Chappaquidick.

168 Sprague, Richard E. The Taking of America 1-2-3. Unknown Binding. 1972. Chapter

7 The Control of the Kennedys Threats & Chappaquiddick

169 Cutler. You the Jury. Chapter 4 Chappaquidick.

170 Sprague. The Taking of America 1-2-3. Chapter 7


Prescott Bush, the father of George H W Bush, wrote Clover

Dulles, the widow of Allen Dulles, in 1969 a condolence letter.

The letter was discovered among Dulles' papers reminiscing

Bush's meeting with Allen after JFK had fired him in the fall

of 1961. "He [Allen] tried to make a pleasant evening of it,

but I was rather sick of heard, and angry too, for it was the

Kennedys that brought about the fiasco [Bay of Pigs]. And

here they were making Allen to be the goat, which he wasn't

and did not deserve. I have never forgiven them." 171

Donald Rumsfeld started his career in politics during the

Eisenhower Administration and would resign from Congress

in 1969, his fourth term, to serve President Richard Nixon in

his administration. Rumsfeld held a variety of Executive

branch positions throughout the Nixon presidency.

Yale alumni Richard "Dick" Cheney's political career began

in 1969, as an intern for Congressman William A Steiger

during the Richard Nixon Administration. He joined the staff

of Donald Rumsfeld, who was then Director of the Office of

Economic Opportunity from 1969-70. Dick held several

positions in the years that followed, some include White

171 Baker, Russ. Bush and the JFK Hit. Signs of the September 16, 2003.


House Staff Assistant in 1971, and Assistant Director of the

Cost of Living Council from 1971-73. 172 Cheney also

exceeded the maximum allowances of war deferments, he did

not stop with the limit of four, and instead he received five

deferments to keep him from serving during the war. 173

Cheney was not the only chicken-hawk. George H W Bush

was not willing to give over the life of any of his sons for the

war effort. "Poppy's" son George "W" tested in the 25th

percentile out of 100. Yet he leaped ahead of thousands of

the other Vietnam evaders gaining entrance to The National

Guard. The then-Speaker of the Texas legislature sent a

message to Texas Air Guard General James Rose to let in little

George and a few other sons of well-placed politicos. 174

At the 1972 Bilderberg Meeting, David Rockefeller proposed

the Trilateral Commission. The Commission was to "bring the

best brains in the world to bear on problems of the future." 175

Funding for the group was provided by David Rockefeller, the

172 McCollough, Lindsay G.; Gellman, Barton. The Life and Career of Dick Cheney. The

Washington Post. December 18, 2007.

173 Seelye, Katherine. The 2004 Campaign: Military Service; Cheney's Five Draft

Deferments During the Vietnam Era Emerge as a Campaign Issue. The New York Times.

May 1,2004.

174 Palast, Greg. CBS: Cowardice and Conflicts Behind Purge. Network's Craven Back-

Down on Bush Draft-Dodging Report Sure to Get a Standing Rove-ation at White

House. Hustler. LFP Inc, Beverly Hills, CA. June 2005. Page 38.

175 The Trilateral Commission. March 15, 1973. Page 1.


Charles F. Kettering Foundation, and the Ford Foundation.

The Trilateral Commission represents a union of experts and

transnational elite from the three noncommunist industrial

regions of the world: North America, Japan, and Western

Europe (excluding Austria, Greece, and Sweden). Rockefeller

saw the need for such a private consultation among these

three democratic areas. With the demise of the Bretton

Woods system, they believed an overhaul was needed due to

the decline in power of the Council on Foreign Relations. 176

The theory was that America's role should be diminished and

made equal to what would become the European Union and

Japan, because together, the three represent 70% of the

world's trade. 177

The Trilateral Commission's founding documents state: "The

overriding goal is to make the world safe for interdependence

by protecting the benefits which it provides for each country

against external and internal threats which will constantly

emerge from those willing to pay a price for more national

autonomy. This may sometimes require slowing the pace at

which interdependence proceeds, and checking some aspects

176 Cooper, Milton William. Behold a Pale Horse. Light Technology Publishing.

December 1, 1991. Page 86.

177 Rivera, David Allen. Illuminism and the Master Plan for World Domination. 1994.

Chapter 7: Consolidating Government Power The Trilateral Commission, the Federal

Government, and the Rise of the Police State.


of it. More frequently however, it will call for checking the

intrusion of national government into the international

exchange of both economic and non-economic goods." 178

The President's National Security Advisor, and eventual

Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger planned and executed a

military coup in Chile on September 11, 1972. Kissinger

believed that population control of the third world was the

highest priority of foreign policy. The military murdered

Chilean President Allende and overthrew a 200-year-old

democracy after destabilization efforts by the CIA failed.

50,000 people were murdered for supporting democracy as

the Chilean military leader Pinochet seized control and

established a brutal junta. Kissinger was angry that he did

not receive more credit for strategizing the coup.

"Military men are dumb, stupid, animals to be used as

pawns for foreign policy."

-Henry Kissinger

That same summer Americans lost another prominent

official. J Edgar Hoover passed away in his home at the age

of seventy-seven. Hoover had been Director of the FBI since

178 Bergsten, C Fred; Berthoin, Georges; Mushakoji, Kinhide. The Reform of International

Institutions. Brookings Institute. 1976. Page 2.


he helped create the bureau in 1935. Critics claim he had

become too powerful, that he had routinely exceeded his

jurisdiction, amassed secret files on politicians, and made a

habit of blackmailing sittir

presidents. Hoover succumbed to

a heart attack; his body was

discovered by his life partner,

Clyde Tolson.

Nixon and Agnew campaigned for re-election in 1972. They

employed some dirty tricks to win the election because

Senator Edmund Muskie was running eight points ahead of

Nixon in the polls, one of these tricks were to fund fake cold

calls to registered voters proclaiming "Harlem for Muskie."

They also approved Operation Gemstone led by G Gordon

Liddy. It was a covert operation to disrupt the Democratic

National Convention while protecting the Republican National

Convention. These misdeeds would win "Tricky Dick" the

election with sixty-one percent of the popular vote, and five

hundred twenty-one to seventeen in electoral votes.

"The Nixon campaign... and the Nixon White House after that

had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You

understand what I'm saying? We knew we couldn't make it

illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting


the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks

with heroin. And then criminalizing both heavily, we could

disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders,

raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them

night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were

lying about the drugs? Of course we did." 179

-John Ehrlichman

Nixon Administration Counsel

and Domestic Policy Chief

During his 2 nd term the CIA increasingly could not control

Nixon. They began to feel it was becoming necessary to get

rid of him. War and conflicts waged by the Military Industrial

Complex had been very profitable, but Nixon was changing

their direction and initiating policies of detente. Nixon started

easing the strained relationships with our adversaries.

Kissinger and Nixon had devised some cunning political

strategies aimed at ultimately disarming the Soviets. First the

duo had to travel to communist China where they were to sell

an idea of peace between our nations despite the war in Indo¬

china. Kissinger helped negotiate plans where China could

benefit by building up their world credentials, helping the US

Military leave Asia, and most importantly stifle the influence

of the Soviet Union. With a successful negotiation largely due

to diplomacy via ping pong matches, the Chinese government

179 Lobianco, Tom. Report: Aide Says Nixon's War on Drugs Targeted Blacks, Hippies., Politics, March 24, 2016.


agreed to a mutually beneficial partnership which opened the

Chinese markets for American trade.

Nixon and Kissinger then set their sights on the Soviets.

They began to discuss limiting the might of our rival

superpower through Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT).

Rather than continuing the arms race seeking missile

superiority, the negotiations produced two treaties beginning

nuclear disarmament. SALT froze the existing number of

nuclear missiles, exposed the fact that the US had more

firepower, and pressured the Soviets into future negotiations.

The peace talks and disarmament created infighting among

the cabinet. Secretary of State Kissinger attempted to

convince the president [Ford] to "smash" [remove] Secretary

of Defense Rumsfeld from the cabinet to entice the Pentagon

"to get with it." Rumsfeld butted heads with Kissinger over

policy and would not follow along Kissinger's path. 180

Domestically Nixon, a Republican, tripled regulations and

created several new branches of government. Decades of

industrial pollution to the environment became restricted by

the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). He made

employment safer through the Occupational Safety and

Health Administration (OSHA). He made travel safer,

180 US Department of State. Case Number F-2001-02979. Document Number C18091003.

Telecon. December 10, 1975.


primarily aviation, through the National Transportation Safety

Board (NTSB). Nixon also protected the elderly, blind, and

disabled by creating Supplemental Security Income (SSI).


During the second term

Nixon planned to clean house which did not bode well for his

political career. Especially since the White House was

outfitted with recording devices and the CIA knew the moves

he was making. Nixon was engaged in a power struggle to

pry loose damning Kennedy Assassination documents. He

pressured Domestic Policy Chief Ehrlichman repeatedly to

demand the documents from CIA Director Richard Helms.

Ehrlichman claimed Helms was "scared to death" of E Howard

Hunt and refused to turn the documents over to the

Commander in Chief. 181

Nixon survived two previous

attempted assassinations, and during

the second term began to publicly speak

against the CIA. His contempt had been

building since the George Wallace

shooting, which terrified him and was a

Google Images

Clinton, Bush, Wallace

181 Ventura. American Conspiracies. Chapter VII.


clear reminder of the Kennedy assassination - Nixon termed

it the "whole Bay of Pigs thing." So the puppet masters chose

to switch gears and use a new tactic.

Planning began for removing Nixon from office by disgrace

through impeachment (he would resign before the scheme

was accomplished). This act, just as the other coups, would

serve several benefits to our invisible government. The

primary benefit would be to eliminate that damning Kennedy

assassination evidence still locked in a safe at the Watergate

Hotel. Frank Sturgis claimed they would also be instructed by

E Howard Hunt to locate a thick, confidential, memorandum

from Castro to the democrats detailing six assassination

attempts on Castro and his brother, and anything related to

Howard Hughes disappearance regarding his knowledge of

those assassination attempts. 182

The first step of the plan required removing Vice President

Agnew. In seemingly unrelated charges, Agnew resigned his

position due to an investigation by the state of Maryland for

financial irregularities where he formerly served as governor.

Agnew could now be replaced with their choice for who

ultimately takes over the Presidency. Nixon wanted John

Connally appointed to Agnew's position. The cabal refused

182 Ibid. Chapter VII, 25:35.


because Connally was not one of them. They insisted on

Gerald Ford. This set the stage for a larger deception in

blaming Nixon to oust him in the next stage of the coup.

Nixon's own recruits from Operation 40, led by E Howard

Hunt, took action. During the hearings many months later,

the agents would refer to themselves as "the Plumbers." They

claimed the break-in was funded by Nixon's campaign slush

fund and he wanted to contain any "leaks." The public was

told the Watergate office was used by the democrats during

the campaign, and their job was to give Nixon the upper-hand

by providing information about the Democrats' campaign

plans; even though Nixon had a commanding lead in the poles

at that time.

The Watergate Burglaries were a third rate crime committed

by the CIA's highest level operators. The goal was to get

caught so the paper trail would lead back to Nixon. While in

the Watergate Hotel removing evidence from the safe, CIA

Agent James McCord had conspicuously taped the locks of

several office and stairwell doors leading from the garage so

they could not latch closed. Instead of applying a small

amount of tape so it wouldn't be noticed vertically to the

latching mechanism, the tape was blatantly obvious when the

doors were closed as the tape was wrapped horizontally

around the sides of the doors. A security guard on patrol


removed the tape but did not alert authorities. 183 So the

agents had to apply the tape a second time, and then draw

the security guard's attention to return once the documents

had been removed. At this point the break-in was reported. 184

As a patrol unit arrived, Officer John Barret noted officers

observed the tape-covered door latches in the parking

garage, the same kind of tampering on doors leading to the

sixth-floor headquarters of the Democratic National

Committee, and disheveled files inside. Barrett, with gun

drawn, spotted a moving figure and

got the shock of his young life:

"Five middle-aged guys stand up,

wearing suits and ties and surgical

gloves. And they've got a walkie-

talkie, and tools and all this electrical stuff." 185 James McCord,

Virgilio Gonzalez, Frank Sturgis, Eugenio Martinez, and

Bernard Barker were arrested for burglary on June 17, 1972.

On September 15, a Grand Jury also indicted G Gordon Liddy

and E Howard Hunt. March 1, 1974 seven additional advisors



183 Martinez, Eugenio. Mission Impossible: Eugenio Martinez, Watergate Burglar. Vanity

Fair. Interview 1974.

184 Barker, Karlyn. Watergate Revisited; 20 Years After the Break-in, the Story Continues

to Unfold. The Washington Post. June 14, 1992.

185 Ibid.


and aides to Nixon would be indicted. Among them were Chief

of Staff Haldeman, and Domestic Policy Chief Ehrlichman.

The public was told an anonymous FBI agent calling himself

"Deep Throat" spoon fed information to the Washington Post.

The problem with this claim is that one of the lead

"investigative" reporters that broke the story was Bob

Woodward. Woodward was ex-ONI and had been inserted into

the Washington Post to fabricate the fictional story of

Watergate. The story had to frame Nixon and make him

appear responsible while influencing public opinion to turn

against him.

Roger Farquhar who hired Woodward said he picked

Woodward from over forty applicants because he was a Yale

man and that Woodward had produced a Navy document that

praised his abilities. In a 1984 interview Farquhar described

the document as a letter from a senior officer who "just

raved" about Woodward. After less than one year writing for

the Sentinel, Woodward was selected to work at the

prestigious Washington Post. 186

186 Colodny, Len; Gettlin, Robert. Silent Coup: The Removal of a President. St. Martin’s

Press, New York. January 1992. Page 86.


Hillary Rodham

Yale alumni Hillary Rodham (Clinton) was a

very ambitious staff lawyer for the House Judiciary

Committee investigating the Watergate Scandal. She is

responsible for denying Nixon due process of law and blocking

him access to legal counsel. Hillary wrote a fraudulent legal

brief, and confiscated public documents to hide her

deception. 187 Her violation of Nixon's rights is why this never

went to court, since Nixon - a lawyer, could easily have

defended himself against the charges.

Hillary was fired by Jerry Zeifman for her immoral activity.

Zeifman stated she "engaged in a variety of self-serving

unethical practices in violation of House rules." 188 "She was a

liar. She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer. She conspired

the rules of the House, the rules

of the committee, and the rules

of confidentiality." 189 Watergate

showed Hillary's willingness to

dance to the tune of the puppet


187 Gorton. Fifty Years of the Deep State, page 10.

188 Calabrese, Dan. Hillary’s Deception is Nothing New. Northstar Writers Group. March

31, 2008. Accessed online, November 4, 2014.

189 Gorton. Fifty Years of the Deep State, page 10.


Many members of the Watergate legal staff overlapped

having also served the Warren Commission staff. Nixon chose

to resign prior to impeachment on August 9, 1974.


"The drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a

one-world government combining super-capitalism and

communism under the same tent > all under their control.

Do I mean conspiracy? Yes I do.

I am convinced there is such a plot; international in scope ,

generations old in planning, and incredibly evil in intent ."

- Congressman Larry P. McDonald, 1976

Killed in an airplane crash


Gerald Ford

Ford was rewarded

for his complicity in the JFK coup cover-up on August 9, 1974.

Ford becomes first in the line of puppets to hold this office

while the real policies are constructed in the shadows. The

practice of routinely saying one thing to the people while

doing another behind closed doors begins here.

Accompanying Ford was Vice President Nelson Rockefeller;

son to John D Rockefeller Jr. Nelson had an extensive political

career prior to the nomination. Rockefeller had been serving

as the Governor of New York. He failed to secure the

republican nominations for president all throughout the

1960s. Rockefeller had previously served as Eisenhower's

Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare; and he served as

Roosevelt's and Truman's Assistant Secretary of State for

American Republic Affairs.

Rockefeller is remembered for heading the President's

Commission on CIA Activities within the United States. This

body came to be known as the Rockefeller Commission. The

Rockefeller Commission issued a single report in 1975, which


delineated some CIA abuses including mail opening and

surveillance of domestic dissident groups. It also conducted a

narrow study of issues relating to the JFK assassination,

specifically the backward head snap as seen in the Zapruder

film (first shown publicly in 1975), and the possible presence

of E Howard Hunt and Frank Sturgis in Dallas. 190 The

Rockefeller Report was seen by the public as a "whitewash,"

and fueled distrust of the government.

As president, Ford appointed George H W Bush as CIA

Director. Bush has publicly denied any involvement in the CIA

prior to leading it, so to become the head of this government

agency was curious at the time; but selecting someone

claiming they have no experience, to lead one of the most

powerful organizations in the world, with virtually unfettered

control makes perfect sense, right?

Ford appointed Rumsfeld as White House Chief of Staff

where he served from 1974 to 1975. Once Ford was elected

president Rumsfeld was then appointed Secretary of Defense.

In 1977, Rumsfeld was awarded the nation's highest civilian

award, the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Henry Kissinger,

his bureaucratic adversary, would later pay him a different

190 History Matters. The Rockefeller Commission Report. Available online at



sort of compliment, pronouncing him "a special Washington

phenomenon: the skilled full-time politician-bureaucrat in

whom ambition, ability, and substance fuse seamlessly." 191

Dick Cheney became Deputy Assistant to the president from

1974-1975. Cheney suggested several options in a memo to

Rumsfeld that the Ford administration could exploit the

Justice Department to limit damage from an article published

by The New York Times. The expose written by investigative

reporter Seymour Hersh stated that Navy submarines had

tapped into Soviet undersea communications as part of a

highly classified NSA program; Operation Ivy Bells. 192 When

Rumsfeld was named Secretary of Defense, Cheney became

White House Chief of Staff, succeeding Rumsfeld. He later

was appointed Campaign Manager for Ford's 1976

presidential campaign.

The Vietnam War ended in 1975. The cost to taxpayers

totaled $220 billion, over 5,000 helicopters were lost, 6 1/2

million tons of bombs were dropped, and more than 10 million

Americans were flown there by commercial aircraft.

191 Wikipedia. Donald Rumsfeld.

Accessed online, November 4, 2014.

192 Engelberg, Stephen. Washington Talk: N.S.A.; Slamming The Press, In Daylight. The

New York Times. October 14, 1987.


During the presidential race Senator Ted Kennedy was

determined to avenge both of his brothers' deaths. He

declared his candidacy for the presidency in 1975 challenging

Gerald Ford. The campaign did not last long. His children's

lives were still allegedly under threat unless he immediately

announced his withdrawal from the race. For five days in

November both Teddy and Bobby Kennedy's children were

protected around the clock by a Secret Service detail. The day

after Teddy decided to withdraw the Secret Service protection

inexplicably ended. 193

In national news backlash from Watergate led to a major

political reform movement. The CIA decided to relocate

clandestine portions of their operations to the private sector

to hide their workings. David Atlee Phillips chose to take an

early retirement from the agency in 1975 in order to create

the Association of Retired Intelligence Officers. The honorary

Chairman of the Board was none other than George H W

Bush 194 who, as mentioned, took over the vacated CIA

193 Sprague, Richard E. The Taking of America 1-2-3. Unknown Binding. 1972. Chapter

7 The Control of the Kennedys Threats & Chappaquiddick.

194 Gorton. Fifty Years of the Deep State, page 11.


Director's position despite his claims that he never worked for

the agency previously.

The House Select Committee on Assassinations

In an attempt to

appease the proletariat in 1975, the public was finally shown

the altered version of the Zapruder film. Despite the poor

quality of the video released, and despite the anomalies from

editing the video, civil unrest was amplified in disbelief over

the Warren Commission's previous findings. The population

saw for the first time that Kennedy's head moved in a

direction which is inconsistent with an elevated shot from the

rear. This forced the government to re-examine the evidence

using a new commission called the United States House Select

Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) in 1976.

Testimony during the HSCA included CIA Finance Officer

James Wilcott. He testified that the CIA had some kind of hold

on Oswald, and that he had been recruited by the CIA for the

expressed purpose of a double agent assignment in the Soviet

Union. Wilcott said that he handled the funding for the project

Oswald was on.

CIA Chief William Colby was called to testify before the

Committee. He stated that George H W Bush and E Howard

Hunt were heads of two of the CIA hit teams in Dealey Plaza


that assassinated President Kennedy. Secretary of State

Kissinger pressured Ford to subsequently fire Colby. Some

years later Colby would again be called to testify before

Congress. He died in a very peculiar canoeing accident before

giving testimony; it was ruled drowning via heart attack in a

few inches of water. His body was found in a secluded area

he never travelled to after decomposing for nine days -

making autopsy results impossible.

In September of 1976, George de Mohrenschildt wrote

several letters to George H W Bush expressing concern that

people were following him, presumably due to his expected

testimony in the HSCA. De Mohrenschildt was admitted to

Parkland Hospital and subjected to nine electro-shock

treatments under an order given by one, Dr. DeLoach, first

cousin of FBI Assistant Director Cartha D "Deke" DeLoach. 195

His "doctor of record", Dr. Mendoza, ordered the

administration of intravenous "drugs" upon de Mohrenschildt

being committed to Parkland Hospital for "mental problems"

- but, it was DeLoach that ordered the electro-shock therapy.

This incident occurred during the time that George H W Bush

was the Director of the CIA and within weeks of de

195 Adamson, Bruce. Oswald’s Closest Friend: The George de Mohrenshildt Story.

Amazon Digital Services, Inc. February 2012.


Mohrenschildt having written a manuscript for a book entitled,

"I Am A Patsy! I Am A Patsy!" His draft named names of

various CIA and FBI personnel who framed Oswald to cover

their tracks in the assassination of John F Kennedy. De

Mohrenschildt supposedly died of a shotgun wound to the

head which was ruled a suicide, despite his home alarm being

tripped by a window opening 196 and a crime scene photo

showing no structural damage to the head. FOX News host

Bill O'Reilly asserts he was present at the time of the

"suicide." 197

That same day mobster Charles "Chuck" Nicoletti, who was

also called to testify, 198 received three .38 slugs to the back

of his head while the car he was sitting in caught on fire.

Clay (Bertram) Shaw died in 1974 of lung cancer. No

autopsy was allowed. In 1979, Richard Helms, CIA Director

of Covert Operations in 1963, admitted under oath that Clay

Shaw had worked for the CIA.

196 Burnham, Gregory. Amazing Web Of Abraham Zapruder The Man Who Filmed JFK’s


abrahamzapruder.htm Accessed online, November 3, 2014.

197 Klundt, Tom. Bill O'Reilly Finally Addresses JFK Questions. CNN. March 11, 2015.

198 Ventura. They Killed Our President, page 217.


Just for further example, seven senior FBI officials that were

called to testify at the HSCA died within a six month period of

time in 1977. Twenty-one others who were believed to be

actively involved in the coup all died once subpoenaed.

Richard Charnin states, "The HSCA did not consider unnatural

deaths which comprised the majority of suspicious deaths; it

noted just twenty-one deaths when there were at least 122

by 1978." 199

During the course of the Commission's investigation

witness after witness died. The methods varied from suicides

to heart attacks to plane crashes, but the timing was always

consistent - it was when the witness was called to testify

before the Commission. Keep this in perspective; we are not

talking about a couple people that coincidentally passed

away. We are talking very large numbers of people dying

when it was their turn to reveal what they knew. The odds of

this anomaly happening is virtually impossible. Charnin wrote

that his calculation of mathematical probabilities for key

witnesses dying in un-natural fashion comes out to be less

than one in a trillion trillion trillion. 200 Dead men tell no tales...

199 Charnin, Richard. Reclaiming Science: the JFK Conspiracy: A mathematical analysis of

unnatural deaths, witness testimony, altered evidence and media disinformation.

CreateSpace. October 23, 2014.

200 Charnin, Richard. Conspiracy Theories and Mathematical Probabilities. May 26, 2014.



JFK's brain is missing. During the autopsy, the brain was

placed in a container and temporarily stored in a Secret

Service filing cabinet before it was placed in a footlocker with

other medical evidence at the National Archives. It has since

gone missing. This is the ultimate piece of evidence in the

assassination, which would prove what direction bullets were

fired, and it cannot be found.

The HSCA concluded its investigation in 1978 and released

the findings in 1979. The HSCA found that Oswald fired three

shots using a Mannlicher-Carcano 6.5mm from the sixth floor

of the Texas School Book Depository despite their testing

being unable to duplicate three shots within the established

5.6 second timeframe. They upheld the Warren Commission

findings that only two bullets struck the president and

Connally. They deduced there was possibly another shooter

on the Grassy Knoll, though this assassin missed, and that

there was likely a conspiracy to assassinate the president.


You may be asking, "Why hasn't someone come forward to

tell the truth?" Many people have. The media refuses to report

anything opposing the Warren Commission's Report because

they are controlled by the CIA. The most notable confession


to date is from E Howard Hunt; his deathbed confession, in

his own words, is available on youtube. 201

Hunt was days away from death when he recorded his

confession and gave it to his son. Hunt explains that the coup

was codenamed "The Big Event." He claims he was only a

bench warmer for The Big Event, but provides details of the

operation. He implicated Cord Meyer, David Morales, Bill

Harvey, The French gunman on the Grassy Knoll, and LBJ.

Harvey was an alcoholic; a loose cannon who was as

dishonest and violent as LBJ. Harvey, known as "America's

James Bond" 202 was also motivated by money and power, and

had hostile feelings toward the Kennedys after being

relocated to Rome following the Cuban Missile Crisis where he

continued Operation Gladio. Harvey had been working for

Lansdale on Operation ZR/Rifle and had many mob

connections. 203 The opportunity to pair with LBJ would benefit

both of them if LBJ was to succeed in the coup. It was very

important to LBJ not to end his career as only a Vice

President, it was too important to him. He had a maniacal

drive. He wanted more money and power. His only logical

move was to eliminate Kennedy from his path.

201 Exclusive: E. Howard Hunt Confesses to CIA Plot Against JFK

202 Martin, David C. The CIA's 'Loaded Gun.' Washington Post. October 10, 1976.

203 Ibid.


Hunt asserts that the reason LBJ used Cord Meyer was

because Meyer's wife was having an affair with Kennedy. LBJ

was unquestionably evil and as an opportunist would not

hesitate to get rid of obstacles in his way. LBJ had the

leverage and ability to corrupt the various people needed in

the CIA. He utilized the CIA because only they had the

clandestine power to handle the assassination and move on

without accountability.

John Martino also came forward. He was involved in black

ops with Johnny Roselli as an electronics expert who worked

with the mob. His wife always knew he was involved with the

assassination. She recollects the flood of phone calls that

came in to the house on November 22, 1963. Martino also

made his son stay home from school to listen to the radio

broadcasts that day.

On his death bed, Martino confessed his involvement. He

explained his role in delivering money, serving as a courier,

and other supporting activities. In Martino's own words he

states, "The anti-Castro people put Oswald together. Oswald

didn't know who he was working for [ONI, FBI, or CIA] - he

was just ignorant of who was really putting him together.

Oswald was to meet his contact at the Texas Theatre. They

were to meet in the theatre, and get him out of the country,


and then eliminate him. Oswald made a mistake. There was

no way we could get to him. They had Ruby kill him." 204

David Morales has made many statements about the

Kennedy assassinations. Some of the things he has said are

quite blunt. "Well, we took care of that son-of-a-bitch, didn't

we?" "I was in Dallas when we got the son-of-a-bitch and I

was in Los Angeles when we got the little bastard." 205

Carlos Marcello confessed on three occasions to FBI

informants that he had JFK killed. "I had the little son-of-a-

bitch killed, and I'd do it again. I wish I could have done it

myself." 206 Marcello had conversations with Teamsters Union

Leader Jimmy Hoffa. Hoffa stated, "I told you they could do

it. I'll never forget what Carlos and Santo did for me."

Marcello's response to the quote was, "When you see Jimmy,

you tell him he owes me and he owes me big." 207

204 Ferrel, Mary. John Martino’s Confessions. Internet accessed December 11, 2014.

Available online,

205 p erre j Mary. David Morales - We Took Care of That SOB. Internet accessed

December 11, 2014. Available online,

_W e_Took_Care_of_That_SOB .html

206 FBI Document 124-10182-10430

207 Ibid.


"In 1982 Ricky White found his father's footlocker at the

back of the house, in Paris, Texas. Roscoe White was Badge

Man from the Grassy Knoll and body double from Oswald's

backyard photo with the rifle. In the footlocker there was a

journal, Roscoe White's service record, various memorabilia,

an unmarked safety deposit box key, and $100,000 in

negotiable bonds. At first Ricky did not even read the old

journal, but several years later, when he finally read it, he

discovered it contained a narrative, by his father, telling how

he had assassinated President Kennedy. When Ricky spoke

with his mother Geneva about it, she began crying and

admitted it was all true.

In the journal Ricky's dad, Roco White, confessed to

shooting President Kennedy, 'a police officer at Tenth and

Patton', and twenty-eight witnesses to the assassination. The

witness elimination list frightened Ricky more than anything

else because it was proof his father was a murderer.

Roscoe had written in the journal that his top secret ONI

code name was "Mandarin" and he fired two shots, from

behind the stockade fence on the Grassy Knoll. The journal

said there were two other assailants; one was located in the

Dallas County Records Building, code-name "Saul," and

another was in the Texas School Book Depository (TSBD),

code-name "Lebanon." He said they used 7.65 German


(Argentine) Mauser rifles in the assassination. The 7.65

Mauser shoots round nosed, elongated, bullets like those

used in the 6.5 Mannlicher Carcano (patsy rifle).

Ricky White remembers his father giving him a 7.65 Mauser,

with a telescopic sight, after the assassination. Roscoe White

wrote in his diary that he hit Kennedy with two shots: one in

the throat, and the second in the head. He mentioned handing

the rifle to a man on his right, then hurdled over the fence

afterward and confiscated some film from a 'military man';

which validates Gordon Arnold's story and also corroborates

with Lee Bowers statements.

Ricky reported that Lee Harvey Oswald knew of the

assassination plot, but did not fire a shot. Lee Harvey Oswald

was told to bring his rifle to work and build the sniper's nest

out of the boxes of books in the TSBD. Roco wrote in the

journal that all three of the assailants had an assistant whose

job was disassembly, and removal, of the rifle. JD Tippit was

supposed to drive Lee Harvey Oswald and Roco to Redbird

Airfield after the assassination; facilitating their escape." 208

Roscoe told his wife the night before the coup "Honey, it's like

war. The president is a national security threat. If I don't do

208 Hooke, Richard. George H W Bush and the Murder of John Kennedy; facebook Group

Page. January 17, 2015.


it, we'll be in a nuclear war very soon...matters were taken

out of our hands a long time ago." 209

Retired CIA Agent Normand Hodges made a confession while

handcuffed to a hospital bed. The FBI placed the seventy-

eight year old under investigation after he revealed details

that he was one of five members of a top-level CIA assassin

team. The ailing Hodges confessed in vivid account how he

killed Marilyn Monroe. The agent claims he entered Monroe's

room August 5, 1962 and injected the sleeping star with a

massive dose of Chloral Hydrate (a powerful sedative), mixed

with Nembutal (a short-acting barbiturate), causing her

death. Hodges alleged Monroe had romantic ties to both

Kennedy and Castro therefore she could have transmitted

strategic information to the communists.

The hitman was ordered by Major James Hayworth to kill

thirty-seven Americans deemed as threats. Hodges was

trained as a sniper and martial arts expert specializing in

poisons and explosives. From 1959 to 1972 Hodges targeted

union leaders, artists, scientists, political activists, and

journalists. According to the assassin, this was a time when

209 Shaw, Gary. Roscoe White Materials. Baylor University, W.R. Poage Legislative

Library, Waco, Texas. 2014.


"the CIA had its own agenda," and these individuals posed a

threat to the interests of the United States... 210

Lee Harvey Oswald's skull has reportedly replaced

Geronimo's skull as the trophy of Yale's Skull and Bones.

Further complicating this matter and bringing Skull and Bones

judgment into question; Officer JD Tippit's body is rumored

to be buried in Kennedy's grave, which makes researchers

wonder where Kennedy's remains - specifically the skull - are


The Church Committee

Some investigative journalists

had been reporting for a few years on a series of troubling

events regarding the legality of covert government

organizations. The articles detailed programs involving

assassination attempts against foreign leaders, attempts to

subvert foreign governments, and efforts by intelligence

agencies to collect information on the political activities of US

citizens. The public pressure on the CIA was mounting and in

210 Johnson, Barbara. Retired CIA Agent Confesses on Deathbed: I Killed Marilyn

Monroe. World News Daily Report. Accessed Online March 25, 2015. Available at



1975 Senator Frank Church summoned testimony from

leadership in the CIA, FBI, and NSA.

The United States Senate Select Committee to Study

Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence

Activities became known as the "Church Committee." The

purpose of the hearings was to determine if the United States

was involved in assassinating foreign leaders, including

Patrice Lumumba of the Democratic Republic of the Congo,

Rafael Trujillo of the Dominican Republic, the Diem brothers

of Vietnam, General Rene Schneider of Chile and Director of

Central Intelligence Allen Dulles's plan (approved by

President Dwight D Eisenhower) to use the Sicilian Mafia to

kill Fidel Castro of Cuba. The committee learned more than

was expected.

During the Church Committee hearings, the existence of a

secret assassination weapon came to light. It was exposed

that the CIA had utilized a

poison that caused the

victim to have an

immediate heart attack.

This poison could be

frozen into the shape of a

dart and then fired at high speed from a pistol. The gun was

capable of shooting the icy projectile with enough speed the


dart would go through the clothes of the target and leave just

a tiny red mark on the skin at the injection site. Once in the

body the poison would melt and be absorbed into the

bloodstream causing a heart attack. Furthermore, the poison

was undetectable by autopsy procedures. Unfortunately, the

weapon was outdated technology and the CIA allowed the

weapon's discovery during the hearings. The CIA threw the

committee a bone to prevent investigations exposing their

current technologies.

The Church Committee's final report focused concerns on

the NSA's ability to spy and the CIA's influence over the

media. It reads "The CIA currently maintains a network of

several hundred foreign individuals around the world who

provide intelligence for the CIA and at times attempt to

influence opinion through the use of covert propaganda.

These individuals provide the CIA with direct access to a large

number of newspapers and periodicals, scores of press

services and news agencies, radio and television stations,

commercial book publishers, and other foreign media

outlets." 211 Neither Church, nor the committee's final report

identified specific journalists who participated.

211 Church Committee Final Report, Vol 1: Foreign and Military Intelligence, p. 455


Church stated "The National Security Agency's capability at

any time could be turned around on the American people, and

no American would have any privacy left, such is the

capability to monitor everything: telephone conversations,

telegrams, it doesn't matter. There would be no place to hide.

If a dictator ever took over, the NSA could enable it to impose

total tyranny, and there would be no way to fight back."

Edward Snowden would leak thousands of classified

documents in 2013 exposing the NSA for doing exactly this.

The report led CIA Director George H W Bush to publicly

announce a restrictive policy insinuating Mockingbird's end.

"Effective immediately, CIA will not enter into any paid or

contractual relationship with any full-time or part-time news

correspondent accredited by any US news service,

newspaper, periodical, radio or television network or

station." 212 Bush then began efforts to conglomerate and

privatize control of the media.

Anger continued to snowball and pick up pace from all the

assassinations, the Warren Commission, Vietnam, Watergate,

The House Select Committee on Assassinations, etc. This

movement in the distrust of our government fueled Trilateral

212 Ibid, page 454.


Commission member Jimmy Carter's campaign, and led him

from peanut farming in Georgia to sitting in the Oval Office,

with financing from David Rockefeller. 213 After Carter beat

Gerald Ford, Hamilton Jordan, his chief aide, said: "If, after

the inauguration, you find Cy Vance (former President of the

Rockefeller Foundation) as Secretary of State and Zbigniew

Brzezinski as head of National Security, then I would say we

have failed." That is in fact, who was appointed to both

respective positions.

213 Rivera. Illuminism and the Master Plan for World Domination. Chapter 7.



"The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any

significance in the major media."

- William Colby, Chief of CIA


Jimmy Carter

James Carter Jr. rode the wave

of America's distrust in government and won the election in

1976 replacing Gerald Ford. His challenges were an uphill

battle and his opponents would be sure to impede any

progress he attempted. His peaceful negotiations over

nuclear arms with the Soviet Union were seen as cowardly

among the right wing. Known as an intrusive micromanager

domestically, his foreign policy was one of respect and


That same year the investigation of the CIA was continued

by the Senate Intelligence Committee chaired by Senator

Frank Church. As mentioned, an aspect of the Church

Committee was to investigate whether the Central

Intelligence Agency had been illegally collecting information

as it was believed they had been abusing the law and the

power of their office.

Church uncovered that the United States government had

perfected technological competency enabling them to monitor

the messages that transmit through the air. This technology


was being utilized by the NSA, and of course agents testified

it was only being used on foreign targets. Carter's intrusive

micromanaging style was, at the time, a product of necessity.

During the hearings Donald Rumsfeld was particularly

concerned about the probing questions of the committee and

he attempted to curtail any cooperation by agents. Top

officials of the CIA, including directors William Colby and

George H W Bush persuaded the committee to restrict its

inquiry into media involvement and to misrepresent the

actual scale of journalistic activities in the official report,

which briefly mentioned the use of journalists in deliberately

vague and misleading terms. 214

By this time Operation Mockingbird had control of the media,

including our children's school text books. This is the reason

that the CIA pretended to give up information on the NSA and

outdated bio weapons technology. The scope of media control

had to be protected. George H W Bush flatly turned down

requests of the committee to contact agents in the media,

and refused to cooperate with this aspect of the Senate

Committee's investigation. Embedded agents within ABC,

CBS, NBC, Newsweek, The New York Times, Reuters, The

214 Bernstein, Carl. Bernstein, Carl. The CIA and the Media. Rolling Stone. October 20,

1977. Pages 12-15. Available online at



United Press, Time Magazine, Life Magazine, etc. were

referred to as journalist-operatives. This has been written

about extensively in many publications since, but the most

notable article was and continues to be Carl Bernstein's

25,000 word report published in Rolling Stone Magazine. 215

For perspective; that is almost half the size of this book.

Many journalist-operatives couldn't type and knew little

about news writing. According to Bernstein, Agent Robert

Campbell's employee file stated "hired for temporary work -

no reference checks completed or needed." His Assistant

Editor complained that "the stuff turned in was almost


The agents' tasks were to plant stories favorable to CIA

goals and viewpoints. During the 70s this became much

easier as management, in most cases, was actually the CIA

embedded agents. So printing and broadcasting what they

wanted and when they wanted was never challenged. In

addition to printing and broadcasting propaganda,

journalists-operatives would recruit and handle foreigners as

agents, acquire and evaluate information, and sabotage

foreign governments by providing officials with false

215 Bernstein, Carl. The CIA and the Media. Rolling Stone. October 20, 1977. Available

online at


information. They even influenced elections by determining

which candidates to cover and which to spin as less desirable.

Bernstein continued that CBS went so far as to install a

private telephone line for making calls to the CIA so no one

would need to walk to a secure pay phone outside the

building. Controlling the media was so important to the

Agency that an official stated "One journalist is worth twenty

agents. He has access; the ability to ask questions without

arousing suspicion."

In the end there was a prolonged and elaborate negotiation

with the CIA over what would be mentioned in the Church

Report. The CIA was concerned that the more than four

hundred working journalists and the half a dozen

reporters/correspondents/anchors that were considered

famous would lose their credibility. Most of the findings of the

Senate Committee's inquiries would be deliberately omitted.

The CIA claimed that the committee could not be trusted with

national secrets. A member of the Senate Committee staff

stated "It was if we were on trial, not the CIA." 216

Mockingbird had been utilized for more than twenty years,

but Bush established nearly full control. As Director, he

216 Bernstein, Carl. The CIA and the Media. Rolling Stone. October 20, 1977. Page 15.

Available online at


facilitated buyouts and mergers to begin the media

consolidation process using tax dollars. When called before

Congress to testify, Bush refused to cooperate with Senate

Committee hearings on CIA involvement in journalism. These

actions are what prompted award-winning journalist from The

Washington Post, Carl Bernstein, to write his article exposing

Mockingbird and identify the journalists cooperating. 217

In 1978 the CIA propaganda budget was $265 million.

Being dominated by the chief advisors of the Trilateral

Commission, almost every aspect of Carter's foreign policy

reflected a Trilateral viewpoint. The members exploited

Carter's ignorance of foreign policy to continue diminishing

American control, which resulted in a series of concessions to

Cuba, Panama, Red China, and Russia. 218 President Carter

outraged many Americans when he handed over the Panama

Canal to the Panamanian Government. America built it, paid

for it, and had collected revenue from it for decades. Morally

he believed it to be the right thing to do. This same sense of

217 Bernstein, Carl. The CIA and the Media. Rolling Stone. October 20, 1977. Available

online at

218 Rivera. Illuminism and the Master Plan for World Domination. Chapter 7.


moral obligation resulted in a peace accord between Egypt

and Israel.

The president scheduled a private summit at Camp David in

1978 which lasted fourteen days. Tensions were high between

the two countries. At one point the negotiations had fallen

apart and both parties instructed their staff to prepare for the

flight home. Carter's personality and friendly demeanor

brought the leaders back to the table. Peace, however, is not


Carter also kept his campaign promise of reigning in

government agencies. One of the major policies of his

administration was to attack and purge the CIA of 400 top

officers. The purge forced George H W Bush to work out of a

network of private and international organizations. It was the

first time since the CIA was created after WWII that the

agency could not operate unencumbered without scrutiny.

This loss of autonomy would not be tolerated for long.

The new hardships imposed by the Carter Administration

created the Safari Club, a network of international intelligence

agents. It was headed by none other than George H W

Bush. 219 Members pooled their resources to establish The

Bank of Credit and Commerce International as a front

219 Gorton. Fifty Years of the Deep State, page 11.


organization to continue their clandestine operations

unfettered. This permitted expansion and less restriction to

operate globally, all of which worked to destabilize not just

foreign governments but our own as well.

The oil producing countries had been influenced to unionize

themselves together in the 1960s and form a cartel whereas

they could collectively limit production and increase prices.

The unionization created the Organization of Petroleum

Exporting Countries (OPEC). In the 1970s America

experienced a manufactured "energy crisis" which caused the

price of gasoline to rise 400% due to OPEC intentionally

limiting production. The nightly news featured stories of

gasoline rationing and lines of cars several blocks in length

waiting in gasoline lines. As with all covert activities, the plans

are never singular in motive. This shortage permitted the

construction of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline which is in part

owned by the Koch Brothers. Additionally, America blamed


Carter's response was to create the Department of Energy

in an attempt to resolve our crisis and rescue the American

people from this fleecing. Unfortunately our central bank, the

Federal Reserve, continued with a policy of inflation. The only

purpose of inflation is to mandate that our pay does not


purchase as much as it did the year before. This is the primary

function of a central bank. 220

By 1980 prices had doubled from the previous generation.

In a move which would help end his presidency, Carter took

to the airwaves. He publicly chastised Americans for their

pursuit of material goods. The words were received in a

manner displeasing to the country. This set the stage for a

challenger to have a shot at dethroning the incumbent in the

upcoming election. Carter's Administration was now at a

tipping point, it would only need one scandal or one

international problem to push it over the edge.

"My proudest accomplishment was that I never dropped a

bomb, fired a bullet, or shot a missile."* 221

- Jimmy Carter

220 Youtube. The Federal Reserve Explained. Accessed online May 12, 2012.

221 *Excluding Operation Eagle Claw, a United States Armed Forces attempt to end the Iran

hostage crisis by rescuing fifty-two embassy staff held captive at the Embassy of the United

States, Tehran on April 24, 1980.



"Some even believe we are a part of a secret cabal working

against the best interests of the United States ,

characterizing my family and me as internationalists and of

conspiring with others around the world to build a more

integrated global political and economic structure; one world

if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty; and proud of

it ."

- David Rockefeller

"Memoirs", page 405


Ronald Reagan

In April 1980

Dick Cheney endorsed California Governor Ronald Reagan for

president, becoming one of Reagan's earliest supporters.

Reagan was a former actor and corporate spokesman turned

politician. As Governor, Reagan refused to cooperate with Jim

Garrison's investigation of the Kennedy assassination and

denied extradition of suspects. 222

During the Primary Election, Reagan was not supposed to

defeat George H W Bush; though he did. Reagan was quickly

approached by David Rockefeller and forced to take on

George H W Bush as his running mate. Despite not liking

Bush, Reagan conceded as he required the funding

Rockefeller promised him in order to wage a competitive

campaign against Carter. Reagan would also be forced to take

on Don Regan from Merrill Lynch of Wall Street. Rockefeller

was funding both sides. 223

222 Haslam, Edward T. Dr. Mary’s Monkey. Chapter 8: Dr. O. Trine Day Publishing. 2007.

223 DeSocio, Richard James. Rockefellerocracy. Author House, Bloomington, IN. 2013.

Page 71.


In order to win in November, Republicans needed a boost in

the polls. A scandal had to take place to turn the public

against Carter just as Carter won the White House due to

public anger. So a scandal was manufactured.

The Trilateral Commission, which operates in secrecy, made

news in the fall of 1979, when David Rockefeller, Henry

Kissinger, and John J McCloy (former President of the Ford

Foundation, former President of the World Bank, and

Chairman of the Chase Manhattan Bank) pressured Carter

into allowing the deposed Shah of Iran (who had financial

dealings with Chase Manhattan) into the country for medical

treatment. The move caused the Iranian government, under

the leadership of the Ayatollah Khomeini, to storm the

American Embassy, and hold fifty-two American hostages for

nearly one and a half years. Carter's inadequacy in dealing

with this situation cost him the election. 224

The Iran Hostage Crisis was funded by the CIA to remove

Carter from office. 225 Initially the Iranian captors made

arrangements to release the hostages. However, William

Casey negotiated with the Iranians to hold the Americans

until the election. The CIA agreed to $40 million, and an

224 Rivera. Illuminism and the Master Plan for World Domination. Chapter 7.

225 Martin, Harry. The Real Iranian Hostage Story from the Files of Fara Mansoor. Free

America. 1995. Available online at

crisis-a-cia-co vert-op/5324385


additional $1 billion in weapons to hold on to the hostages.

The Iranians were willing to play ball but insisted on meeting

with higher-level operators to insure they were not being

baited into a war. George H W Bush flew back from Paris on

an SR-71 which had to fuel mid-flight over the Atlantic Ocean

to close the deal. 226 He made it back to the US in time to

deliver a speech for the election.

Reagan's handlers informed him of the deal reached with

the Iranians. His complicity prevented him from outing the

conspirators of the plot once he had the power to do

something about it. The fifty-two American hostages were

released 444 days later, moments after Reagan was sworn in

as president on January 20, 1981. 227 Casey was rewarded

with the CIA Director position.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when

everything the American public believes is false."

-William Casey, CIA Director

(first staff meeting, 1981)

226 Testimony of pilot Gunther Russbacher.

227 Sick, Gary. October Surprise: America's Hostages in Iran and the Election of Ronald

Reagan. Crown Publishing. November 1991.


Rawhide is Down

On March 30, 1981

merely weeks after taking the oath of office, President Reagan

was the target of an attempted assassination. John W Hinkley

Jr. shot Reagan in an effort to impress actress Jodie Foster....

at least that is the official story. What we were not told is that

this was George H W Bush's third coup in removing an

American president from power.

The Hinkley family is very close with the Bush family, and

the Hinkley's have been huge campaign donors to the Bushs.

John Hinckley Sr. was the owner of Vanderbilt Oil, previously

working hand in hand with George H W Bush, owner of Zapata

Oil, on numerous deals, most of which involved espionage

and treason, rather than oil. 228 Hinckley and Bush were

Houston neighbors for years.

The assassination attempt took place outside of the

Washington Hilton Hotel in Washington, D.C. while leaving a

speaking engagement. The presidential limousine was parked

forty feet from the exit. Bear in mind that the Secret Service

will take the time to move the president's car six inches to

perfectly line-up the door with the president's planned path

228 Bonn, Tony. The Secret Service’s Failed Assassination of Ronald Reagan. The

American Chronicle. August 12, 2013. Available online at


of travel to efficiently maneuver him to safety as quickly and

in as short a distance as possible. Protocol was further broken

as the Secret Service failed to form a human wall of protection

surrounding the president while they all walked single-file

along the president's right side.

During a briefing that morning the president was instructed

that no security danger existed and that he did not need to

wear his bullet proof vest. 229 Hinkley's gun held six bullets.

Press Secretary James Brady was shot in the head causing

brain damage and paralysis (1), Police Officer Thomas

Delahanty was wounded along the neck (2), the Universal

office building was struck across the street (3), Secret Service

agent Tim McCarthy acted as a human-shield and was shot in

the abdomen (4), the windshield of the limousine was nicked

(5), and a bullet penetrated the trunk of the car (6). 230 Agent

Jerry Parr forced Reagan into the car and landed on top of


229 Judge, John. The Reagan Shooting 1988. Available online at

230 Wilbert, Del Quentin. Transcript: Crimes of the Century: Reagan Assassination

Attempt. Transcripts. July 28, 2013.


"I knew I had been hurt, but I thought that I'd been hurt

by the Secret Service man landing on me in the car. As it

was, I must say it was the most paralyzing pain. I've

described it as if someone hit you with a hammer. But the

sensation, it seemed to me, came after I was in the car and

so I thought that maybe his gun or something had broken a

rib. I set up on the seat, and the pain wouldn't go away, and

suddenly, I found I was coughing up blood."

-Ronald Reagan

Reagan was injured by a nearly invisible "flechette" 231 - a

razor sharp dime-sized disk used by the CIA, capable of being

fired silently from a pneumatic weapon. The trajectory of his

wound was a forty-five degree downward, back to front, left

to right path. The assassin missed Reagan's heart. The

flechette deflected off a rib, lodging in his lung, missing

Reagan's aorta by about Va".

As the door closed and the car took off, the Secret Service

radioed "Rawhide is okay." Rawhide was the Secret Service

codename for Reagan. It was derived from the old Western

films he loved. Without police escort the car proceeded to

make a series of wrong turns on the way to the hospital.

There had been some discrepancies about where to take the

231 Jones, Alex. Hidden Report Reveals Depth of Bush/Saudi Connection.

October 19, 2015.


president for treatment. The White House was attempting to

direct the limousine to Bethesda Naval Hospital which was

further away and where the scene could be controlled. The

Secret Service arrived at George Washington University

Hospital first, cleared out the emergency room, and took

Press Secretary Brady in for treatment. Several minutes later

the president arrived. Quarreling over relocating the

president to Bethesda would continue until 6:00am the next

morning. 232

At the hospital there was no evidence of a gunshot wound.

Medical professionals believed the president was suffering a

heart attack. Three x-rays failed to display any exogenous

debris in the president's body, a task made more difficult by

the lack of oozing blood pointing to a bullet wound. 233 Had it

not been for an observant nurse discovering the entry wound,

that doctors could not find, Reagan would not have survived.

The nurse described the wound as a razor slit, about an inch

long, marked by some black blood. Once retrieved, the

surgeon handed the flechette off to FBI agents and it was

never seen again.

232 Youtube. John Judge The Reagan Shooting 1988. Available online at

233 Skolnick, Sherman. Conspiracy Nation, Vol 12, No 27.


Renowned Neuropsychologist Dr. Samuel Webb Sentell

theorizes that the flechette contained a chemical agent that

transmitted "something along the lines of a bovine

spongiform encephalopathy." Sentell asserts that Reagan was

purposefully given a prion disease, similar to Mad Cow

Disease. This would explain Reagan's "rapid debilitating

dementia." 234

John's brother, Scott Hinkley, was scheduled for an evening

dinner with George H W Bush's son Neil. Neil was having Scott

over to his home. How do we know this? Neil's wife Sharon

mentioned it to a newspaper reporter when questioned about

the family's well-being after the assassination attempt. 235

As Reagan lay in a hospital bed clinging to life it was made

crystal clear who would be running the country from now on.

From this point forward Reagan was no more than a puppet

as he continuously stated one thing to the public while the

complete opposite took place up through the end of his

second term.

234 Sentell, Dr Samuel Webb. Thinking About Reagan Not Thinking. January 28, 2017.

Available online at


235 Wiese, Arthur; Downing, Margaret. "Bush's Son Was To Dine With Suspect's Brother".

Houston Post. March 31, 1981.


John Lennon

John Lennon was assassinated

on December 8, 1980. You may think this is a stretch to

associate him with government conspiracy. You are likely

thinking it is time for me to put on the tin foil hat and check

in to the nearest asylum, so let me explain.

John Lennon had started writing anti-establishment music

again, he was also planning a peace tour to speak out against

war, but that is not all he was doing. Lennon had become

obsessed with the Kennedy brothers'assassinations, so much

so that he was spending his own money financing a

documentary. He was working with witnesses and insiders to

tell the story of what really happened.

The ex-Beatle was friends with Eliot Mintz and actor Sal

Mineo. Mintz and Mineo were researching the murder of

Robert F Kennedy for the documentary. As production began,

Mineo was stabbed in a Hollywood parking lot after shopping

for groceries; it was not a robbery, just a murder. Mineo's

film that Lennon was financing was about RFK's killing was

going to be titled Sirhan Sirhan. Mineo was receiving death

threats by phone; he planned to play Sirhan, the US

Government/CIA/DISC patsy that was blamed for RFK's



Mineo was killed to keep the movie from being completed

and Lennon was outraged. If this documentary had been

released it would have shown the American people the true

facts about Robert F Kennedy's assassination. The film would

have dissected the official story which did not make sense

and the public would have demanded an investigation.

Lennon had been on hiatus from the spotlight. He was

becoming active again with his new album and made

arrangements to support a rally for Japanese workers in San

Francisco. Lennon had been harassed for years by the Feds;

Richard Nixon even tried to have him deported. Lennon

obtained a green card in 1976 though he vocally supported

the Irish Republican Army (IRA), which had engaged in a

violent civil war with the Irish government up through the

80s. Lennon was Irish, his real name was O'Lennon. 236

John was targeted for elimination and the task was assigned

to Operation 40. The team subjected Mark David Chapman to

the MK Ultra mind-control program to make him a distraction

and patsy for the crime. All gunshot wounds were to Lennon's

left side. Mark David Chapman was located on Lennon's right

side. The "doorman" of the complex Lennon lived in was on

his left.

236 Hooke, Richard. George H W Bush and the Murder of JFK; facebook Group Page.

December 9, 2014.


After the assassination the doorman asked Chapman if he

knew what he had just done. Chapman's response was "I shot

John Lennon?" That doorman was Jose Perdomo, anti-Castro

Cuban exile, involved in the Bay of Pigs invasion, and

Operation 40 team officer. 237 When asked why he killed

Lennon, Chapman's response was "I thought if I killed him I

would acquire his fame." Make the lie big, make it simple, and

people will believe it.


Reagan supported an economy

based upon Supply Side Economics. This is a philosophy if you

let the wealthy people that typically do the hiring keep more

money; they will in turn "create" jobs, thus sharing the

wealth. A plan typically involving deregulation and tax breaks.

During this administration the policy was referred to as

Reaganomics, and has since been called Trickle Down

Economics, Voodoo Economics, All Boats will Rise, Horse and

Sparrow, etc.

The wealthy profited from deregulation. It is during the

Reagan administration that the dismantling of the Glass-

Steagall Act began. Glass-Steagall was the legislation that

237 Dammegard, Ole. Operation 40: The Elite Global Assassination Group. Radio

interview November 6, 2013. The Truth Denied. Revolution Radio.


FDR signed into law at the end of The Great Depression

stopping generation after generation of bank failures since

the founding of our nation. The legislation worked for about

fifty years until Reagan convinced the public that these

regulations stifled business which ultimately costs jobs.

Reagan as we know was nothing more than a puppet. He

was controlled by two people. In politics it was George H W

Bush. In the financial realm it was Don Regan, a member of

Reagan's cabinet who left Wall Street and Merrill Lynch to

enact policies proposed by the kleptocrats that were friendly

to the banksters. The end result is that they did away with

most of the Glass-Steagall Act, and also cut taxes

dramatically for the wealthiest people in the country. 238

Today, the United States has more than three decades of

proof that Supply Side Economics does NOT work, and my

last book spends quite a bit of time discussing it in detail. It

is only possible for this system to function when ordinary

Americans have expendable cash. However, the wealthy only

"create" jobs when they are forced to through higher demand

of products or services. Typically the wealthy hoard their

profits. They refuse to hire new personnel, thus requiring

238 Mennitti, Phil. A Commoners Guide to Defeating the Aristocracy. Tate Publishing,

LLC. Mustang, OK, 2011. Pages 25-27.


current employees to perform additional duties after attrition;

all while paying minimum wage.

The effect of deregulation permitted banking failures again;

most notably the Savings and Loan crisis, which cost many

Americans their homes and pensions. Charles Keating was

one of the banksters responsible for the crisis. Keating had

been taking money and using it to influence politicians by

continuing to lobby for deregulation. There were five

politicians accepting Keating's contributions/bribes and they

became known as The Keating 5. One of the five politicians

involved in the corruption was career politician, Senator John

McCain of Arizona.

During the "Reagan Administration" the president addressed

the public like the experienced corporate spokesman he had

been in the past. He told the American people that taxes were

too high, so taxes were cut for the top but increased on

everyone else. He said government was too big and intrusive,

so government tripled in size. He insisted regulations were

crippling the economy and costing American's good paying

jobs, so he deregulated enabling jobs to be outsourced to

other countries, and attacked unions - making the elites

obscenely wealthy.

Deregulation did not stop with economics. During the 1980s

this administration, accompanied by industry pressure, began


to dismantle or "deregulate" the FCC's ownership rules to

continue the process of media conglomeration. Over the

years, through each subsequent administration, the rules

have continued to gradually loosen in favor of Big Media. This

has resulted in the never-ending cycle of acquisitions and

mergers allowing our media to become consolidated and

owned by ten industry titans; which made control of all media


Operation Brownstar

Not everyone that

seeks public office is inherently corrupt, nor concerned

primarily with personal financial gain. It is these crusaders

who have to be dealt with, but constant murder of politicians

by way of airplane crashes, heart attacks, and drug overdoses

would be hard for the American people to believe.

There are other means of forcing politicians to cooperate

once elected to office. It is quite simple; just imagine the

most socially unacceptable scenarios, capture those

situations on film for indisputable "proof" of the act taking

place, then blackmail the politician into supporting the official

policy despite their public viewpoints - like J Edgar Hoover

once did. This is exactly how support is obtained from

outspoken critics in politics and the military.


Throughout the decade orphaned children would be invited

to tour the White House. As the orphanage supervisors would

arrive with the children they were greeted by Bush, Cheney,

and Congressman John Sununu (later George H W Bush's

Chief of Staff). The children would be taken in for press

photos and to dine at the White House enjoying a lavish

dinner while the supervisors were excused. After dinner, the

supervisors would be contacted at their hotel rooms and

notified that the children would be entertained and spend the

night at the White House.

The orphans would be placed in presidential limousines and

immediately given Cokes or Pepsis with the "voodoo" drug

mixed in. The limo would drive to Senator Barney Frank's

condo codenamed "Brownstone," where a party would be

underway. The parties were supposed to be social gatherings

to promote non-partisan cooperation among Congressmen.

Here call girls and high-end prostitutes fed the politicians

drinks also spiked with the "voodoo" drug. 239

As the limo arrived, the ladies were excused. The children

were brought in and then photographed with the politicians in

compromising scenarios. Military advisors were taken

advantage of in a similar fashion but using homosexual

239 Webb, Stew. George Bush Pedophile Sex Ring and Blackmail of Congress. Veterans

Today. January 12, 2015.


scenarios which would destroy not just their careers, but their

machismo; 240 those events classified the soldiers as Cherry

Marines of the Pink Triangle. 241 The images forced

capitulation and eliminated any future political resistance for

fears of the images being leaked to the public. This is how the

cabal is able to get away with their political and economic

crimes. 242

The Enterprise

During the 1980s HUD fraud,

CIA/DEI drug trafficking, Oil and Gas fraud, and real estate

fraud was rampant. Business was good. George H W Bush

began to refer to his band of cohorts as "The Enterprise."

Bush decided to make the business ventures more family

centered. So he started to recruit his own children into The

Enterprise. George W Bush specialized in insurance fraud.

Neil Bush specialized in real estate fraud. Jeb Bush dabbled

in many areas of the family business and has ties to banking

fraud, securities fraud, real estate fraud, oil and gas fraud,

gold bullion fraud, and aircraft brokerages fraud. Marvin,

240 Rodriguez, Paul. Homosexual Prostitution Enquiry Ensnares VIPs with Reagan, Bush.

The Washington Times, Washington, D.C. June 29, 1989.

241 Styllinski, MK. Satan’s Little Helpers VIII: Weimar, Magick, and Cherry Marines.

Infrakshun, Internet accessed January 21, 2015.

242 Connolly. JFK to 9/11: Everything is a Rich Man’s Trick.


however, prefers to operate behind the scenes just as his


The Enterprise did not stop with fraud and deregulations.

They had their sights set on reaping wealth from Hegelian

Dialectic Principles and began to incite conflict for the purpose

of profit. The Military Industrial Complex is where the big

money is made, unless of course you have peace.

The mission of this administration was to build up a massive

military to wear down the Soviets in what would be the final

years of the Cold War. Reagan's administration revived the

B-l bomber program, which had been cancelled by the Carter

administration, and began production of the MX Peacekeeper

missile. The US military budget increased by 43% over eight

years, and translated into the addition of tens of thousands

of troops, more weapons and equipment, and a beefed-up

intelligence program.

The buildup of weapons and soldiers must be validated.

Since we had shaped a new military, we had to have someone

to fight in order to justify the cost. It was best to start small

just to get our feet wet, so for the better part of the decade

the United States would engage in controlled conflict for profit

with small countries like Lebanon, Granada, Panama, Libya,

etc. They convinced us that we had to fight against


communist imperialism for our own safety. All the while the

men at the top were profiting by investing in weapons

manufacturing and transportation.

Star Wars Satellite

The Strategic Defense Initiative

quickly became jokingly known as the Star Wars Satellite.

This was a theoretical particle beam or electromagnetic

weapon located in space. The satellite would emit an invisible

beam of energy capable of destroying intercontinental

ballistic missiles launched at the United States. Reagan

claimed this would only be used as a deterrent and we would

never be the aggressor.

His concerns were over the Soviet Union and the nuclear

arms race between our countries. For readers who were too

young to experience the 80s, we were given the distinct

feeling by our leaders that nuclear war was a real possibility.

The Soviet Union was our evil enemy bent on wiping out the

entire country. We had movies like the original Red Dawn

starring Patrick Swayze, and we had duck and cover drills in


The United States' missile cache was technologically

outdated. Supposedly we were lagging behind in the race due


to the recent policies of detente thanks to Nixon and Carter.

Peace is not profitable, so Reagan announced we were going

to spend billions of dollars on this weapon and on continuing

upgrades to our military complex.

In the 80s, we were told that the only reason nuclear war

hadn't erupted is because of the idea that if attacked the

other country would then launch all their missiles, this is

known as mutual retaliation and ends with everyone dead or

barely surviving the nuclear apocalypse. Corporate

Spokesman-in-Chief Reagan claimed he wanted to stabilize

the nuclear balance instead of relying on this threat of mutual

retaliation. He said technology could insure peace through

defensive technology and render nuclear weapons

obsolete. 243

The "Star Wars Satellite" was an offensive weapon disguised

as a defensive weapon intended to establish our status as the

sole world super power. The plan was directed at conquering

the Soviet Union. The price of victory was determined to be

no more than twenty million American lives to be considered

a victory. 244 He claimed the satellite would deter aggression

to keep the peace.

243 Reagan, Ronald. Address on Defense and National Security. March 23, 1983.

244 Bowman, Bob. Star Wars Secrets and Lies. Accessed online

December 9, 2014.


Reagan went on television to scare the American people into

needing the new weapon. For twenty-eight minutes he

enumerated how out-gunned the United States was to the

Soviet Union. He manufactured fear out of his figures which

claimed America had produced less than half of the number

of missiles and tactical military vehicles the Soviets produced

in recent years. He further detailed how inefficient our

military personnel were, and how advanced the Soviet

weapons and troops were.

He insisted his administration's massive increases in military

spending had turned things around for the military.

Conventional forces were modernized across the board from

our Air Force to Navy. His administration constructed the first

long range bomber built in a generation, and we had begun

building submarines again. The recruitment rates and

retention among servicemen was up among personnel, and

morale was as high as it had been in decades. These were all

things, he said, that could not be measured in a budget.

The 80s saw a dramatic boom in enlistments across the

military. The reasons for this stemmed from CIA influence in

the entertainment industry. They got to us when we were

young. The military helped finance and create the television

cartoon GI Joe. Our military also permitted unprecedented

access to equipment and cooperated with filming footage in


blockbuster movies such as Top Gun, Heartbreak Ridge,

Rambo III, etc. This enticed young people to join Uncle Sam

and increase the size of our forces.

More recently the CIA has funded and approved scripts for

propaganda 245 such as The Americans, Zero Dark Thirty,

American Sniper, Lone Survivor, etc.


After looting Savings and Loan

the fraud began to come to light. The cabal distracted the

public with Iran-Contra and tried to pin it on Reagan to force

him into resignation to seize power.

The Iran-Contra scandal is very confusing but here is the jist

of what took place. The Iran-Contra Affair of the 1980s arose

from the Reagan Administration's foreign policies toward two

seemingly unrelated countries, Nicaragua (Central America)

and Iran (Middle East). The Administration believed that

changes to these countries that occurred in the 1970s

threatened US business interests.

In Nicaragua, a socialist uprising called the Sandinistas

seized power through a revolution in 1979. The Reagan

Administration, fearful of the potential spread of socialism

245 Wallace, Tabitha. Ventura, Tyrel. CIA Routinely Reviews Hollywood Scripts. RT

America. January 8, 2015.


throughout Latin America, helped create an army known as

the Contras. The Contras sought to overthrow the Sandinista


That same year power also changed hands in Iran when a

radical Islamic movement overthrew the US-backed

government. Because the revolutionary government was

unfriendly toward the United States and was potentially allied

with the Soviet Union, the Administration tried to bolster

moderate elements within Iran, a policy that became more

complicated when a terrorist group seized American hostages

in an attempt to make history repeat itself.

There were seven hostages held in Lebanon. The captors

were loyal to Iran. The United States had an embargo against

Iran. We are told that in order to free the hostages, the CIA

stole weapons from the National Guard, under the supervision

of Colin Powell. The weapons were sent to Israel, who acted

as a middle-man, to then ship them to Iran with release of

the hostages as part of the deal. 246 Forty-eight million dollars

in weapons sales would be funneled into Iran which

contradicted our national policy of refusing to negotiate with

terrorists. Profits made along the way were not disclosed.

246 Wallace, Chris. The Iran-Contra Affair. NBC Nightly News. November 24, 1986.


Naturally Congress had to hold official hearings on the

matter. Once again the death squads began killing witnesses.

400 people were killed to cover up the crimes of The

Enterprise. 247 During the hearings Lieutenant Colonel Oliver

North was thrown under the bus as the man responsible for

the scheme of freeing the hostages while simultaneously

raising money benefitting the Contras through the weapon


The hearings revealed the money and additional weapons

had been flown to the Contras by the CIA; who were using

military Medi-Vac airships to conceal the dealings. What we

didn't know at the time was that the weapons and money

were being exchanged for drugs. The drugs were flown back

to Arkansas, where the Governor at the time was Bill Clinton.

He and George H W Bush supervised exchanging the

smuggled shipments. 248

One of the pilots, Barry Seals, had been secretly taking

photos for his own protection. When the Congressional

Hearings began, Barry was called to testify about George H

W Bush's involvement. Barry was murdered. 249 One week

247 Gorton. Fifty Years of the Deep State, page 15.

248 Aswell, Tom. Barry Seal Murder in Baton Rouge 25 Years Ago Helped Expose Iran-

Contra Debacle. Louisiana Voice. February 14, 2011.

249 Ibid.


later the Swedish Prime Minister was murdered for his role in

international illegal arms dealing.

The CIA agent in charge of the Iran-Contra program was

Felix Rodriguez, Operation 40 officer, and close friend of

Oliver North. 250 The committee was led by Dick Cheney, and

in the end they exonerated George H W Bush of any wrong



Panama was a deception

which shows the extent to which the CIA controls the media.

The American people were told that Manuel Noriega was a

corrupt drug lord responsible for smuggling narcotics into the

United States during our war on drugs. As the leader of the

third world country of Panama, Noriega was said to profit

personally from this venture.

On December 19, 1989 the United States secretly mobilized

26,000 troops for a midnight attack. The invasion was swift,

intense, and merciless. Millions of US tax dollars were used

to fund the violence. The overwhelming victory was a testing

ground for the Invasion of Iraq one year later.

250 Dammegard, Ole. Operation 40: The Elite Global Assassination Group.


Noriega was a paid asset of the CIA since the 1960s, when

he was leader of the Panamanian military. When George H W

Bush became director of the CIA during the 1970s, he

increased Noriega's salary to $100,000 to continue reporting

on the drug trafficking activity. Noriega eventually would be

propped up as leader of the country. 251

In reality, Noriega was brokering deals to use his network

for shipping our weapons into Nicaragua for the Contras.

Increasingly Noriega was uncooperative with US interests as

he refused to be told what to do in his country. When Noriega

put a stop to the money laundering with aide from the DEA,

the US interests turned against him. He was accused of

murder, corruption, and drug running to strong-arm him into

cooperating. Noriega responded with brutal tactics of

oppression in Panama. He refused to grant requests

permitting the US an expanded military presence and for

maintaining control of the fourteen military bases already

there. 252

The US persecuted Noriega for not cooperating. The media

attacked Noriega relentlessly without regard for the history of

the US involvement in his country. Reporters parroted the

talking points established by our vice president asserting we

251 Hinson, Hal. The Panama Deception. The Washington Post. October 17, 1992.

252 Ibid.


could not believe any accusations made by an indicted, brutal,

drug-trafficking, dictator. The press claimed Noriega was

funding terrorism against the United States and smuggling

drugs into the nation.

George H W Bush had ten million dollars funneled to the

opposition attempting to overthrow Noriega and denied any

US involvement. 253 Once president, Bush would send in the

military to harass and overthrow Noriega's regime, and

ultimately imprison Noriega. Thousands of Panamanians lost

their lives and were buried in mass graves. The US military

had tested a new weapon which emitted an invisible beam of

energy capable of reducing buildings to rubble. 254

The invasion by the US was not motivated by the need to

protect American soldiers, restore democracy, or even

capture Noriega. It served to force Panama to submit to the

will of the United States after Noriega had exhausted his

usefulness and as practice for a larger mission.

253 Rohter, Larry. Drug Ring Gave Up to $10 Million To Contras, Noriega Jury Is Told.

The New York Times. November 26, 1991.

254 Trent, Barbara. The Panama Deception. Rhino Home Video. 1992.


"If the American people ever found out what we have done ,

they would chase us down the streets and lynch us."

- George H W Bush, 1992


George H W Bush

President George H W Bush

nominated Dick Cheney for the office of Secretary of Defense

immediately after the US Senate failed to approve John Tower

for that position. The senate confirmed Cheney by a vote of

ninety-two to zero and he served in that office from March

1989 to January 1993. He directed the United States invasion

of Panama and Operation Desert Storm in the Middle East. In

1991, he was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by

Bush. Later that year, he received the US Senator John Heinz

Award for Greatest Public Service by an Elected or Appointed

Official, an award given out annually by Jefferson Awards. 255

On August 1, 1990, Iraqi President Saddam Hussein sent

the invading Iraqi forces into neighboring Kuwait, a small

petroleum-rich state long claimed by Iraq as part of its

territory. This invasion sparked the initiation of the Persian

Gulf War and it brought worldwide condemnation. An

255 McCollough, Lindsay G.; Gellman, Barton. The Life and Career of Dick Cheney. The

Washington Post. December 18, 2007.


estimated 140,000 Iraqi troops quickly took control of Kuwait

City and moved on to the Saudi Arabia/Kuwait border. The

United States had already begun to develop contingency

plans for the defense of Saudi Arabia by the US Central

Command, headed by General Norman Schwarzkopf, because

of its important petroleum reserves.

Cheney and Schwarzkopf oversaw planning for what would

become a full-scale US military operation. According to

General Colin Powell, Cheney "had become a glutton for

information, with an appetite we could barely satisfy. He

spent hours in the National Military Command Center

peppering my staff with questions."

Shortly after the Iraqi invasion, Cheney made the first of

several visits to Saudi Arabia where King Fahd requested US

military assistance. The United Nations took action as well,

passing a series of resolutions condemning Iraq's invasion of

Kuwait; the UN Security Council authorized "all means

necessary" to eject Iraq from Kuwait, and demanded that the

country withdraw its forces by January 15, 1991. By then, the

United States had a force of about 500,000 stationed in Saudi

Arabia and the Persian Gulf which would become known as

Operation Desert Storm. 256

256 Wikipedia. Dick Cheney. Accessed online,

November 3, 2014.


The Military Industrial Complex supplied the Middle East

with chemical weapons. The weapons were discovered in

2014 in an ongoing effort to find Hussein's illegal weapons

cache. When it was determined the aging chemical weapons

belonged to the United States, and were never used, Karl

Rove attempted to cover it up and stated it was best to just

"let these sleeping dogs lie." 257

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York

Times, Time Magazine, and other great publications whose

directors have attended our meetings and respected their

promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have

been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if

we had been subjected to the bright lights of publicity

during those years. But, the work is now much more

sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world

government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual

elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national

auto-determination practiced in past centuries."

-David Rockefeller

Address to the Trilateral Commission, 1991

Poppy realized he preferred the freedom to secretly control

things from behind the scenes, as he had for decades with

257 Chivers, C.J. The Secret Casualties of Iraq’s Abandoned Chemical Weapons. The New

York Times. October 15, 2014.


the CIA. It is at this time he started making arrangements to

return to life outside the Oval Office. Bush coordinated and

arranged financing for an opponent in the forthcoming

election who would be one of his own men. Some financiers

included the Wall Street power of Goldman Sachs, Payne

Webber, Salomon Brothers and Merrill Lynch. 258

During the 1992 presidential election, The Bush Crime

Syndicate could not lose. George H W Bush was the

Republican candidate. Bill Clinton was the Democratic

candidate. Ross Perot, the Independent candidate, lost his

support when he dropped out of the race because George H

W Bush threatened to murder his daughter. When Perot went

public with the claim, most of the nation thought he was

crazy. Perot went from being the front runner in the race to a

non-contender overnight.

258 Smith, Sam. Arkansas Connections: A Time Line of the Clinton Years.

October 1998. Available online at


"We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need

is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the new

world order."

- David Rockefeller

U.N. Business Conference, 1994


Bill Clinton

The Enterprise liked

what they saw in Clinton. First, he was influenced by Carrol

Quigley. 259 Second, Clinton was charismatic, driven, a smart

young man, and he had one great flaw; he couldn't keep his

pants on. This made him controllable - they would have

leverage over him. So Cord Meyer recruited Clinton while he

was attending Oxford University. As Governor of Arkansas,

Clinton and his wife were no strangers to scandal or


The criminal activity came to light when it was discovered

that Clinton's firm, "Arkansas Development Finance

Authority" (ADFA), laundered drug-money. Cocaine

shipments of $10,000,000 a week were flown in to Mena

Airport in Arkansas. The money was laundered via ADFA to a

bank in Florida, to a bank in Georgia, to CityCorp in New York,

and from there it was transferred out of the country. 260

259 Clinton, Bill. Acceptance Speech. Democratic National Convention, Madison Square

Garden, New York, July 9, 1992.

260 Reed, Terry. Compromised: Clinton, Bush, and the CIA. SPI Books, New York,

February 1994.


Clinton's best friend, Dan Lasater, led the operations. Lasater

and Bill Clinton's brother, Roger Clinton, later spent time in

jail due to drug related crimes.

The Chief of Police in Arkansas at that time, Doc Delaughter,

said he had gathered information from many people

associated with Lasater pertaining to how Clinton smuggled

drugs and abused young girls sexually. 261 During those

investigations Doc was harassed by persons from his own

police department allegedly on Clinton's payroll.

Governor Clinton enacted new laws that helped Tyson Foods

to become the biggest company in Arkansas. The owner, Don

Tyson, received a loan from the Clinton-controlled ADFA, but

never had to pay it back. Doc claimed he had enough

evidence against Tyson to start an investigation regarding

illegal drug trafficking. Tyson benefited from several state

decisions, including favorable environmental rulings, $9

million in state loans, and the placement of company

executives on important state boards. 262

The first loan ADFA approved was to an organization called

"Park-O-Meter" which was supposed to manufacture parking

261 United States Congressional Serial Set, No. 14778, House Report No. 454, Justice

Undone, Clemency Decisions in Clinton White House, V. 1-2. Page 800.

262 Labaton, Stephen. Hillary Clinton Turned $1,000 Into $99,540, White House Says. The

New York Times. March 30, 1994.


meters. When investigated it was discovered that the

directive secretary and cashier was Webb Hubbell. This is the

same man that wrote the law proposition making ADFA

possible. Rose Law Firm, owned by Hillary Clinton, signed the


When journalists started investigating the loans to "Park-O-

Meter", they discovered that the company did not make

parking meters, but removable airplane nose-cones being

delivered to the air-field in Mena. 263 The equipment was used

to smuggle narcotics into the country. Clinton and his

companions participated heavily in the importation of street-

drugs to the USA. Clinton was directly involved in the lucrative

drug trade and the people he was surrounded by followed him

all the way to the White House.

Hubbell had successfully advanced the Ethics in Government

Act, which incidentally exempted the Clintons, their

appointees, and relatives. When Clinton became president he

appointed Webb Hubbell as the Minister of Justice. Hubbell

had to go back to Arkansas, though, to plead guilty to having

263 Lett, Donald G. Phoenix Rising: The Rise and Fall of the American Republic. Author

House. February 2008. Page 299.


cheated customers of the "Rose Law Firm" out of

$500,000." 264

Both Bill and Hillary had criminal backgrounds intertwined

with The Enterprise. Some of their crimes included drug

smuggling, gun running, money laundering, financial fraud,

murdering witnesses, etc. 265 The Clintons were obligated to

keep covering up high-level government crime and appointed

over 1,000 of the Bush Administration employees to the new

Clinton Administration.

New Faceless Enemies

On February 26, 1993,

merely days after taking the oath of office, America

experienced the World Trade Center Bombing. The reports of

terrorism would become a common theme during the 90s.

Since the Cold War ended America stood alone as the world's

sole superpower. The Military Industrial Complex needed a

new enemy to fight long-term in order to justify "defense

spending." Weapons cannot be stockpiled; they must be used

to justify continued purchases and ever expanding defense

264 Hard Truth Alternative News. Bill Clinton’s Criminal Background. Available online.

Accessed January 21, 2015 at

265 Jones, Alex. The Coke Brothers! Bush & Clinton Linked Together in Drug Trade.

InfoWars. Available online at

linked -together-in-drug -trade/


budgets. Rather than short-term conflicts with specific

countries that possessed inferior military might, the hidden

hand chose a lasting approach by choosing to fight ideologies.

The official story claims that a truck loaded with explosives

drove into the parking garage basement of the North Tower.

The truck bomb was exploded damaging the tower and

placing the blame squarely on radical Muslim terrorists. We

were told Ramzi Youssef masterminded the WTC '93

bombing. In reality FBI agents provided the terrorists with

training 266 and explosives under the cover of a supposed sting

operation. 267

Another attack was codenamed Project Bojinka and

contained all the hallmarks of false flag events we have

become familiar with. The operation was planned to be

carried out in January 1995. Bojinka was to be a large-scale,

three phase, militant-Islamist attack by Ramzi Yousef and

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. The attack plotted to assassinate

Pope John Paul II, conduct an air bombing of eleven airliners

flying from Asia to the United States killing approximately

266 Bernstein, Richard. Bomb Informer's Tapes Give Rare Glimpse of F.B.I. Dealings. The

New York Times. October 31, 1993.

267 Corbett, James. WTC 1993 was an FBI Job. Corbett Report. April 23, 2008.


4,000 passengers, and featured a proposal to crash a plane

into the headquarters of the CIA in Langley, Virginia. 268

That sounds vaguely familiar.


April 19, 1993,

a cult living on a compound in Waco, Texas was confronted

by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives

(ATF). Initially ATF Agents were out-gunned and forced to

retreat. This led to a sixty day stand-off surrounding the

compound that culminated in a fire which engulfed the

structure. There were no survivors.

Government agencies had been uncomfortable with the

weapons cache the Branch Davidians amassed. When seizing

the weapons failed and the stand-off began, the propaganda

machine fed false information to the press. The cult was

accused of polygamy, adultery, child abuse, possessing

unregistered weapons, and running a methamphetamine lab.

Our government told us the cult leader believed he was the

reincarnated Christ and went by the name David Koresh. The

Davidians frequently contacted radio talk shows to deny all

allegations during the siege.

268 Wikipedia. Bojinka Plot.


The American people had been caught up in the lengthy

news spectacle and wanted closure. Hearings were scheduled

to investigate the truth. ATF Agent Roland Ballestros who

initially reported that the ATF fired first was excused from

testifying at the Federal Hearings. Eventually the FBI

admitted to igniting previously undisclosed pyrotechnic

devices engulfing all escape routes from the compound.

California Representative Sonny Bono extensively questioned

Attorney General Janet Reno on C-Span concerning her

cover-up of the mass murder of the Waco children using CS

gas. 269

Senator John Danforth led the investigative team which

found the FBI and ATF not guilty of starting the blaze and

cleared both departments of any wrongdoing. Key evidence

remains unaccounted for. The events at Waco created

national sympathy for militias. President Clinton was criticized

for not intervening to find a peaceful resolution.

Subpoenas have deadly consequences when pursuing the

hidden hand of our government. Congressman Sonny Bono

was murdered during the Christmas recess of 1997. While

investigating the events of Waco, Congressman Bono began

uncovering details regarding drug and weapons trafficking by



high-ranking government officials. The subpoenas he was

approved to issue granted Bono the power to summon those

officials to testify in hearings. The congressman was

bludgeoned to death and left along a ski slope. His cause of

death is listed as hitting a tree at a high rate of speed despite

the facts that his goggles were not broken, he possessed no

tree debris from the collision, he was 120 feet inside the tree

line off the slope, and his injuries were to the side and rear of

his head. Dead men tell no tales...

Oklahoma City bombing

The bombing destroyed

the Murrah Federal Building where an investigation was being

conducted into the illegal dealings of The Enterprise. The

media focused on a day care located in the building rather

than the CIA and FBI records office. The patsy was a militia

advocate named Timothy McVeigh. The reason he was

selected was due to a growing interest by Americans after

Waco in having armed militias to protect us from oppressive

government. Fears of a tyrannical militaristic state began

emerging stemming from all the new advancements in


McVeigh was under the "care" of Dr. Louis Jolyon West of

UCLA's Neuropsychiatric Institute. West promoted the views


of Aldous Huxley and recommended to federal officials that

drugs be used to control "bothersome" segments of the

population. 270 Dr. West is a sinister MK Ultra fraternity

member. Among other totalitarian projects, he has studied

the use of drugs as 'adjuncts to interpersonal manipulation or

assault/ and employed pioneers in the field of remote,

electronic mind control experimentation at UCLA. 271

By reporting on the day care center, this removed public

sympathy and denounced gun-crazy, homegrown terrorist,

lunatics promoting militias. A homemade manure bomb could

not destroy a building of this size to this extent, only military

grade explosives could

have created this much

damage. Curiously, after

arresting McVeigh's

"accomplice" Terry

Nichols, the FBI then took

over the mortgage

payments on Nichols' home. 272

270 Constantine, Alex. Mind Control & Timothy McVeigh’s Rise from "Robotic" Soldier to

Mad Bomber. Available online at

http://www. whale. to/b/constantine8.html#Dr._Louis_Jolyon_West

271 Jones, Alex. Overwhelming Evidence Mounts Indicating Colorado Shooting Staged. July 28. 2012.

272 West, O. FBI Took On Payments Of Bomb Suspect's Home. Orlando Sentinel. April

22, 1998.



Bill appointed Hillary as Chairman

of his National Task Force on Health Care Reform. Prior to

that, she had no history in the health care industry. In order

to carry out the assignment, she had to study and learn the

mind-numbing intricacies of the health-care system. 273

Hillary relied on the guiding hand of Congressman Jay

Rockefeller, who watched closely over the Task Force. Jay was

John D Rockefeller's great-grandson. Senator Rockefeller was

"largely responsible for creating the coalition of pro-reform

groups to campaign for passage of the Clinton plan and had

opened his mansion in Rock Creek Park to them for their first

strategy meeting." 274

The public interest group Judicial Watch published a

memorandum that the Clinton Library was forced to release

under the Freedom of Information Act. 275 The twenty-four

page memo shined a spotlight on Hillary's little-known

relationship with America's most powerful oil and banking

dynasty. Dated May 26, 1993 and addressed to "Hillary

273 Green, Joshua. How Hillary Clinton Turned Herself Into the Consummate Washington

Player. The Atlantic. Washington, D.C. November 2006 Issue.

274 Johnson, Haynes. Broder, David. The System: The American Way of Politics at the

Breaking Point. Back Bay Books. April, 1997. Page 33

275 Rockefeller, Jay. Health Care Reform Communications. Confidential Memorandum to

Hillary Clinton. May 26, 1993. Available online


Rodham Clinton," the memo comes from Senator Rockefeller

of West Virginia. The memo lays out a detailed strategy for

pushing the "Clinton reform plan" for universal health

coverage. In it, Rockefeller snaps orders at the first lady in

the imperious tones of a man accustomed to obedience.

Rockefeller instructs Hillary to get tough on critics of the

health plan and "impeach the credibility of opponents."

Portray them as "perpetrators," "paid lobbyists," and

purveyors of "ideological extremism." Assign investigators to

conduct "opposition research" on them and expose their

"lifestyles." Do not allow them "even one day without


Regarding the need for radio and TV advertising campaigns,

Rockefeller fumes, "Fundraising must begin immediately. I

am frankly surprised that I have not been contacted or shown

a plan for fundraising and media expenditures." Rockefeller

plainly viewed Hillary as his subordinate, and the "Clinton

reform plan" as his project.

The Task Force was controversial and drew litigation. Their

public goal was to create a comprehensive plan providing

universal health care for all Americans, which was to be a

cornerstone of the administration's first-term agenda. The

core element of the proposed plan was an enforceable

mandate for employers to provide health insurance coverage


to all of their employees. As you can imagine, opposition to

the plan was intense from conservatives and among the

industry. The pharmaceutical and health insurance companies

produced a highly effective campaign to kill the healthcare

reform and considerably diminished Hillary's popularity.

Policies and speeches however would easily be reversed by

cash contributions.

Hillary might have lacked health care experience, but she

carried much water with the Rockefellers, especially David

Rockefeller Jr., son of the family patriarch David Rockefeller

who led Chase Manhattan Bank for 21 years, as president,

then chairman and CEO. 276

Bill and Hillary continued to be immersed in scandals; the

mid 90s were full of turmoil for the Clintons. In addition to all

of Bill's White House trysts with staffers and interns, they

invested in a real estate deal known as Whitewater. The

Clintons partnered with the owners of a Savings and Loan

Association, Madison Guaranty. When Savings and Loan went

under, the Whitewater deal collapsed.

276 Poe, Richard Lawrence. How the Rockefellers Created Hillary. Fourwinds. Available

online http:// www.fourwindslO. com/siterun_data/government/new_world_order/news.



Hillary initially was brought in on the deal when her law firm,

The Rose Law Firm, represented the primary investors. After

the deal fell apart Hillary and Bill were subpoenaed to testify

about financial misdoings. Hillary stated ninety-nine times

under oath that she was unable to recall what work she did

for Madison Guaranty. When prosecutors subpoenaed her

billing records she reported she was unable to locate them. 277

Previous administrations had set the precedent; never

cooperate when being investigated, and there will be few


In 1996 Bill Clinton signed the Telecommunications Act,

which weakened rules that prohibited a community's sole

local newspaper to be owned by the same corporation that

owns local TV and radio stations. Also under Clinton the FCC

lifted rules on the number of radio stations that could be

owned by one entity and the number that could be owned

within a given market. 278

Conglomerated media is not a one-way street; it is a joint

business venture by both parties. The insiders expect

something in return for all the time and money invested into

journalism. Tom Hicks, the vice-chairman of Clear Channel

277 Labaton, Stephen. Elusive Papers of Law Firm Are Found at White House. The New

York Times. January 6, 1996.

278 Grossman. Who Owns Your Opinion? Page 36-39.


Communications, Inc (which owns over 1,200 radio stations),

purchased the Texas Rangers baseball team in 1998. The deal

made the previous owner, George W Bush, a

multimillionaire. 279 This transaction freed Bush to pursue the

presidency in the upcoming election.


The American workforce

earns roughly 1/3 of the wage they earned during the 1950s.

As a reminder from A Commoners Guide ; in 1971 minimum

wage was the equivalent of $21.63 per hour, 280 almost all

jobs were full-time, and almost all jobs included health

insurance benefits. Business owners were rich then as well.

The North American Free Trade Agreement was an outright

attack on American labor. The wealthy enacted this bill to

hoard greater profits while getting away with paying foreign

workers less by outsourcing jobs. The entire purpose has

been to subjugate Americans into further indentured

servitude by eliminating decent paying employment under

the guise of "being competitive in the global marketplace" -

which is just different wording for Rockefeller's "one world

economy." By taking away the ability to accrue a nest egg,

279 Grossman. Who Owns Your Opinion? Page 36-39.

280 2005 dollars


possess expendable cash for recreation, have resources

available to own a home, or have any sense of economic

security makes the population controllable. Obama's secret

2014 trade deal called the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)

would take things a step further over the coming generation.

NAFTA was signed into law by a democratic president.

Republican versus democrat, conservative versus liberal,

etc., is nonsense. Former Navy SEAL and Governor of

Minnesota, Jesse Ventura states that national politics are just

like professional wrestling. He asserts "as soon as the

cameras go off, in the back room, they're all going out to

dinner together, and they're all buddies cutting deals. It's just

like Pro Wrestling. In front of the public we hate each other,

but in the locker room we're all friends."

As George Washington warned us, party systems are

established by the wealthy to divide us over petty issues, so

we do not unify for the best interests of the country. This

division is facilitated and perpetuated by the state controlled

media. They divide and conquer us using fear, anger, and

hate to maintain control.

David Rockefeller has influenced US and Latin American

relations since the 1960s, through both democratic and

republican administrations. He was instrumental in the

design, promotion and implementation of the North American


Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the proposed Free Trade

Area of Americas (FTAA). On April 23, 1992, George H W Bush

addressed the Forum of the Americas and stated "David,

thank you, sir. And thank you for your really vital work in

rallying the private sector and congressional support for the

North American Free Trade Agreement. And let me say to his

many friends here that David's personal involvement has

been a major factor in the success we've enjoyed so far." 281

In 1999, democratic President Bill Clinton sided with the

bankers and signed into law The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act

which eliminated the remaining regulations from the Glass-

Steagall Act. It was no longer law to keep community banks

separate from investment and Wall Street banks. Community

banks were then allowed to gamble in the stock market. It

would take less than nine years for the economy to crumble

and enter the great modern depression from this disastrous


281 Jasper, William F. NAFTA/FTAA. Transfer News. Rogues' Gallery, NY. July 2004.


Slobodan Milosevic

Former Yugoslav President

Slobodan Milosevic was assassinated. He was found dead in

the detention center at The Hague tribunal. Milosevic faced

charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity for his

alleged central role in the wars in Bosnia, Croatia and Kosovo

during the 1990s. He also faced genocide charges over the

1992-95 Bosnian war, in which 100,000 people died.

Milosevic presented the NATO controlled Hague Tribunal

with FBI documents proving that both the United States

government and NATO provided financial and military support

for Al-Qaeda to aid the Kosovo Liberation Army in its war

against Serbia. This disclosure was not appreciated by the

Pentagon or the White House; who at the time was trying to

sell a war on terror and had been building their case to justify

invading Iraq.

During Milosevic's trial for war crimes NATO alleged that the

Serbs had committed a massacre of Albanian civilians in the

Kosovo town of Racak. Evidence presented in the court

showed that NATO's claim was a hoax. This is especially

embarrassing because the allegation of a massacre at Racak


was the excuse that NATO used to begin bombing the

Serbs. 282

NATO claimed that the Serbs had murdered 100,000

Albanian civilians. However, NATO's own forensics reported

that they could not find even one body of an Albanian civilian

murdered by Milosevic's forces. The failure to find any bodies

eventually led to NATO's absurd claim that the Serbs had

covered up the genocide by moving the many thousands of

bodies in freezer trucks deep into Serbia 283 (where Clinton

had been using the Air Force to carpet bomb that area)

without leaving a single trace of evidence. But the Hague

Tribunal showed these accusations to be entirely fraudulent

as well.

Milosevic made several speeches in which he discussed how

a group of shadowy internationalists had caused the chaos in

the Balkans because it was the next step on the road to a

"new world order." 284

Milosevic wrote a letter one day before dying claiming he

was being poisoned in jail. An autopsy verified his claim as it

showed that Milosevic's body contained a drug that rendered

282 Silverman, Jon. Racak Massacre Haunts Milosevic Trial. BBC News. February 14,

2002 .

283 Simon, Marlise. Danube's Grisly Tale, Staring Milosevic in the Face. The New York

Times. August 26, 2002.

284 Milosevic, Slobodan. Dr.Slobodan Milosevic vs. New World Order. Available online at


his usual medication ineffective which he used for high blood

pressure and a heart condition. The result was a heart attack

that caused his death. 285

John F Kennedy, Jr.

The next major attack

on democracy took place in 1999, though most people

thought little of John F Kennedy Jr.'s plane crash and many

attributed it to "the Kennedy curse." People assumed that the

news reports were honest and blamed Kennedy for flying as

a novice pilot, in poor weather, endangering his wife and

sister-in-law. These statements could not be further from the


Despite the media's attempts to characterize John Jr. as a

unintelligent, jet-setting playboy, rich kid; his mother actively

kept him out of the realm of wealth and insured he grew up

level-headed. John was a successful businessman that owned

a political magazine called George. George featured stories

that the main stream media would not cover. Two of the most

notable stories were Israel's Crimes of Mossad Against

Citizens, and an article about how the rich and powerful kill

leaders in the US - which promoted Oliver Stone.

285 Press Core. Assassinations by Induced Heart Attack and Cancer. Sign of the Times.

December 16, 2010. Accessed online November 26, 2014.


Rumors were rampant that the upcoming issue of George

was going to announce that John Jr. was running for New York

Senate. This was problematic for Hillary Clinton who had just

purchased a home in New York for the sole purpose of running

for that same senate seat. The popularity of a Kennedy,

especially in the northeast, could not be tolerated by The


John scheduled a trip to fly his private plane to Martha's

Vineyard for his cousin's wedding. At the airport John, his wife

Carolyn, and his sister-in-law Lauren Bessette, were delayed

takeoff for forty-five minutes with no reason given for the

delay. John was photographed by the paparazzi talking on his

cell phone several times during the delay.

Once granted approval for takeoff the duration of the flight

passed without an issue. John contacted the tower on his final

approach and requested permission to land. Abruptly the

plane took a dramatic nose dive, as if the stick was pushed

forward, and the plane plunged straight down into the sea.

All aboard were presumed to have perished. We know that

three did.

Once again we find that the earliest reports tend to be the

truest and most reliable. The National Transportation Safety

Board (NTSB) released a statement that no mechanical


problems were reported, the weather was clear, and the

moon was visible at the end of the flight. 286

Protocol dictates that when the Federal Aviation

Administration (FAA) Low Altitude Alarm goes off, or a plane

fails to check-in for landing, a search is issued for that plane

within five minutes. Despite a frantic early morning phone call

from Senator Ted Kennedy pleading with President Clinton, a

search did not begin for fifteen and one half hours. 287

Protocol was also broken in regards to press briefings. After

the initial reports of the missing plane, all future briefings

were handled by the Pentagon. Lieutenant Colonel Steve

Roark claimed that John Jr. made no contact with the tower

to request permission to land. The FAA mysteriously would no

longer comment on the flight and refused to issue further

statements on John Jr.'s communications. 288

The Air Force violated protocol and took over the search.

They utilized two planes and two helicopters to begin

searching a 20,000 square mile area, despite ABC News

broadcasting for hours the complete radar NTAP route of the

flight; ending where the blips disappear nineteen miles out

286 Hankey, John. Dark Legacy II. Alice in Arms Productions. June 2014. Synergetic

Distribution. Viewed October 12, 2014.

287 John F Kennedy Jr. Available online at

288 Saltonstall, Dave. Lost JFK Jr, Wife Presumed Dead in Plane Crash Off Vineyard.

Daily News. New York. July 18, 1999.


from landing. ABC News continued to broadcast the location

where the Emergency Locator Beacon went off. All this was

airing before most people were out of bed. 289

The Pentagon stated that bad weather was a factor, that

John Jr. was an inexperienced pilot, that John did not file a

flight plan, and that he never contacted any air traffic

controllers. Fortunately, ABC News had interviewed Petty

Officer Todd Bergun, the air traffic controller that supplied the

radar NTAP proving the flight path. Petty Officer Bergun told

ABC News that John Jr. had contacted the tower, and was

assigned flight N529JK. 290

As the sun was rising, several witnesses on the coast, along

with Lieutenant Colonel Richard Stanley, stated on air that

the Coast Guard was "on scene" with helicopters and had

found the wreckage 291 despite the fact that the Pentagon had

not yet begun the search. 292

When the plane was recovered, the official NTSB Report

claimed that the crash occurred due to "the pilot's failure to

289 ABC News JFK Jr.

290 Ibid.

291 Associated Press. Fears Mount of Another Kennedy Tragedy. USA Today. Aquinnah,

MA. July 21, 1999.

292 Hankey. Dark Legacy II.


maintain control of the airplane during a descent over water

at night, which was a result of spatial disorientation." 293

They also found in the wreckage that the Fuel Selector Valve

was in the "off" position. 294 A fourth seat was missing (even

though those seats double as safety floatation devices). They

continued their report by stating that the Flight Log was

missing, and that the cockpit voice recorder was missing its


The missing Flight Log would prove how many souls were

on board. There is overwhelming evidence that John Jr. never

flew without a Flight Instructor. That Flight Instructor would

have been the fourth person on board.

In an interesting side note, there was another incident very

similar, less than fifty miles away from this site, and less than

100 days apart. Egyptian Air Flight 990 was heading home

with a flight full of Egyptian military personnel following a

government conference. A man burst through the cockpit

doors and tried to overtake the pilots while pushing the stick

forward in an attempt to plunge the plane straight down into

the sea. Several passengers aided in separating the crazed

293 NTSB Accident Report NYC99MA178. July 6, 2000. Accessed online November 20,


M A178 &akey= 1

294 NTSB Accident Report NYC99MA178. July 6, 2000. Page 330.


man from the pilots and controls, but while at the back of the

cockpit he immediately reached up and turned the Fuel

Selector Valve "off." Relatives claim the man was under some

kind of spell, or hypnosis, and that he would never behave in

that manner ordinarily. 295

The NTSB has refused to release John Jr.'s cell phone

records. This is relevant because the records show the phone

calls he made prior to the flight while delayed. Since the

crash, nine Flight Instructors have given testimony on John

Jr.'s flying practices. They explained John's experience and

that he had been a pilot for over seventeen years. The

Instructors detailed John's methodical and meticulous flight

planning, his cautious decision making, and they attested that

he never flew without an Instructor.

With regards to John's aptitude as a pilot, he had an

Instrument License. This means that he was licensed to fly

blind relying on only the instruments on the plane. Prior to

the crash John was so serious about flying that he applied for

his own Instructor's License so he could teach other pilots.

John Kennedy Jr.'s Piper Saratoga crashed on July 16, 1999.

This was when the presidential race was just taking off.

George W Bush was touring the country in his bus making

295 Hankey. Dark Legacy II.


speeches and attending public events. On this day, George W

Bush went missing inexplicably for the next three days. His

Campaign Manager was dumbfounded and could not locate

the future president.

According to investigative reporter Tom Flocco, 296 "Two

witnesses said they saw George H W Bush and George W Bush

at the Essex County, New Jersey airport with Israeli Mossad

agent Michael Harari and another Mossad agent who were

standing next to JFK Jr.'s Cessna - all four were at the airport

just two days before the doomed plane took off with JFK Jr.,

his pregnant wife, and her sister." 297

"The Kennedy Curse" was, and continues to be, the Bush


296 Flocco, Tom. Purge the Evil.

297 Hankey, John. Dark Legacy II. Alice in Arms Productions. June 2014. Synergetic

Distribution. Viewed October 12, 2014.


"If voting made any difference they wouldn't let us do it."

- Mark Twain


George W Bush

As presidential elections go,

the protocol has been that the candidate who wins the New

Hampshire Primary typically goes on to win the nomination

for that party, they receive all the donations and PAC money,

and then compete in the General Election in November.

During the 2000 presidential election that wasn't the case.

In a hard fought New Hampshire Primary George W Bush

lost to John McCain. Inexplicably the campaign donations

then poured in to the coffers of the Bush campaign rather

than McCain's. Despite Bush having an image as a draft

dodging, cocaine using, alcoholic, Bush went on to beat the

former Vietnam prisoner of war; who was savvy, intelligent,

and a distinguished multi-term Senator of Arizona. The only

potential explanation is contained within the three days

during the campaign that Bush went missing when John

Kennedy Jr. died.

W became a "made" man in the political world of high-

stakes, global, organized crime. After riding his father and

grandfather's coat-tails through his schooling at Yale and in


to Skull and Bones; the players - which included his father,

could now trust him. W was not the competent scholar,

athlete, or tactician his father was. He lived in his father's

shadow and only stood out as a class clown. W had finally

proven himself, and they knew that he would never be able

to rat them out since they had such damning evidence to use

against him should he try.

In early 2000, while serving as the CEO of Halliburton, Dick

Cheney headed then-Governor of Texas George W Bush's

Vice-Presidential Search Committee. On July 25, after

reviewing Cheney's findings, Bush surprised some pundits by

publicly asking Cheney himself to join the Republican ticket.

Halliburton reportedly reached agreement on July 20 to allow

Cheney to retire, with a severance package estimated at $34

million. 298

During the 2000 presidential election, The Bush Crime

Syndicate could not lose. George W Bush was the Republican

candidate. Bill Clinton's Vice President, and fellow member of

The Enterprise, Al Gore was the Democratic candidate. In a

race where only 50.3% of Americans were willing to even

298 Wikipedia. Dick Cheney. Accessed online,

November 3, 2014.


vote, 299 the results were so close it came down to one state's

electoral votes to decide the outcome.

Just as the rest of the country struggled to decide between

the lesser of two evils, Florida's outcome was so close it

triggered a mandatory recount. Poppy decided to keep the

Oval Office under the thumb of family. He had his other son,

Jeb, the Governor of Florida; see to it that 50,000 ballots were

denied. The voting machines were sloppy at punching holes

in ballots beside the name of the candidate the voter wished

to cast a vote in favor of. The semi-punched ballots in

question that still had a little flap of paper attached became

known as "hanging chads." This national spectacle also

established a perceived need for electronic voting machines.

After thirty-five days of legal maneuvering Bush was

awarded the electoral votes and therefore the Presidency,

despite Gore winning the popular vote of the people.

Donald Rumsfeld was named Secretary of Defense soon

after President Bush took office. Rumsfeld's second tenure as

Secretary of Defense cemented him as the most powerful

Pentagon chief since Robert McNamara and one of the most

influential cabinet members in the Bush administration.

Following the September 11, 2001 attacks, Rumsfeld would

299 Internet Accessed January 21, 2015.


lead the military planning and execution of the US invasion of

Afghanistan and the subsequent 2003 invasion of Iraq. 300

"George W Bush, a 3rd generation Skull & Bonesman, filled

his cabinet and entire White House with Skull & Bones

members. Ed McNally was sent to Homeland Security. Robert

McCallum was the Assistant Attorney General. Victor Ashe

was put on the board of Fannie Mae; and we all know how

Fannie Mae took care of America with the housing collapse."

- Mark Dice

Lessons learned from MK Ultra continued to expand.

Hendricus G Loos patented his research in the summer of

2001 with Nervous System Manipulation by Electromagnetic

Fields from Monitors, Patent # US 6506148 B2. 301 He

observed the physiological effects of stimulation on the skin

with weak electromagnetic fields pulsed with Vi Hertz or 2.4

Hertz. This elicits a sensory resonance among the subjects.

Computer monitors and televisions can produce these

electromagnetic pulses to cause excitations.

Turns out Loos worked for The Defense Advanced Research

Projects Agency (DARPA) and worked for the government

300 Wikipedia. Donald Rumsfeld. Accessed online, November 4, 2014.

301 Loos, Hedricus G. Nervous System Manipulation by Electromagnetic Fields from

Monitors. USPTO, January 14, 2003. US#6,506,148. Application # 09/872,528.


since the late 1960's. He contributed to projects including

neural nets and nervous system manipulation. Some of his

other Patents include:

#US3009080 A - Apparatus and Method for Generating and

Containing Plasma Having Ultrahigh Temperatures,

#US4245909 A - Optical Instrument for Measurement of

Particle Size Distributions,

#US6238333 - Remote Magnetic Manipulation of Nervous


#US6091994 - Pulsative Manipulation of Nervous Systems,

#US6017302 - Subliminal Acoustic Manipulation of Nervous


#US5782874 - Method and Apparatus for Manipulating

Nervous Systems.

Several of Loos's Nervous System Control patents predate

the mandated government switch-over to digital television

signals in 2009 by only a few years. His patents revolve

around nervous system manipulation utilizing subliminal

stimuli including modulated pulses of the acoustic,

electromagnetic, and thermal type. 302

302 Hendricus G Loos, Master of Mind Control.


Arbusto Energy

George W Bush's first company

was Arbusto Energy, an oil company he started in 1976 with

Salem bin Laden, Osama bin Laden's brother. Let that sink in

for a moment. George W Bush's first company was Arbusto

Energy, an oil company he started in 1976 with Osama bin

Laden's brother. The bin Laden family has always been close

to the Bush family. Several of the bin Ladens invested heavily

in the Carlyle Group. 303

Arbusto appointed James Bath as the business

representative in Houston. Later Bath helped to continue

funding Arbusto Energy. Bath's relationship with the bin

Laden financial empire and the CIA was made public in 1992

by a former real estate business partner of his. Bath guided

money to Houston from Saudi investors, i.e. Sheik Khalid bin

Mahfouz and other wealthy Saudis, who wanted to influence

US policy under the Reagan and Bush administrations.

Bin Mahfouz was one of the largest stockholders in the Bank

of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI). BCCI was

actually an international crime syndicate providing banking

services to the Medellin drug cartel, Panama dictator Manuel

Noriega, Saddam Hussein, and terrorist mastermind Abu

303 Rodriguez, Cindy. Bush Ties to bin Laden Haunt Grim Anniversary. The Denver Post.

Denver, Colorado. September 11, 2006.


Nidal. 304 Bin Mahfouz was accused of using Mideast oil money

to seek ties to political leaders in other countries throughout

the 1970s and 1980s. When BCCI and bin Mahfouz was

investigated, the chief of the Justice Department's criminal

division under former President Bush was Robert Mueller.

Many critics accused Mueller of "botching the investigation."

The word Arbusto means 'bush' in Spanish. George W Bush

later changed the name of Arbusto into Bush Exploration Co.

They went through several mergers; such as with Spectrum

7 Energy Corporation in 1984, and eventually evolving into

Harken Energy Corporation, a suburban Dallas-based

company. On June 20, 1990, George W Bush sold his Harken

stock for $848,000. Shortly after Bush sold his stock,

Harken's fortunes took a nose dive a Saddam Hussein invaded

Kuwait. 305

The Saudi Arabian Ambassador to the United States from

1983-2005 was Prince Bandar bin Sultan. The Bush family

has very close ties with the Saudi Arabian ruling class. In fact

the prince is described as being extended family. White House

staff jokingly nicknamed the prince, "Bandar Bush."

304 Lohr, Steve. Agent Tells Of Failures On B.C.C.I. The New York Post. November 22,


305 9/11 Encyclopedia. Arbusto.

Accessed online, December 5, 2014.


"America has never been a colonizing power as far as we were

concerned. Our relationship with America started in the

1930s. And when the Americans came to Saudi Arabia, they

didn't come as an invader. They came actually as a private

sector, trying to help us find oil. They found the oil for us, and

they've been our friends ever since."

- Prince Bandar bin Sultan, 2001

The public had been conditioned all through the 1990s to

fear Middle Eastern terrorists through media, movies, the USS

Cole bombing, and several Foreign Embassy bombings.

The CIA and its investments in the Military Industrial

Complex were experiencing funding issues now that the Cold

War had ended. Increasingly, they had trouble justifying the

defense budget. What was needed was a faceless long-term

enemy. The attacks on 9/11 restored power and autonomy to

the Military Industrial Complex. Terrorism became that

external threat justifying massive military and intelligence

budgets masked in patriotism and national defense, which

would not permit questioning of any kind. It enabled the

government to outspend the rest of the world combined on

military expenditures. 306

306 Koba, Mark. U.S. Military Spending Dwarfs Rest of World. NBC News. February 24,



The Iraqi government and people wanted peace. Contrary

to what our news outlets were reporting, they were not

resisting inspections after the First Gulf War. Saddam was

fully cooperating and had a comprehensive plan for

inspections, anti-terrorism, oil sales to the United States, and

several financial agreements in place with American

corporations. Among these corporate agreements were deals

with major companies to outfit Iraq with telecommunications

including satellite, telephone, and television services. Major

pharmaceutical companies were lined up to provide

overpriced healthcare and medical services. Saddam entered

into agreement to purchase one million American automobiles

for each of the following ten years. However, the Military

Industrial Complex would not profit from peace. 307

The CIA was losing control of restrictions on Iraq. The

sanctions had killed as many as one million children and the

international community was defying the United States and

flying food and aide into Baghdad. 308

307 Hilder, Anthony. Extreme Prejudice CIA Whistle Blower Susan Lindauer PDX 911

Truth. Youtube, August 6, 2001. 58 minute mark. Accessed online

308 Hilder. Extreme Prejudice CIA Whistle Blower Susan Lindauer PDX 911 Truth. 23

minute mark.


In April 2001, the Iraqis were ordered to give us "actionable

intelligence" on the planned attack at the World Trade Center.

Saddam tried to help us at every turn. He was against

terrorism and feared that the spread of terrorism would

overthrow him. 309

By May 2001 the CIA was being specifically trained to

respond to airplane hijackings.

We have been told the nineteen alleged 9/11 hijackers were

from desolate areas of the Middle East, that they had little

funding, and trained on monkey bars in the mountains.

Former CIA Agent and insider Susan Lindauer asserts that the

alleged hijackings were not by jihadist religious extremists.

She cites the evidence of those individuals attending strip

clubs and gambling while in the United States as they trained

at flight schools. She further states that Muhammad Atta was

a CIA asset. 310

309 Hilder. Extreme Prejudice CIA Whistle Blower Susan Lindauer PDX 911 Truth. 15

minute mark.

310 Hilder. Extreme Prejudice CIA Whistle Blower Susan Lindauer PDX 911 Truth. 42

minute mark.


August 6, 2001 a memo reached President Bush's desk

about the "eminent threat." 311 The memo explicitly stated

that airliners would be hijacked and flown into the World

Trade Center towers. 312

Ex-CIA Agent Lindauer attests that from approximately

August 23 to September 3, 2001 a team of black vans visited

the World Trade Centers between the hours of 3am-5am for

ten days. 313 With each visit the Trade Centers experienced a

loss of video surveillance and power outages during the vans'

presence each morning. 314

There is evidence of deliberately scheduling W's trip to

Emma E Booker Elementary School to coincide with the 9/11


9/10 Donald Rumsfeld revealed that $2.3 Trillion in defense

spending was unaccounted for.

311 Eichenwald, Kurt. The Deafness Before the Storm. The New York Times. September

10 . 2012 .

312 Hilder. Extreme Prejudice CIA Whistle Blower Susan Lindauer PDX 911 Truth. 26

minute mark.

313 Hilder. Extreme Prejudice CIA Whistle Blower Susan Lindauer PDX 911 Truth. 30

minute mark.

314 Lindauer, Susan. The Missing Security Tapes From The World Trade Center. August 1, 2011.


On September 11, 2001, the Carlyle Group held a meeting

at the Ritz Carlton Hotel in Washington, D.C. Members in

attendance included George H W Bush and his former

secretary of state James Baker, along with Shafiq bin Laden,

another one of Osama bin Laden's brothers. Bush was

photographed with Shafiq bin Laden at the luncheon. 315

315 Rodriguez, Cindy. Bush Ties to bin Laden Haunt Grim Anniversary. The Denver Post.

September 11, 2006.



"The US Government made a decision not to tell the truth

about what happened."

- John Farmer Jr.

Senior Counsel to the 9/11 Commission


9/11 Timeline 316

7:59 am - American Airlines Flight 11, a Boeing 767 with 92

people aboard, takes off from Boston's Logan International

Airport on route to Los Angeles.

8:14 am - United Airlines Flight 175, a Boeing 767 with 65

people aboard, takes off from Boston; it is also headed to Los


8:20 am - American Airlines Flight 77, a Boeing 757 with 64

people aboard, takes off from Dulles International Airport

outside of Washington, D.C.; it is headed to Los Angeles.

8:41 am - United Airlines Flight 93, a Boeing 757 with 44

people aboard, takes off from Newark International Airport in

route to San Francisco. It had been scheduled to depart at

8:00 am.

8:46 am - "American Airlines Flight 11" crashes into floors

93-99 of the North Tower.

9:03 am - "United Airlines Flight 175" crashes into floors 75-

85 of the WTC's South Tower.

316 The History Channel. 9/11: Timeline of Events. Available online at 1-timeline


9:37 am - "American Airlines Flight 77" crashes into the

western fagade of the Pentagon in Washington, D.C.

9:59 am - The South Tower of the World Trade Center

collapses first, despite being the second building struck.

10:07 am - "United Airlines Flight 93" crashes into a field in

Shanksville, PA.

10:28 am - The World Trade Center's North Tower collapses.

5:20 pm - World Trade Center building 7 collapses.

The 9/11 Op.

On September 11, 2001

nineteen cavemen armed with box cutters hijacked

commercial jetliners and crashed them into the World Trade

Centers, the Pentagon, and a field in Pennsylvania. The

impacts on the World Trade Center's Twin Towers were so

powerful that they: removed the fire-resistant coating on the

steel framework, compromised the stability and structural

integrity of the towers, and the jet fuel created fires so

intense that the steel was further weakened to the point of

collapse. Despite the majority of American's believing that

Bush and Cheney lied about everything else during their eight

year reign, 9/11 is completely true...


"All terrorism is fake. It is military deception practiced by

the rich on the poor in an ongoing class war."

- Francis R Connolly

On September eleventh, the military was already on

heightened alert for annual air defense training exercises,

which were moved to this date from the traditional week. The

training is called Vigilant Guardian and is conducted by North

American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD). The dates

were changed to September 6-11 supposedly to match

Russia's air defense training to protect against any breach of

sovereignty. 317 During training one of the drills was for

intercepting hijacked airliners being flown into skyscrapers.

Protocol was broken. There are numerous examples of

fighter jets launched from distant airbases, sent in the wrong

direction, or placed in holding patterns after the attacks

occurred. On 9/11 the Air Force and FAA believed they were

tracking aircraft for the simulations, and were instructed to

allow aircraft to enter restricted airspace under the belief it

was part of the training exercise.

Cheney refused to allow jets to scramble after the planes hit,

it was Cheney that issued the order to stand down. "It [9/11]

was called a stand down, a false flag operation in order to

mobilize the American public under false pretenses... it was

317 Gorton. Fifty Years of the Deep State, page 24.


told to me even by the general on the staff of Wolfowitz. I will

go in front of a federal committee and swear on perjury who

the name was of the individual so that we can break it open."

- Dr. Steven Pieczenik

FBI Chief of Psychological Operations

We have evidence of boosted GPS signals to maximum level

at the times of impact, which is far from normal. It is a

scientific requirement for the readings to be a level ten

instead of level four. This reading signifies the possibility of

an unmanned autopilot. 318 The real flights would have landed

at a military base after a mock-hijacking could have taken

place to establish evidence through passenger phone calls to

loved ones. The planes that impacted the towers were grey

military planes according to hordes of witnesses gathered on

the sidewalks, not brightly colored airliners with commercial

logos. No black boxes were recovered.

Countless eyewitnesses have been ignored by both the

media and the 9/11 Report. One witness posted a photo of

the plane directly overhead and it is clear there is a long

cylinder attached to the underside of the wing. Initial

television interviews of bystanders huddled in groups

318 Hilder. Extreme Prejudice CIA Whistle Blower Susan Lindauer PDX 911 Truth. 44

minute mark.


collectively agreed that whatever happened was a military act

by military aircraft.

According to ex-CIA Agent Susan

Lindauer, the fighter pilot that

allegedly shot down the plane in

Shanksville, PA is imprisoned in

Florida. 319 Eyewitness Susan

McElwain claims there was also a

large drone in operation at the scene

just prior to the crash. 320

All video footage by firefighters entering the towers shows

extensive damage to the lobbies. The official story is that

when the planes impacted, the explosion was so great that

the pressure traveled down the elevator shafts, and blew out

the lobbies. This theory, like most surrounding 9/11, is not

physically possible. Any explosive compression would have

dissipated within twenty floors of impact. Not to mention the

fact that no elevator shafts or stairwells extended from top to

bottom. The cores were hermetically sealed as a failsafe to

319 Hilder. Extreme Prejudice CIA Whistle Blower Susan Lindauer PDX 911 Truth. 56

minute mark.

320 9/l 1 Shanksville Eyewitness Susan McElwain. Accessed online, December 22, 2014.


Google Images

stop something precisely such as this from happening. 321 The

elevator shafts could not focus that energy down eighty floors

to destroy the lobbies.

But elevator shafts and stairwells were destroyed right down

to ground floors; so how did that happen and why if the

impact of the planes could not have been the cause? Most

firefighters reported explosions in the buildings while they

attempted the rescue efforts. 322 If you were to plan this attack

for political purposes, you would want the maximum amount

of casualties. To trap people inside the building the exit routes

must be destroyed. Disabling the express elevator system of

the Twin Towers would ensure thousands of people would be

unable to escape. Dead men tell no tales...

After impact the smoke rising up to the Manhattan skyline

was all black. Black smoke signifies a weak fire, an inefficient

fire lacking oxygen to burn. Yet this was supposed to be when

the fire burned the hottest and caused the structural damage

the official report claims led to the collapse.

Just moments prior to the collapse video footage showed a

number of anomalies taking place within each building. There

were flashes from apparent explosions visible, along with

321 MIT Physics vs 9/11 Conspiracy. Accessed online December 29, 2014. Available at

322 9/11 WTC Explosive Eyewitness Evidence. Accessed online December 29, 2014.

Available at


windows flexing from bursts of pressure, and skiffs of smoke

puffed out from respective locations all around the buildings

and on multiple floors corresponding with the flashes. 323

Molten metal began to pour from the building in several

locations. Scientists have identified the molten metal as Iron

Ferrite or Nano Thermite. 324 This is not from any material

from the buildings' construction. Nano Thermite is a military

grade weaponized substance which cannot be obtained by

amateurs; its function is to change steel to molten steel.

It is important to note that steel physically requires 2750°F

(1510°C) to melt. However, jet fuel and all the office

materials burning inside the WTC could only scientifically

produce heat that reached 1200°F (650°C). The greatest

possible heat achieved by the fires still is less than half of the

REQUIRED temperature to melt the steel. So the argument

that the "commercial airliners" impacting each building blew

off special heat suppression coating on the steel beams is

completely irrelevant.

The official story asserts that those fires weakened the steel

truss framework and the weight of the top floors caused the

323 9/11 WTC Explosive Eyewitness Evidence. Accessed online December 29, 2014.

Available at

324 Nano Thermite Compared to Fire - 9/11 Science. Accessed online December 29, 2014.

Available at


building to collapse. The government professes that floor-by¬

floor, in pancake style, the weight of the floors above crashed

down on each successive floor. This is also physically

impossible. When timing the collapse of the buildings, they

fell at free fall speeds. This means there was no resistance

from the time the top of the building faltered until impacting

the ground. Keep in mind this is not one freak occurrence, the

exact same thing happened merely feet away with the second

tower at identical speed.

To further disprove the official story simply look at the

collapse of the buildings. Non symmetrical damage to each

tower resulted in completely symmetrical collapse of both

buildings, directly into their own footprints. There was no

collateral damage, neither building fell slightly sideways.

Both buildings fell identically straight down into their own

basements, despite the damage from impact being on

different floors exerting stress on different load-bearing

beams. If this story is to be believed, then there is no reason

to ever hire a demolition expert to raze a building - simply

start a fire in it and save the expense since the building will

collapse straight down.

A blacksmith made a video in 2015 which went viral and was

featured on several news stations promoting the official


story. 325 The blacksmith's attempt to debunk the truthers

movement unintentionally ended up proving the truthers

claims. In the video, the blacksmith used a furnace to heat a

half-inch piece of steel rod to a temperature exceeding the

temperature of the towers. He then bent the steel 90° with

his pinkie finger. According to his demonstration; (a) the

towers did not reach the required temperature to falter, (b)

the towers would have required external forces to tip them

over sideways 90° because it is not possible to collapse

straight down at freefall speed, and (c) molten steel would

not have existed for months after the collapse. 326

As the buildings collapsed we can note the large plumes of

white billowing dust clouds that emanated from the wreckage.

The official report claims that this was the drywall, concrete,

and office contents of each building being pulverized into thick

puffs of dustified debris. First responders then inhaled this

material and developed life-long respiratory illnesses.

Some scientists have identified the white clouds of smoke.

They claim they are actually pyrothermic flow or pyroclastic

flow, much like a volcano eruption. Pyrothermic flow is

325 Purgatoryironworks. For the undying 9/11 Moronic Jet Fuel Argument. December 15,

2015. Available online at

326 AE911 Truth Staff. Viral Debunker Debunked: Blacksmith Unwittingly Proves

Controlled Demolition. December 18, 2015. Available online at




created by intense heat paired with intense pressure. These

clouds left a wake of automobiles burned down to their metal

framework for three blocks. Remember; jet fuel and all the

office materials burning inside the WTC could only

scientifically produce heat that reached 1200°F (650°C)

under optimum conditions. This could make a person wonder

why jets do not fall from the sky due to jet fuel burning inside

the engines.

At an annual convention held in St Louis for professional

architects a petition was circulated refuting the official story

of 9/11. 1200 architects signed their names to the petition

because in their educated, professional opinions, the official

story defies the laws of physics. Architects & Engineers for

9/11 Truth ( is an organization that disputes

the results of the official investigation into the September 11

attacks, including the 9/11 Commission Report. They support

the theory that the World Trade Center was destroyed by

explosive demolition.

Many theories by educated scientists and architects exist on

why the Twin Towers collapsed, and virtually none of them

agree with the official report. One theory is based on Tesla's

Death Ray, which has become Ronald Reagan's Star Wars

Satellite. After announcing to the world we were going to


spend billions in taxpayer money to fund it, the satellite went

off the books and became classified. No one knows what

happened to the satellite, or when and where it has ever been

used. The witnesses that described the technology of the

Death Ray fits what took place with the Twin Towers. The

implication would be the airplanes were part of Project Blue


We also know that this technology is currently being used

by Israel. Video demonstrations are available online of their

Iron Beam Technology. Ground mounted weaponized units

with computer tracking systems can lock onto airborne

targets and destroy them mid-flight. The video I viewed

shows an Israeli Officer being interviewed and demonstrating

the weapons "defensive" capabilities by neutralizing a missile

with an invisible beam of energy.

The twin towers are the longest burning structure in history.

Crews reported molten steel for 3 months, allegedly created

from Jet Fuel - which exploded out of the building at impact.

No other steel framed structures have ever collapsed

anywhere in the world due to fires prior to the events of 9/11.

For example, The Mandarin Hotel of Beijing was almost

completely engulfed by intense flames on February 9, 2009.

The building was remodeled and still stands today.


After the collapse, the area known as Ground Zero had to

be sealed off as quickly as possible since fellow firefighters

and concerned citizens began to pour into Manhattan to aid

the search and rescue efforts. Upon nightfall all news

networks began reporting that a large truck was found on the

George Washington Bridge fully loaded with explosives.

Between two and three individuals apprehended with the

truck were taken into custody. 327 This was the story reported

by Peter Jennings, Dan Rather, the anchors at CNN, etc.

NYC Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik then conducted a

live press conference before the country. He announced that

there was no truck found and no one was in custody. Despite

this assertion the NYPD was enforcing blockades to seal off

the area. Everything from Fourteenth Street south in Lower

Manhattan became prohibited to "all pedestrian and vehicle

traffic except the central emergency vehicles and personnel,"

between the East River and Hudson River. 328

At the site of Ground Zero signs immediately popped up

prohibiting media from entering. According to the "official"

cameraman Kurt Sonnenfeld, there were signs every five

327 911 - Israeli's Caught with Truck Bomb on George Washington Bridge.

328 Ibid.


meters stating video cameras were prohibited, violators

would be prosecuted, and equipment would be confiscated.

He notes the paranoia about nongovernment-controlled

images leaking out. Sonnenfeld was instructed to sanitize all

imagery on location. He could not capture bodies, nor any

firemen, policemen, or soldiers experiencing a "personal

moment," or any documents lying around. The World Trade

Centers housed government and financial offices storing

sensitive documents. 329

All the wreckage of both buildings was quickly carted away

by a lengthy parade of brand new dump trucks. 330 We were

told it was to sift through the rubble to search for remains of

victims, even though everything was supposedly dustified in

the collapse from this surprise attack. Our government even

claims portions of the steel structure was sent away to

become part of new war ships for the Navy. The bottom line

is that this was a crime scene. No one was permitted to

photograph or inspect the steel. Evidence was removed and

destroyed. To date no one knows for sure where the steel was

transported to, nor has anyone been able to provide a bill of

lading receipt for any materials shipped.

329 Kurt Sonnenfeld Interview: 9-11 Ten Years Later. Accessed online December 29,

2014. Available at 10

330 The Dump Trucks Were Rolling After WTC 7 Fell.


The Pentagon

Of course the

World Trade Centers were not the only buildings attacked.

That morning at 9:37am The Pentagon sustained a

devastating impact. We were told that one of the hijacked

planes impacted the building. Pentagon survivors on the other

hand disagree. The eyewitnesses say there was no plane

wreckage at the Pentagon. This testimony is shared by April

Gallop, one of the survivors of the impact who walked out of

the hole in the building. April recalled in an interview that

there was no plane debris, no luggage, no seats, and that

neither she nor the other people she helped out of the building

had been covered in jet fuel. 331 It should also be noted that

unlike the twin towers, no molten metal was documented at

this site. 332

Retired Army Intelligence Officer, Major General Albert

Stubblebine conducted his own investigation. He concluded

that the hole in the Pentagon is not proportionally big enough

to match the dimensions of a commercial airliner. The wings

would have extended and destroyed a greater area of the

building of which there was no damage. Even if one wing

331 911 Pentagon There Was No Plane - April Gallop - It was a Missile 911.

332 Sentell, Dr. Samuel Webb. Personal interview. January 28, 2017.


struck the ground and broke off of the plane the dimensions

do not add up, and had a wing struck the ground where is

that evidence? 333

Offices of the Pentagon were researching the $2.3 trillion

Rumsfeld announced was unaccounted for, along with a gold

price fixing/gold laundering scheme that insiders claim had

ties to the Bush crime syndicate. This is just another

coincidence though, right?


World Trade Center Building 7

housed SEC, FBI, and CIA offices. It was also used as a

storage facility for millions of files on active cases involving

international drug dealing, organized crime, terrorism, and

money laundering. Contrary to official statements, there was

no significant damage from falling debris to this building. In

fact, World Trade Center buildings 3, 4, 5, and 6 all sustained

more damage than building 7, yet they did not collapse. 334

Despite the city of New York having jurisdiction, no

investigation of the crime scene was ever conducted.

Jane Standley, a reporter for the BBC, conducted her news

broadcast while WTC 7 was still standing in the backdrop of

333 September 11 US Army General Whistle Blower

334 Ventura. American Conspiracies. Chapter XII, 18:40.


their New York station. She reported that the building had

collapsed as a result of damage sustained from falling debris

from the World Trade Centers. 335 WTC 7 continued to stand

for more than twenty minutes after that report before

eyewitnesses attested to the building's destruction by


All eyewitness testimony of explosions has been ignored.

Barry Jenning witnessed the explosions in WTC 7. After his

reports were disregarded by law enforcement and the 9/11

Commission, he approached the film makers of Loose Change

9/11: An American Coup. Barry died mysteriously two days

prior to the release of the 9/11 Commission Report which

falsely claims there were no witnesses to explosions in WTC

7. 336

Even Larry Silverstein, the owner of the World Trade Center,

stated on camera that the decision was made to "pull it,"

implying controlled demolition. Bonesman John Kerry also

335 News Reports WTC7 Fell Before It Happens!

336 Building 7 Going Down 911 Truth - Charges going off during demolition

https: //www. youtube. c om/s hared ?ci=L6Z 1 pNPFq_Q


admitted during an interview that WTC 7 was intentionally

brought down using controlled demolition. 337

Two peer reviewed papers were published by Canadian

engineers refuting NIST's official report. The papers were

published in Challenge Journal of Structural Mechanics. The

first is titled Performance-based Fire Protection of Office

Buildings: A case study based on the collapse of WTC 7. 338

The second is titled The Collapse of WTC 7: A re-examination

of the "simple analysis" approach. 339

Out of all the destruction which took place on that terrible

day, such as the Twin Towers, WTC 7, and a section of the

Pentagon lying in rubble; think back to images of Europe as

World War II came to an end. Think of all the bombed out

towns. Think of all the black and white images of destroyed

buildings and homes. None of those buildings had metal

skeletal structures. They were all made of brick, mortar, and

337 Youtube. 9 11 John Kerry admits that WTC 7 brought down by controlled demolition!

Accessed online, January 8, 2015. Available at

338 Korol, Robert. Greening, Frank. Heerema, Paul. Performance-based fire protection of

office buildings: A case study based on the collapse of WTC 7. Challenge Journal of

Structural Mechanics. Volume 1, No 3. July 29, 2015.

339 Korol, Robert. Heerema, Paul. Sivakumaran, Ken. The collapse of WTC 7: Are-

examination of the “simple analysis” approach. Challenge Journal of Structural Mechanics.

Volume 2, No 1. February 10, 2016.


wood. They stood for years, until the war ended and people

could begin cleaning up and rebuilding. Why didn't those

buildings collapse within hours of being attacked?

Insider Trading

The SEC suspended

normal protocol for trading on 9/11 and allowed blind

brokered trades. A computer disaster recovery company

known as Convar found evidence that "more than $100

million were rushed through the computers [in the WTC] as

the disaster unfolded." 340 If you accept no other evidence

about 9/11 being an inside job, this single fact should be all

that is needed to convince you that this event was engineered

by powerful individuals that did not live in caves. Even an

intelligent computer hacker funded by bin Laden would not

have had access to the equipment necessary to pull this off.

Deutsche Bank reported "about five minutes before the

attack the entire Deutsche Bank computer system had been

taken over by something external that no one in the office

recognized, and every file was downloaded at lightning speed

to an unknown location." 341

340 Reuters. German Firm Probes Final World Trade Center Deals. FOX News. December

17, 2001.

341 Schall, Lars. Re: Deutsche Bank Alex Brown and 9/11 Insider Trading. Foreign Policy

Journal. February 23, 2013.


According to German Central Bank President, Ernst Welteke,

research concluded "almost irrefutable proof of insider

trading." "What we found makes us sure that people

connected to the terrorists must have been trying to profit

from this tragedy." 342

Our own SEC investigated these claims of insider trading.

They found no evidence and then destroyed all records of the

investigation. Also keep in mind Cheney's $34,000,000

Halliburton severance package. Hopefully at this point in the

book you have started to recognize patterns with every major


Al-Qaeda has a popular perception that its members are

crazy religious zealots in a holy war against the Great Western

Satans in The United States. Al-Qaeda evolved out of the CIA

funded Mujahedeen Army that fought the Soviets in 1980s

Afghanistan. After driving out the Soviets, the Mujahedeen

fighters were reorganized under the name Al-Qaeda and

employed as mercenaries on behalf of US and Saudi oil

companies. They were also used to fight proxy wars against

Russian influence in Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kosovo, and

Azerbaijan. Al-Qaeda served to destabilize Central Asia and

342 Gorton. Fifty Years of the Deep State, pages 32-33.


shift control of the natural resources away from Russia and

into the Saudi and US control. 343

During the initial onslaught of war with Afghanistan, bin

Laden was allowed to escape at Tora Bora to keep the war

going. If we would have killed him so efficiently within weeks

of the war beginning, there would no longer be support for a

lengthy and prosperous war. Bin Laden proved to be a hard

target to locate. We were told the six foot tall man lived in

caves while on life-saving dialysis machines and medications

for ten years. Incidentally, no warrants were ever issued for

bin Laden. We also have zero proof he is actually dead, despite

all the propaganda movies and interviews that have been

released in effort to convince us that he is. We only have the

word of the President of the United States that bin Laden was

brought to justice.


Larry Silverstein, the owner

of the asbestos filled World Trade Center, just happened to

be absent from work on September 11. He had a morning

ritual of eating breakfast at the top of the tower. Coincidence?

343 Gorton, Mark. Fifty Years of the Deep State, page 20.


Six weeks prior to the attack Silverstein was able to

complete the lease transaction acquiring the twin towers. The

towers were a high-vacancy antiquated infrastructure. They

were a huge money loser for the City of New York, and were

under court order to do asbestos abatement. The price tag

could have reached the double-digit billions, far more than

the Towers were worth. 344 Silverstein took out an insurance

policy for terrorism. After September 11, he went to court

because the insurance company claimed 9/11 was all part of

the same attack. Since both towers collapsed, he collected

twice. Silverstein was paid $4,550,000,000, plus he collected

$861,000,000 for the collapse of WTC7. 345

Judge Michael Mukasey, the judge for the 9/11 insurance

claims, attends the same Synagogue as "Lucky Larry." 346

Judge Mukasey has since retired from the bench but was

eventually replaced by a working associate of George H W

Bush. 347 Mukasey was also known for his defense of

waterboarding and claimed it was not a form of torture during


344 Retterbush, Tom. Larry Silverstein Bought WTC Months Before 9/11: He Got $4.55

Billion Insurance For The Buildings! Realities Watch. January 18, 2015.

345 Barrett, Dr. Kevin. WTC Insurance Fraud? Silverstein “Trial” Runs Monday Through

Wednesday. Veterans Today. July 15, 2013.

346 Hilder. Extreme Prejudice CIA Whistle Blower Susan Lindauer PDX 911 Truth. 54

minute mark.

347 Hilder. Extreme Prejudice CIA Whistle Blower Susan Lindauer PDX 911 Truth. 1 hour

31 minute mark.


Another point of interest is that George H W Bush's son,

Marvin, was head of the Board of Directors for a company

called Securacom. Securacom was responsible at one point

for security at The World Trade Center and Dulles

International Airport.

American Airlines Flight 77 was the passenger flight from

Washington Dulles International Airport in Dulles, Virginia, to

Los Angeles International Airport in Los Angeles, California

that allegedly hit the Pentagon. The pilot was Charles "Chic"

Burlingame. He was a martial artist, weightlifter, and former

Top Gun pilot. 348 We are told Burlingame was hijacked by a

much smaller, weaker terrorist wielding a box cutter in a

confined space. Additionally, the aircraft was a Boeing 757-

223; it is physically incapable of executing the maneuvers

listed on the flight path of AAL77. 349

One of the passengers of Flight 77 was Barbara Olson, the

wife of Ted Olson. Ted was a republican operative who

spearheaded the Florida recount for Bush. That led Olson to

the position of Solicitor General at the Justice Department.

Ted claimed Barbara called him from her cell phone during

348 Ventura. American Conspiracies. Chapter XI1, 26:30.

349 Ibid. 27:25.


the hijacking. She allegedly told Ted that all passengers and

pilots were herded to the back of the plane with box cutters.

This is the only 9/11 account of box cutters mentioned by a

passenger. At that time, cell phone use was not possible at

flying altitude. Ted changed his story, stating it had been a

collect call from an onboard phone. American Airlines did not

have those phones on the Boeing 757. At the Moussaoui trial

in 2006, the FBI testified records show Barbara made one,

unconnected call, for zero seconds in duration. 350

Captain Russ Wittenberg stated Flight 77 was off the radar

screen for 36 minutes, and then it was no longer airborne -

just like the plan for Operation Northwoods when the flight

was to be landed in a field in order to evacuate passengers

prior to blowing it up after the distress calls established

evidence. Wittenberg also stated the onboard computers do

not permit the planes from making those maneuvers; it would

cause the luggage to shift around and injure passengers. 351

All the witnesses to the explosions in the twin towers were

excluded from the final report. A janitor named William

Rodriguez kept going back into the building and saving people

350 Ventura. American Conspiracies. Chapter XI1, 28:05-29:50.

351 9/11 Time for Truth. 9/11 - The Experts Speak Out - Pilot Russ Wittenberg. August 11,

2014. 14:51. Available at


after the blast. He was honored at the White House.

Rodriguez and the other explosion witnesses are on the "No

Fly List" since giving their testimonies. 352

The day before the attacks there was a breakfast meeting

conducted between General Mahmood Ahmad of Pakistan

with Senators Bob Graham and Representative Porter Goss

where $100,000 was exchanged. 353 Both men went on to

head the first Congressional 9/11 Investigation. Porter Goss

was also an ex-CIA covert operations agent and was involved

in the coup of 1963. He is the second man in the Operation

40 photograph from earlier in the book.

On September 16 one of the hijackers, Ahmed Alnami,

walked into the Saudi Arabian Consulate to proclaim he was

alive. The next day two more hijackers did the same. They

were all Saudi Airlines pilots. 354 On September 20, The

London Times reported five of the hijackers were using stolen

identities. Investigators are studying the possibility that the

352 Ibid. 12:02

353 CNN Transcripts of Dr Condoleezza Rice’s Press Conference May 16, 2002. Available

online at, or


354 Ventura. American Conspiracies. Chapter X11, 7:15


entire suicide squad consisted of impostors. 355 But the story

died down after the initial reports, and it was hardly noticed

when FBI Director Mueller stated on November 2, 2001: "We

at this point definitely know the nineteen hijackers who were

responsible," and asserted the FBI was sticking with the

names and photos officially released to the public.

From Saudi Arabia, Osama bin Laden himself chartered the

evacuation plane on 9/19 which stopped four times to extract

family members from the United States. 356 At least thirteen

relatives of Osama bin Laden, accompanied by bodyguards

and associates, were allowed to leave the United States on a

chartered flight eight days after the attacks. Among the

passengers was Shafiq bin Laden, 357 brother of Osama bin

Laden who was reportedly attending the annual investor

conference of the Carlyle Group, and had been photographed

with George H W Bush, on Sept. 11, 2 0 01. 358

355 Kennedy, Dominic. Suicide Hijackers Hid Behind Stolen Arab Identities. The London

Times. September 20, 2001.

356 Ventura. American Conspiracies. Chapter XI1, 16:00

357 Rodriguez, Cindy. Bush Ties to bin Laden Haunt Grim Anniversary. The Denver Post.

September 11, 2006.

358 Milbank, Dana. Plane Carried 13 Bin Ladens. The Washington Post, July 22, 2004;

Page A07


December 26, 2001 FOX News reported a Taliban official

attended bin Laden's funeral. The source insisted bin Laden

died a peaceful death due to an untreated lung complication

in the vicinity of the Tora Bora Mountains. The leader claimed

that "bin Laden was laid to rest honorably in his last abode

and his grave was made as per his Wahabi belief." 359 The

official story according to President Obama was that bin Laden

would be killed in a daring raid on his compound in Pakistan

on May 2, 2011, by United States Navy SEALs, and then

buried at sea.

Out of all the money raised from 9/11 relief efforts, how

much went to victims and their families? Each grieving family

member should be a multi-millionaire if they had received

their fair share. How much of it went to the emergency

services personnel? First responders are unable to pay for

their own medical treatment.

In a documentary about our failing health care system a

group of first responders were gathered up and taken to Cuba

for not only superior, but free, healthcare. One woman's

inhaler cost $5 in Cuba as opposed to $125 here, and the

359 FOX News. Report: Bin Laden Already Dead., December 26, 2001.

Available online at



inhalers were identical. 360 Susan Lindauer claims the 9/11

relief funds were given to insiders to buy their silence. She

declares multiple times that her CIA supervisor received

$15,000,000 as hush money. 361

The horrors of what we saw taking place on 9/11 was

possibly concealing another government takeover.

Renowned historian Webster Tarpley has analyzed the events

and movements that took place throughout the operation and

how it related to the Bush administration. Tarpley asserts

that 9/11 was yet another CIA coup, but one which began

moving against the Bush royalty.

Earlier that morning a camera crew showed up at President

Bush's resort hotel to conduct an interview before 7am. The

Secret Service believed it was a possible assassination

attempt and sent them away. Just the week prior, the CIA

eliminated the leader of the Northern Alliance of Afghanistan

when they used a phony news team to show up unannounced

and conduct a fake interview. The Afghani was assassinated

360 Moore, Michael. Sicko. Lions Gate Entertainment. June 2007.

361 Hilder. Extreme Prejudice CIA Whistle Blower Susan Lindauer PDX 911 Truth. 50

minute mark.


using an explosion concealed in the camera that he believed

was filming him. 362

As the first plane struck, Cheney was whisked away to the

safety of the bunker under the White House. W who was

listening to kindergarteners read My Pet Goat, was left alone

out in front of national television coverage to sit there with a

panicked look on his face. Meanwhile Ari Fleischer, his Press

Secretary, held up a sign at the back of the room "don't say

anything." Standard protocol to protect the president was

abandoned and W was left vulnerable as a sitting duck.

Bush did not take action. He did not lead. He did not

heighten security. He did not order planes grounded, or

fighter jets scrambled, nor did he so much as get to a

telephone. Bush waited for someone to tell him what to do.

Finally he was told to board Air Force One and depart. This

was a flight not even protected by military air craft as it took

off. Eventually fighter jets arrived to escort Air Force One mid¬

flight, but the president refused to tell the military where they

were going and instructed them to follow blindly. This is a

clear indication that there was no trust in the military and

Bush felt he could become expendable at any point during

that day.

362 Sullivan, Shay. Possible Longboat Terrorist Incident. Longboat Observer. September



The reasons for this belief were justified by communications

with the Secret Service during the flight. They received

phone contact of highest importance which informed them

that "Angel is next." 363 Angel was code for Air Force One,

meaning that the president's plane was going to be

destroyed. The message also contained a whole array of top

secret code words, which alerted the administration that the

network behind the threats had access to the entire range of

executive departments. The flight served to keep Bush out of

the action as Air Force One hopscotched across the country

from Florida to Louisiana to Nebraska, and finally back to

Washington, D.C. late that evening. 364

The coup faction appears to have gotten their message

across to Bush. With absolutely no evidence, Bush

immediately went on television and accused Al-Qaeda of the

tragic events of the day. He called the Soviet Union to inform

President Vladimir Putin that military action would commence

in their formerly occupied territories and not to interfere. So

Bush played ball, preached the war of civilizations, and

remained in office as a puppet.

363 Kohn, David. The President Talks In Detail About His Sept. 11 Experience. 60

Minutes. September 11, 2002.

364 Youtube. Historian Webster Tarpley Analyzes Bush’s Behavior on 9/11. Accessed

online, January 8, 2015. Available at


Distrust and panic can be viewed in multiple televised

appearances of Bush. Perhaps the most notable is when W

traveled to Chile and was led through a crowd of Chilean

security personnel but his Secret Service detail was physically

blocked. With terror and determination in his eyes, Bush

reached through the crowd, grabbed his lead agent by the

shirt, and pulled him through the blockade with every ounce

of strength he could muster. 365

Various pieces of legislation were enacted under the typical

guise of providing for our security. As per the norm; any time

the powers that be are chipping away at our freedom, it is

following an event designed to threaten and scare us. The

legislation is then given a pro-democratic sounding name,

and finally thrust upon the citizens, stripping away any

remaining vestiges of real liberty.

The Patriot Act is based almost verbatim upon the Soviet

Criminal Act that was established by the KGB which led to the

creation of the Gulags. 366 It permits secret evidence,

testimony, and charges to be declared in court. This violation

of our basic rights does not sound very democratic because it

365 President Bush Scuffles with Guards in Santiago, Chile

366 Hilder. Extreme Prejudice CIA Whistle Blower Susan Lindauer PDX 911 Truth. 1 hour

11 minute mark.


is actually communist. Some historians go as far as

comparing it to Hitler's Enabling Act.

Our leaders also created a new government agency known

as the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). This

department pats down and harasses airline travelers at the

airports, forces everyone to remove their shoes, and conducts

"random" x-ray screenings of passengers. They have imposed

ridiculous restrictions such as mothers having to taste baby

milk before they board planes, visually inspecting all hand

luggage, and banning fluids. Americans have been duped into

giving up freedom in exchange for the perception of security;

Ben Franklin once had some thoughts about this situation.

The simple fact is that the TSA has not once thwarted an act

of terrorism.

Some Americans are more vigilant and grasp what is taking

place. Online you may view evidence of state-sponsored

terror; citizens can investigate how the invisible government

uses fear to control society. People start to comprehend how

prevalent disinformation is when editorials nationwide are

uniform in attacking scientific research that questions the


official version of 9/11. 367 The public is slowly beginning to

realize that the evidence doesn't add up, and what we are

shown on the news is always propaganda, spin, or outright


Operation Terror 368

There is a film available to rent

online which presents a distinct documentary feel. Operation

Terror begins with an ambitious and driven CIA Agent being

summoned in September of 1999 to meet in private with a

member from "The Council." At this meeting the agent is

tasked with managing plans for a new Pearl Harbor. The

purpose was to fool the public into backing military action that

would allow "The Council" to establish control of fifty billion

barrels of oil below the Caspian Sea.

During this meeting the agent is informed a Bush would be

placed in the White House after the next election facilitating

the plot. In the meantime, the twenty-fifth floor of building

seven at the World Trade Center would be dedicated to this

project. The agent would be working with the author of a

367 p r j son pi ane t. Terror Plot Mirrors Bojinka: Run By US Government Agent. Internet

accessed November 26, 2014.


368 Olivier, Art. Operation Terror. Arthur Olivier Productions, March 11, 2012. Runtime 1

hour 31 minutes.


script who previously helped implement Sharia Law in

Afghanistan. The story detailed the plot for the attacks, but it

was up to the agent to handle logistical arrangements making

the plan a reality.

As this agent assembled his team for the first meeting, it is

determined that the planes to be used would be remote

controlled. The malefactors chose a group of engineers

employed by Defense Command who previously designed the

Predator Drone System avionics to control the planes. These

engineers were led to believe the project would be used in

Panama. Over the course of the project the engineering firm

never received payment for their work thus preventing a

paper trail of evidence.

In order to convince eye-witnesses that commercial jetliners

were crashing, planes were needed that resembled jetliners

but would possess the technical requirements. A3 Sky

Warriors and C40 Clippers were chosen. A "chase plane"

would follow the flights to guide them into the designated


The agents put together their patsy team of hijackers as the

script writer planned the lead-up terror attacks to create

public fear for bin Laden. The agents then met with bin Laden

personally and delivered the ordinance to be used in the lead-

up attacks.


On October 29, 1999 the agents met with military scientists

and discussed demolition of steel-framed sky scrapers. The

scientists recommended a combination of military grade

chemicals. It was advised that conventional thermite be used

on bolts and welds, while nano-thermite would be placed in

the box columns and spandrel splices.

During operation Able Danger, the FBI uncovered 10,000+

pages of documents detailing the terrorist cells in the United

States (including FBI/CIA asset Mohamed Atta), in January

2001. The shadowy member of "The Council" pulled strings

to replace key personnel involved with the investigation. The

CIA Agent then led a raid on the FBI office and confiscated all

data regarding the investigation.

The agent met with Cheney to coordinate several activities.

FEMA would take over control of the city to keep Mayor

Giuliani busy after the attacks. Cheney would also arrange for

Bush to be away from the action so he could issue the "stand

down" order. During the meeting a power struggle ignited

between Cheney and the agent which resulted in the member

of "The Council" pacifying Cheney while siding with the agent.

While on retreat at the Bohemian Grove, the member of

"The Council" made the decision for all SEC fraud

investigations to be re-located in WTC 7. He arranged for


demolition of this building to be added to the events of the


Osama bin Laden's kidneys were failing and he was on the

verge of death in April of 2000. The plan hinged upon bin

Laden's survival until September. The CIA was forced to fly

specialists and equipment to Saudi Arabia to keep bin Laden


On 9/11 as Flight 175 and Flight 11 took off, the planes were

shadowed by decoys and the transponders were electronically

switched. NORAD used mode 3 transponders; Operation

Terror used mode 4 transponders. At this point the decoy

planes began their unusual routes and bad turns. The real

Flight 175 was diverted to Yeager Airport in West Virginia by

an on-board Air Marshal.

At Yeager Airport, Flight 77 and Flight 11 passengers were

all boarded on Flight 175. The engineering team had been

summoned to attend a meeting regarding payment for this

project and they were on these three flights which were now

consolidated on to one plane. The flight was sent to Cleveland

and ordered to land on runway 28. This is where the massive

NASA autoclave is housed. All passengers were herded inside

and disposed of.


9/11 Commission Report

The most important thing

to remember when discussing the 9/11 Commission Report is

that the precedent had been set many times prior. To

appease the American people, an investigative team had to

be composed of respected government politicians; its purpose

would be to ignore all eyewitness testimony while confirming

the predetermined outcome.

Once the investigation got under way, as per the norm, we

find many mysterious deaths prior to witnesses testifying.

Katherine Smith was set to testify about how she printed IDs

for five of the hijackers, she was firebombed in her car the

day preceding her scheduled statement. 369 Dr. David Graham

saw three hijackers with a Pakistani businessman, he was

poisoned before testifying. 370 Barry Jennings the witness to

the WTC 7 explosions was killed. Kenneth Johannemann

witnessed explosions in the basement of WTC 1 prior to the

planes striking and was shot in the head before giving his

testimony. 371 Bertha Champagne, Marvin Bush's babysitter,

369 Connor, Tracy. 9/11 Link Eyed in Fiery Death of ‘Crooked” DMV Worker. The New

York Post. February 13, 2002.

370 Evening News. Dentist Whistleblower Who Met 9/11 Hijackers Poisoned To Death.

KTBS. September 22, 2006.

371 Daly, Michael. 9/11 Claims One More Victim. Daily News. New York. September 4,



was crushed by a car in Bush's driveway. 372 Journalist Hunter

S Thompson was working on a story about the explosions and

was murdered before it went to print. Former airline pilot

Philip Marshall wrote two books on the 9/11 Operation and

was murdered along with his two children. Widow Beverly

Eckert refused to accept $1.8 million for her husband's death

and chose to go to court; she was killed in a plane crash.

Attorney Michael Doran represented families of 9/11 victims,

he reported multiple incidents of his personal airplane being

sabotaged; he died in a plane crash. Major General David

Wherley was a key witness to high level orders issued on 9/11

regarding air defenses, he and his wife died with seven other

people in the Washington, D.C. Metro Crash. 373

Senator Max Cleland stepped down from his office and

became an outspoken critic of the Commission's final report.

John Farmer, Senior Counsel to the Commission claims the

CIA tapes from the interviews conducted during the

investigation were destroyed. "The tapes told a radically

different story from what had been told to us and the public

for two years." Raymond McGovern, a CIA veteran of twenty-

372 Madsen, Wayne. Fairfax County Police Report on Bertha Champagne/Marvin Bush and

the President Bush videotape. The Wayne Madsen Report. October 21, 2005.

373 Subani, Humad. Remembering the victims of the 9-11 Cover-up. Cabal Times.

September 11, 2011. Available online at l/remembering-the-victims-of-the-9-11-cover-up/


seven years who personally briefed multiple presidents and

their cabinets said "I think at simplest terms, there's a cover-

up. The 9/11 Report is a joke."

Phillip Zelikow created the draft of the 9/11 Commission's

final report before the investigations began. He coached the

investigators on intimidation tactics to be employed when

questioning witnesses. Zelikow had a history of authoring

papers touting terrorism as being "watershed moments," and

on taking preemptive action against Iraq. He advocated

draconian measures be implemented in America to decrease

liberties and increase a police state. Zelikow was a member

of the Bush transition team and co-authored a book with

Condoleezza Rice regarding their experiences in the first Bush

White House. 374

War was declared on Afghanistan October 7, 2001. The US

forces immediately preserved and protected the poppy fields.

This occupation enabled control of the opium trade, and

provided a check and balance on emerging economic threats

374 Ventura. American Conspiracies. Chapter XI1, 25:00.


posed by China. 375 Prior to the war, Afghanistan did not

operate a Rothschild-owned private central banking system.

March 20, 2003 war was declared on Iraq for aiding the

terrorists through funding, and for pursuing a chemical

weapons and weapons of mass destruction program. No links

to funding or weapons of mass destruction were found after

hunting down Saddam Hussein and executing him. This left

the country in chaos and ruined by corruption. We did

however find chemical weapons in 2014, they were outdated

stockpiles belonging to the United States. The US supplied

these weapons in the 1980s to Iraq during their conflict with

Iran. 376

So to recap, nineteen cavemen armed with box cutters, led

by a guy on dialysis from a cave in Afghanistan, defeated the

world's most advanced air defense system - that was on

heightened alert at the time, to destroy symbols of American

economic oppression, which collapsed at free-fall speeds

perfectly and symmetrically into each building's basement.

375 Washington’s Blog. Drug War? American Troops Are Protecting Afghan Opium. U.S.

Occupation Leads to All-Time High Heroin Production. June 10,

2014. Available online at


376 Chivers, C.J. The Secret Casualties of Iraq’s Abandoned Chemical Weapons. The New

York Times. October 15, 2014.


In October 2003 the United States government patented the

rights to medical marijuana. After decades of propaganda

trumpeting the war on drugs and claiming that marijuana was

the "gateway drug," the federal government applied for

patent #6630507 Cannabinoids as Antioxidants and

Neuroprotectants. Pressure started mounting due to the

collective consciousness the internet provides. Public opinion

began to change due to information regarding marijuana's

cancer curing properties and the pharmaceutical industry's

efforts to keep the naturally growing plant illegal for purposes

of continued profit.

During the 2004 presidential election, The Bush Crime

Syndicate could not lose. George W Bush was the republican

candidate; John Kerry was the democratic candidate. Two

weeks before Election Day, Sinclair Broadcasting Group

directed its sixty-two TV stations to preempt regular prime¬

time broadcasts to air an anti-Kerry documentary, Stolen

Honor , which was produced by a Bush Administration

consultant. 377 Sinclair apparently did not realize that John

Kerry was also a Bonesman from Yale.

377 Grossman. Who Owns Your Opinion? Page 36-39.


After winning re-election the second term was just some

more of the same from our wartime administration, and when

the media investigated wrongdoings the price was high. CBS

aired a story detailing George W Bush's draft-dodging and an

expose of the torture at Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison.

Consequences are severe when veteran Mockingbird

reporters finally stand-up for the truth. Despite Dan Rather's

lengthy career and clout as a staple of mainstream media as

anchor of the CBS Evening News for twenty-four years -

towing the CIA line, he and colleague Mary Mapes were lined

up for career execution and lost their jobs. 378 The Bush family

had a festering anger since the on-air showdown, between

George H W Bush and Dan Rather over Iran-Contra, when

Poppy was campaigning for president. 379

Former President Gerald Ford died on December 26, 2006.

His funeral was full of all the pomp and circumstance as to be

expected for a former president. Ford was eulogized by many

dignitaries and politicians such as Henry Kissinger, NBC News

Anchor Tom Brokaw, and George W Bush. However, there

was one speech in particular which stood apart from the

378 Palast. CBS: Cowardice and Conflicts Behind Purge. Page 38.

379 Jim Heath. Dan Rather - George Bush Showdown. November 20, 2011.


others. George H W Bush took the podium and reminisced

about the Kennedy Assassination and how Gerry Ford

attached his name to the Warren Commission Report. He was

unable to keep a straight face, or refrain from laughter when

he mentioned "the deluded gunman." 380

380 University of Steve. Bush Laughing About Kennedy Assassination. August 2, 2011.


"America does not at the moment have a functioning


- Former President Jimmy Carter

July 17, 2013


Barack Obama

Many question the legitimacy

of his nationality since he has only produced a pdf of his birth

certificate. Stories are common about how he was recruited

young to be molded into the president. Some sources claim

the CIA approached him as a student at Occidental and made

him an asset while fabricating him a false background history.

Meanwhile, no one from Columbia University seems to be able

to recall Obama from the campus.

Researchers point out that in spite of being a young college

graduate with no job, Obama was able to travel to Indonesia

and Pakistan despite Pakistan being on the State

Departments "no travel" list in 1981. While there he went on

a partridge hunting trip with Muhammad Soomro who would

become acting president of Pakistan in 2008. 381

After leaving Harvard in 1991, Obama applied to teach law

at the University of Chicago. His application was rejected by

the Board of Trustees. The Board received a phone call a short

381 Goodenough, Patrick. Few Details Known About Obama’s Three Weeks in Pakistan.

CNS News. November 3, 2008.


time later where an unknown party forced them to add

Obama to the faculty. 382

Though Obama at this point had accomplished nothing in life

other than attending prestigious schools, he continued to

build his resume by writing a personal memoir called Dreams

of My Father. The book was supposed to be about race

relations in America as he had been awarded a publishing

contract and an advance. Although the University of Chicago

boasts the highest rate of published papers per professor of

any US law school, Obama never published a single journal

article in twelve years.

The future Commander in Chief was propelled to national

prominence after giving the key note address at the

Democratic National Convention in 2004, despite being

nothing more than a candidate for the Illinois Senate.

In a tensely polarizing campaign standoff in 2008, Hillary

Clinton refused to concede the democratic race to Obama.

Obama needed the popularity of Bill along with financing from

the Clintons' backers to improve his chances of victory. They

cut a deal to work together and make Hillary the Secretary of

State when elected. 383

382 Gorton. Fifty Years of the Deep State, page 41.

383 Baker, Peter. Cooper, Helene. Clinton Is Said to Accept Secretary of State Position.

The New York Times. November 21, 2008.


After winning his bid for the presidency in 2008, this "leftist"

/ "socialist" disgrace to capitalism presided over the highest

corporate profits in history. Wall Street had not closed with

numbers so high in over fifty years. Business performed

phenomenally well, while ordinary families struggled to


Obama was Ronald Reagan's single greatest student thus

far. He had been propped up to run essentially the same play

book: routinely say one thing to the people while the opposite

took place behind closed doors, attack unions, hire Wall

Street for the cabinet, wage wars in third world countries

which profit the insiders, and sympathize with Americans

about how hard they have it. Yet people loved Reagan the

puppet and hated Obama the puppet.

Plans have been set in motion foreshadowing a catastrophe

on ordinary citizens. The rumors about population reduction

are valid. For proof look no further than the Denver

International Airport. The airport has been constructed in the

shape of a Swastika when viewed from above. The Free

Masons prominently displayed a capstone designating the

building as "The New World Airport."

The AIRPORT features six underground levels, of which

spokespersons claim are unused. That is: six, unused,


underground levels; at an AIRPORT. Perhaps the most

troubling aspect of this facility is the mural of a military

apocalypse painted on the interior wall for travelers to

appreciate. The mural depicts oppressive fascist soldiers,

fires, and a dead child in a casket.

Some people express disbelief claiming this is simply

conspiracy theory nonsense. For me too many coincidences

exist when considering the planners spent billions of dollars

designing and constructing a marvel such as this; one which

was downsized from the previous international airport. 384

On the Arkansas border is a massive underground fortress

designed for surviving the end of the world. Billions of tax

dollars were allocated to complete the project. Located along

the Ozark Mountains is Ozark, Missouri; a little farm town in


Google Images. Colorado International Airport. Accessed online, January 14, 2015.


the middle of nowhere which features a bank for every fifty-

one people. 385

Tying in with the timing of this massive underground

construction project is the number of earthquakes reported.

In 2009 Arkansas experienced thirty-six. Since construction

began, Arkansas experienced 788 in 2011 alone. The facility

encompasses fifty million square feet. It is climate controlled,

has a rail system, a vast network of underground roads, food

warehouses, offices, underground farming, on-site

manufacturing, and stockpiles of oil. 386 Construction

witnesses assert the facility connects directly to Denver

International Airport using an underground tunnel more than

550 miles in length. Truck drivers have come forward stating

there is a complete underground interconnecting grid of

tunnels below all of the United States. 387

Destabilization and conflict is precisely the goal. Fanning the

flames and promoting differences will ultimately lead to larger

wars. In October 2011 the CIA wanted the Libyan radicals to

overthrow Muammar Gaddafi for instability. Instability is good

385 y en t ura _ Jesse. Jones, Alex. The Ozarks. Conspiracy Theory, Season 3, Episode 7.

Trutv. November 26, 2012

386 Ibid.

387 Truck Driver Confirms Underground City Beneath US. 2013.


for business; instability is also good for oil profits. Libyan oil

was $l/barrel to produce which is far too competitive a price

undermining the petro dollar, but if Gaddafi was no longer in

control then the price could be raised. Oil wasn't the only

commodity the elites had their eye on. Libya also had a

massive gold reserve of 143 tons. Israel agreed to aid the

rebels in exchange for a base in the Green Mountains, near

the gold. Thus, after four decades of rattling the sabre,

Gaddafi was finally removed from power for business

reasons. 388

Domestically, the Affordable Care Act, known as

Obamacare, was forced through Congress. No one seemed to

understand it, including our elected representatives that

voted in favor of it. The language and stipulations for

mandating healthcare to everyone was intentionally written

to be incomprehensible, much the way credit card terms are

written. What we do know is that despite losing 49% of net

income, the CEO of Blue Cross enjoyed a 26% increase in

salary and bonus money. 389 In$urance Companie$ are

businesses. The primary concern is profit, not health care.

388 Hilder. Extreme Prejudice CIA Whistle Blower Susan Lindauer PDX 911 Truth. 1 hour

20 minute mark.

389 Krasner, Jeffrey. Blue Cross CEOs Pay Rose 26%. The Boston Globe. Boston.

February 28, 2009.


The United States is the only country in the world where

medical treatment depends upon your ability to pay for it. In

almost every country in the world healthcare is a part of the

social contract guaranteed to the people by their government.

It is clear this legislation was enacted to benefit "providers."

What should be noted is the side effect of this legislation. The

increase in premiums on employers has prevented hiring.

This is another tool for controlling Americans through


If Republicans were truly in favor of business then they

would unequivocally support a single-payer healthcare

system. A national system would free up the massive expense

businesses incur when required to provide benefits to

employees. The "job creators" would then be able to afford to

hire their fellow countrymen in full-time positions paying

more livable wages. The current insurance system does not

promote business or job growth; it aids tax-dodging

corporations and monopolies that employ lobbyists.

The current profit-based system does not provide better

healthcare. The propaganda spread by news networks about

Canada's Premier seeking heart surgery in Miami all failed to

broadcast his final thoughts. Premier Williams stated that it

was his belief that if something costs more, then the quality

must be better; but that was not the case, and if he had to


seek treatment again he would be treated by Canadian

medical institutions. For further research on the lack of quality

care provided in America please view the documentary Sicko.

This film explains why we are taught to hate other countries

such as France and Cuba. Our owners do not want us to

realize other people have a far better arrangement than we

have in America.

Telling the truth in this country has become a bad thing.

People doing so have been labeled "truthers" which implies

negative connotation. Whistleblowers have become enemies

of the state and forced to flee the country. For example,

Edward Snowden has been stereotyped a traitor for exposing

the national security secrets of how the NSA has been spying

on its own people. He did not expose this information to

foreign governments for personal gain. Snowden exposed

this information directly to his fellow countrymen at great

personal cost and was forced into exile.

An outbreak of persecuted whistleblowers took place during

the Obama reign. US Army Intelligence Analyst

Bradley/Chelsea Manning was another victim to exposing the

dark side of our government. Manning's crime was releasing

the largest set of classified documents ever, mostly published

by WikiLeaks and their media partners. The material included


videos of the July 12, 2007 Baghdad airstrike and the 2009

Granai airstrike in Afghanistan; 250,000 United States

diplomatic cables; and 500,000 army reports that came to be

known as the Iraq War logs and Afghan War logs. Manning

was convicted of violating the Espionage Act among other

offenses and sentenced to 35 years in prison. 390 Obama was

pressured to commute the sentence prior to leaving office.

Executive Order 13603 was signed March 16, 2012. Though

titled National Defense Resource Preparedness it is another

wolf in sheep's clothing. This article established the blueprint

for totalitarian takeover following the right major crisis the

Rockefellers dream of. The ten-page document permits

federal control of all commodities and products that are

capable of being ingested by either human beings or animals,

all forms of energy, all forms of civil transportation, all usable

water from all sources, health resources — drugs, biological

products, medical devices, materials, facilities, health

supplies, services and equipment, and forced labor (meaning

military conscription). The order makes no mention of

upholding the Constitution or protecting civil liberties. 391

390 Wikipedia. Bradley Manning.

391 Powell, Jim. Obama's Plan To Seize Control Of Our Economy And Our Lives. Forbes,

Jersey City. April 29, 2012.


Weapons of Terror

Friday December 14, 2012,

the country was anguished by yet another alleged school

shooting. This one occurred at Sandy Hook Elementary School

in Newtown, Connecticut. There are no images of damage or

destruction to the school, or video surveillance depicting any

of the incidents from inside the school. Common decency has

prevented the average citizen from questioning such a

tragedy. However this, just like most other major events

during the Obama Administration, has proven to be another

false flag incident. The list of evidence proving the affair was

staged is lengthy.

As the drama unfolded officials broke with protocol. Instead

of racing the victims to the hospital in front of television

cameras, students were pronounced dead on scene and left

alone in the school overnight. The controlled media facilitated

a story of a mass school shooting because if the average

American believes that gun violence has gotten out of control,

then they will begin to side with gun control laws to make

citizens even easier to control. 392

392 Cimino, Dennis. Sandy Hook Hoax: How We Know it Didn’t Happen. Veterans

Today. December 14, 2014. Available online

http ://www. veteranstoday. com/2014/12/14/the -sandy-hook-hoax-ho w-we-kno w-it-didnt-



The television footage was maddening. Americans should

have been insulted by such poorly programmed actors. From

the Medical Examiner to the parents, everyone interviewed

on camera displayed oddly inappropriate emotions of

happiness until asked direct questions when they visually

appeared to get into character. These individuals changed

their mood on cue with each question presented to them and

only spoke a message of peace and hope with gun control

sprinkled in. 393

The Medical Examiner was unable to identify the number of

boys versus girls that were victims, or the positions any of

the victims were found in. His statements about the number

of shots fired do not mathematically add up with the

timeframe of the official story. The shooter had no military

training. A novice cannot shoot, reload, or carry enough

ordinance to single-handedly pull off a feat such as this.

First reports on scene consisted of interviewed witnesses

claiming State Troopers chased an individual through the

woods and apprehended him. Troopers brought him back in

handcuffs, and placed him in the squad car - on air. Not one

reporter turned around and filmed the individual sitting in

custody in plain sight.

393 Undeniable Proof Actors Were Used In Sandy Hook Hoax

https ://


Initial reports all claimed the active shooter used handguns.

During the course of events the reporting narrative changed

to assault weapons. Then the media showed an image of a

law enforcement official holding up a rifle left in the trunk of

the shooter's vehicle.

Anyone that has ever watched a police drama on television

can tell you that crime scenes are cordoned off. No one is

granted access, not even reporters. Yet in the midst of a

school shooting massacre, reporters and cameramen roamed

the crime scene unrestricted and freely walked inside the


The reporter for the Sandy Hook tragedy claimed to use a

personal camera to capture still photographs of the events

taking place. She arrived on scene fast enough to photograph

the evacuation of students. Out of the dozens of photos she

claims to have taken; only one has been released. In the

photo we see sixteen students calmly walking single-file. They

were accompanied by law enforcement officials and the young

children exhibited no emotional distress or fear. Most schools

have enrollment numbers totaling hundreds of students. Not

to mention parking spaces up to code.

Next the reporter claimed she went inside the building and

interviewed the Principal. After coming back from commercial

break the network announced the Principal had been killed in


the initial shooting. The network then began airing an aerial

photograph claiming to show mass evacuation of the student

body. Upon inspecting the image, truth seekers will see that

the "fake news" photo of the sixteen students had been re¬

used and photo-shopped into the new image multiple times.

The purpose was to give viewers an illusion of a mass

evacuation of the student population.

National school safety consultant Wolfgang Halbig was

visited and threatened at his home by homicide detectives

after he began reporting on additional inconsistencies in the

Sandy Hook narrative, which he believed prove the shooting

to be fabricated. 394

Among the many questions which are the key to unlocking

Sandy Hook's mystery, Halbig asked "Why and for what

reason would the FBI classify the Sandy Hook Elementary

School shooting when they did not classify the Columbine

shooting which also was an Active Shooter Mass Casualty

Incident?" Additionally, Halbig questioned why no trauma

helicopters were ever summoned to the school, and why

paramedics and EMTs were not allowed to enter the building

to try to save lives. 395

394 School Safety Expert Threatened for Questioning Sandy Hook


395 Salazar, Adan. FBI Says No One Killed at Sandy Hook. Tea Party Crusader.

December 20, 2014.


If you look up murder statistics by city for Offenses Known

to Law Enforcement, Newtown, CT lists zero. Further, the FBI

published a crime report stating that zero murders occurred

in Newtown. 396 Paul Preston, a Los Angeles school safety

expert, obtained information from officials in the US

Department of Education confirming that: (a) it had been a

drill; (b) no children had been killed; and, (c) it had been

done to promote an anti-gun agenda. 397

There were no deaths at Sandy Flook; it was an exercise

that was misrepresented in the media, a manufactured crisis;

a false flag. Much like all the other events of this time period

where the perpetrator was either killed or deemed too insane

to stand trial, none of these events ever saw the inside of a

court room, and no victims could be traced, there is only

televised statements from officials supposedly representing

law enforcement agencies, politicians, or grieving

"parents." 398

396 FBI. Crime in the United States 2012. Table 8 Connecticut. Accessed online January 26,

2015. Available at


cuts/table_8_offenses_kno wn_to_law_enforcement_by_connecticut_by_city_2012.xls

397 Fetzer, Jim. Sandy Hook: 10 More Proofs That Vitiate the Official Account. Veterans

Today. September 3, 2014. Available online


398 ThinkOutsideThe TV. FBI Report Shows Zero Deaths at Sandy Hook. Youtube.

Accessed online January 26, 2015. Available at


"Government Crisis Actors" Bearing False Witness

Google Images

To make matters worse, the government believes we are

so easily manipulated that we do not notice they re-used the

same actors for different events, such as with the Boston

Marathon Bombing. Incidentally, while the country was

distracted by the misdirection of Boston, Congress passed the

Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA). This


was a bill that permits the government to monitor a private

individual's Internet browsing information with few

limitations. The power enabled agencies to spy on the general

public rather than to pursue malicious hackers.

"Most Americans quite naively think, "Why does it matter if

I'm not doing anything wrong?" All you have to do is read

history to know that in a closing society you don't have to

have done anything wrong. If there is a surveillance

apparatus the government can listen in and as other

institutions erode they can simply say that you've done

something wrong or use leverage through the surveillance to

intimidate you. The Stasi secret police of East Germany kept

everyone in a state of fear and silence. For years everyone

thought they had a Stasi file on them. After the Berlin Wall

came down, it turned out only about 10% of people actually

had a file. But all it takes is the idea of surveillance to keep

you scared and frightened. Each month 20,000 people are

added to the watch list. In a closing society, as with Germany

and Chile before, the lists are kept to keep you scared and

silent." - Naomi Wolf

The Second Amendment of the Constitution does not exist

for us to shoot a deer; it was written with the purpose of

overthrowing our government once it became oppressive.

Guns are the last line of defense. We never hear about legally

armed citizens deterring crime or responsibly using their

firearms to stop violent crimes, this is because it goes against

the agenda of the establishment. Laws disarming honest


citizens proclaim that the government is the master, not the

servant of the people. If only the cops have guns we become

a police state.

When Obama was running for office in 2008, high school

students would tell me he was going to take away our guns.

At that point I would review with them the three branches of

government; Executive, Legislative, and Judicial. After the

student realized it was up to the Legislative Branch to

construct laws I would review the Second Amendment of the

Constitution until the student was satisfied that Obama could

not take away guns. Since "his" administration assumed

power I feel I must re-evaluate my own beliefs. When

considering the high-priced and unavailable ammunition

paired with the number of staged gun violence events, I

would have to concur that the mission of the regime was to

chip away at our gun rights until we were unarmed and

vulnerable, thus rendering the population more easily



Islamic Militant Groups

ISIS is a completely fabricated enemy,

according to Ex-CIA contractor, Steven D Kelley. 399 This claim

has many additional sources which corroborate his statement.

While it seems that the jihadist militia appeared out of

nowhere, the group's origins are not as mysterious as some

would like us to imagine. There are a lot of inconsistencies

surrounding the facts reported about ISIS by government


ISIS, or the Islamic State, has catapulted into news

headlines with their barbarity and quest to establish a modern

Islamic Caliphate in Iraq. In an interview with Sheikh Nabil

Na'eem, an ex-Al-Qaeda leader and founder of the

Democratic Jihad Party in Cairo, he claimed that ISIS was

funded by the US at the price of $20-30 million. Terrorists

were trained in Jordan, protected by Marines, and armed by

the US. Na'eem stated that ISIS was created in the US's quest

to overthrow Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad. American

interests began to fund anti-government terrorist groups

within Syria way back in 2010. 400

399 Former CIA/NSA Contractor: ISIS Completely Fabricated by US; EBOLA Used as


400 Souri, Arabi, and Sheikh Nabeel Naim. Exposing Obama Regime Support to Al-Qaeda.

Syria News. July 3, 2014. Internet accessed February 3, 2015, available at


NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden provided evidence that

intelligence services from three countries created a terrorist

organization that is able to attract all extremists of the world

to one place, using a strategy called Operation Hornet's Nest.

The goal of Hornet's Nest is to create a destabilized Middle

East at the hands of international extremists, aided by the

CIA, MI6, and the Mossad. Further leaks provided by

Snowden revealed that ISIS leadership was given rigorous

military training by the Mossad. 401

ISIS is an English acronym. Why would an organization use

an English acronym when trying to recruit non-English

speaking radicals? Brian Lamb conducted an interview for C-

SPAN in 1990 where it was discovered that the Prime Minister

of Israel refers to the Mossad as ISIS or the Israeli Secret

Intelligence Service. 402

Snowden revealed that the leader of ISIS, Abu Bakr Al-

Baghdadi, is actually Jewish-born Simon Elliot. This

information was reported in French newspapers that Elliot

was schooled by the Mossad intensively for one year where

he was educated in military training, theology, and the art of

speech. This story was blocked in the US by Senator John

401 Syrian Free Press. Strategy “Hornet’s Nest”: Snowden confirms that A1 Baghdadi was

trained by Mossad. July 15, 2014.

402 Lamb, Brian. Mossad. C-SPAN. August 5, 1990.


McCain. 403 McCain has been photographed multiple times with

Elliot / Al-Baghdadi masquerading in character as leader of

the Islamic Caliphate.

"It is all nothing but a charade

and do not think for a minute this

is just an isolated incident, they

have been doing this for a long,

long, time. It is time to round-up

of US Congressmen, Senators,

politicians, bankers, Wall Street executives, and corporate

leaders because they are all guilty of treason." 404

Before ISIS the fear was Al-Qaeda in America. That scheme

was created using Adam Yahiye Gadahn who became known

as the Al-Qaeda "Media Maven." His real name was Adam

Pearlman, another Jewish-American born actor. His

counterpart was a menacing looking individual Yousef Al-

Khattab, whose real name was Joseph Cohen. Cohen was a

Jewish-American born taxi driver. This has all been a ruse, a

"manufactured front to convince Americans Al-Qaeda is here

in the US." It is a ploy to justify why the government needs

and arrest the majority

403 Takmeel-e-Pakistan. ISIS: Israeli Secret Intelligence Service. Facebook video. Posted

September 20, 2014. Available at

404 Takmeel-e-Pakistan. ISIS: Israeli Secret Intelligence Service.


surveillance on the American people, and why it is acceptable

for the government to read our email and listen in on our

phone calls. 405

"It's to create an enemy that doesn't really exist in order to

justify the totalitarian treatment of the American people, and

to encourage us to go and attack them before they kill us."

"It's nonsense. It's all war propaganda." 406

Peace is not profitable. We must be in a perpetual state of

conflict in order to justify purchasing the most up-to-date

weapons technology. This technology cannot be stock piled,

it must be used; otherwise the public would call to reduce

spending on the defense budget which funds the Military

Industrial Complex. ISIS is another faceless enemy to fight

abroad so we don't have to fight them here. They were

manufactured by the CIA to replace Al-Qaeda and the Taliban.

Since our independence the United States has known a total

of twenty-one years at peace.

In May 2012 the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission of

the Malaysian Courts found George W Bush, Richard Cheney,

and Donald Rumsfeld guilty of war crimes and torture. On

405 Fake A1 Qaeda Actors EXPOSED! Adam Gadahn & Yousef al-Khattab

406 Takmeel-e-Pakistan. ISIS: Israeli Secret Intelligence Service.


March 8, 2014, Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 disappeared

without a trace midflight. On board were members of the

prosecution. 407

After lingering rumors, Russian newspapers out of Moscow

ran a story February 7, 2015 that President Vladimir Putin

was planning to expose 9/11. The report claimed "the

evidence will be so convincing that it utterly debunks the

official 9/11 cover story supported by the US government."

Putin's interview stated that the footage proved the events of

9/11 were staged and the World Trade Center destruction was

caused by controlled demolition using "special weapons." The

article alleges that the US Government successfully

manipulated public opinion by murdering their own civilians

for the purpose of serving its oil interests in continued false

flag attacks against citizens. 408

George H W Bush voiced his displeasure and exposed how

the Bush family's opinion of Donald Rumsfeld and Dick

Cheney had soured. Bush claimed Rumsfeld is "an arrogant

407 Reynolds, Nolan. George H W Bush and the Murder of John Kennedy; Facebook Group

Page. Fall 2014.

408 Duff, Gordon. Pravda: Putin Threatens to Release Satellite Evidence of 9/11. Veterans

Today. February 10, 2015. Available online



fellow." "I think he served the president badly" in reference

to W. "I've never been that close to him anyway. There's a

lack of humility, a lack of seeing what the other guy thinks.

He's more kick ass and take names." 409

Bush also said Cheney as vice president was very different

from Secretary of Defense Cheney. Cheney served under

Bush 41 for four years, including during Operation Desert

Storm. "He just became very hard-line and very different

from the Dick Cheney I knew and worked with," "Just iron-

ass. His seeming knuckling under to the real hard-charging

guys who want to fight about everything, use force to get our

way in the Middle East." "The big mistake that was made was

letting Cheney bring in kind of his own State Department." 410

At the June 29, 2016 meeting of the Council on Foreign

Relations, CIA Director John Brennan held a press conference

admitting ChemTrails are real. 411 Brennan stated that the

official title is actually Stratospheric Aerosol Injections and

that efforts have been underway in regards to bioengineering.

Barium is listed as a primary ingredient.

409 Baker, Peter. Elder Bush Says His Son Was Served Badly by Aides. The New York

Times. November 4, 2015.

410 Moyer, Justin. George H.W. Bush Slams ‘Iron-Ass’ Cheney, ‘Arrogant’ Rumsfeld in

New Biography. Also Faults Bush 43. The Washington Post. November 5, 2015.

411 CIA Director John Brennan Admits to ChemTrails (Stratospheric Aerosol Injection)


Clinton Cash 412

The Clintons have made

it well known that when they left office, not only were they

broke, they were in debt. Since that time both Clintons

engaged in pay-to-play cronyism. They reversed decades of

policy making and speeches in exchange for cash via the

buying and selling of influence. The Clintons have partnered

with war lords, dictators, civil rights violators, and

environmental polluters.

The Clintons brokered deals with multiple criminal oligarchs

to sell minerals to investors. The Clintons have persuaded

these leaders with humanitarian awards and the elimination

of sanctions via Hillary's power from her position as Secretary

of State. In turn the investors made massive donations to the

Clinton Foundation, and would pay Bill exorbitant speaking

fees at public events. This happened in Rwanda, Congo, and


In 2010 an earthquake devastated the southern half of Haiti.

Secretary of State Hillary disrupted the relief efforts to make

a public appearance pledging relief. The United Nations

appointed Bill to handle the relief efforts. The Haitian people

412 Schweizer, Peter. Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign

Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich. Harper Paperbacks. July

26, 2016. Official Documentary available on youtube,


wanted the relief efforts directed to rebuilding roads and

infrastructure, but were shut out of the planning process. The

Clintons controlled the planning efforts and met exclusively

with "disaster capitalist" profiteers seeking lucrative

investment opportunities. 413

A textile factory was constructed in the northern part of Haiti

which was not affected by the earthquake. Caracol Industrial

Park promised to create 60,000 Haitian jobs, but the reality

was that they created approximately 5,000 at slave wages. 414

This directly benefitted Wal-Mart and GAP. Contractors were

brought in to construct homes which made donations to The

Clinton Foundation. The New Settlements Program was

$47,000,000 over budget and they built a quarter of the

homes promised. 415 Digicel paid Bill $225,000 for a speaking

engagement and was awarded with a contract to provide cell

phones and hotels. 416 VCS Mining was rewarded with a gold

mining permit, despite having no experience. Hillary's brother

was one of the Board of Directors. 417 All of this pales in

413 Mosk, Matthew. Ross, Brian. Epstein, Brian. Park, Cho. In Haiti, a Factory Where Big

Money, State Department and the Clintons Meet. ABCNews. October 11, 2016.

414 Levesque, Julie. Haiti, Five Years After the Earthquake: Fraudulent Reconstruction

Under Military Occupation. Global Research, Haiti. January 15, 2015.

415 Reuters. US Program to Build Houses in Haiti Falls Short, Report Finds. World News.

June 25, 2013.

416 Sullivan, Kevin. Helderman, Rosalind. How the Clintons’ Haiti Development Plans

Succeed — and Disappoint. The Washington Post. March 20, 2015.

417 Sullivan, Kevin. Helderman, Rosalind. Role of Hillary Clinton’s Brother in Haiti Gold

Mine Raises Eyebrows. The Washington Post. March 20, 2015.


comparison to the WikiLeaks documents exposing the child

trafficking which took place in Haiti. 418

The list of corruption goes on and on and included Keystone

XL Pipeline, a Swedish Telecommunications company, mining

in Columbia, lifting sanctions in India, granting Russia

majority shares in a uranium mining company, etc. Bill and

Hillary looted the world through fraud and deception. The

Clinton Foundation was exposed for donating roughly ten

percent of income to actual charities and services. Clinton

corruption has cost taxpayers of the United States

$5,100,000,000, and cost citizens of other countries

$1,446,751,663.70. 419

Secretary of State Hillary had

presidential aspirations of her own. Her

campaign was initially hampered by mishandling classified

information relating to the death of a US Ambassador in

Benghazi, Libya. 420 When seeking office during the 2016

Primary Election voter fraud was revealed in software

programing called fraction magic. Smartmatic voting

418 Weaver, Millie. Clintons Cut Ties to Haiti Day Before Child Trafficking Bust. February 8, 2017.

419 Schweizer. Clinton Cash. Official Documentary available on youtube,

420 Hicks, Greg. What the Benghazi attack taught me about Hillary Clinton. FOX News,

FOX & friends. September 11, 2016.


machines were discovered to be UK owned by Lord Mark

Malloch-Brown, an associate of George Soros. 421 Further

investigation revealed Election Systems & Software, Inc.

(ES&S), Electronic Ballot, Direct Recording Electronic (DRE)

Voting Systems - The iVotronic, Votronic, and V-2000 voting

systems are indirectly owned by the Rothschilds. 422

Additionally, Project Veritas was explosive undercover

videos released suggesting coordination among the Hillary

Clinton campaign, the Democratic National Committee and

pro-Democrat third-party groups. 423 Fraud from the Primary

Election forced Democratic National Committee Chair, Debbie

Wasserman Schultz to step down. She resigned after a trove

of leaked emails showed party officials conspired to sabotage

Senator Bernie Sanders' campaign. 424

Wikileaks released the Podesta Emails in 2016, a series of

documents starting with child pornography material from

disgraced Representative Anthony Weiner, ex-husband of

Hillary aide Huma Abedin. Abedin has nefarious ties to the

421 Janjigian, Lori. George Soros is the Subject of One of the More Misguided Conspiracy

Theories of the Election. Business Insider. October 25, 2016.

422 Department of Public Service. Rothschilds Inc is the Same as The Rothschild Family

Bank. State of Vermont,

423 Richards, Valerie. Undercover Videos Could Land Clinton Campaign, Democrats in

Hot Water. The Washington Times. October 23, 2016.

424 Martin, Jonathan. Debbie Wasserman Schultz to Resign DNC Post. The New York

Times. July 24, 2016.


Saudis and terrorism. 425 The documents exposed emails

regarding child sex trafficking, Spirit Cooking, Orgy Island,

and the Lolita Express airplane flights featuring various sexual

pleasures. All of the email server issues pointed back to the

Clintons and Hillary's campaign manager, John Podesta. 426

Podesta was a long-term associate of the Clintons and was

President Bill Clinton's Chief of Staff from 1998 until 2001.

Podesta also owns the Podesta Group with his brother Tony,

a major lobbying firm and was the Chair of the Center for

American Progress (CAP), a Washington D.C.-based think

tank. These files contained pedophilia coded messages about

the children, using pizza terminology to describe what was

available. The pedophilia case became known as Pizza Gate

and led to the censure of investigative reporter Ben Swann

for daring to report the issue on the evening news. 427

WikiLeaks is an international non-profit organization that

publishes secret information and classified media from

anonymous sources. It should be noted that during the first

ten years of operation, Julian Assange and the Wikileaks team

released over 10,000,000 documents. These documents were

released to the public to expose corruption that the media

425 Anonymous. Who is Huma Abedin.

426 Wikileaks. Vault 7: The Podesta Emails,

427 Swann, Ben. Fact Check: Is PizzaGate Fake News. CBS 46 News, WGCF-TV.

January 17, 2017.


would not investigate nor report on. During those first ten

years, not one single document had been disproven despite

the media's attempts to label Wikileaks as "fake news."

The bottom line on Barrack Hussein Obama is that he was

the "Commissioner" and as long as he, or any other president,

does what they are told and continue making money for the

right people, the "Team Owners" will keep that person in

power. It makes zero difference what country they will

originate from, what unconstitutional legislation they attempt

to force congress to accept, or how many troops will be sent

overseas. Presidents will not be impeached or assassinated

by anyone as long as the puppet masters control their strings.

If Americans are not duped by Face2Face technology fake news

broadcasts, then the candidate with the most clout will be selected

through fraudulent voting manipulation such as fraction magic.

America is not a functioning democracy, it was overthrown in



"The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will

hate those that speak it ."

- George Orwell



News networks are a smokescreen

to distract and divide us. Reporters are paid to do a job in line

with their publication's views. A handful of mega¬

conglomerates control most everything you read, hear, or see

- in every newspaper, magazine, textbook, movie, CD, radio

program or television show. 428 There is no liberal media; it is

all controlled talking points from a conglomerated media

based on Operation Mockingbird, originated by The Tavistock

Institute. The objective is to foster division; it is state-control

of our thoughts. It is bread and circus for the masses so we

do not recognize the crimes of the kingpins and unite against

them. America's culture of perpetual war has ushered in a

new gilded age for the elites, and not just in this country.

Our children are brainwashed using refined, sanitized, and

ultimately government-censored textbooks. Teachers are

held to strict "standards" for teaching predetermined, state-

approved, core concepts. The entire curriculum is based upon

428 Grossman. Who Owns Your Opinion? Page 36-39.


adhering to standardized testing to ensure true history is not

instructed. No Child Left Behind was structured to achieve the

opposite of its namesake. It is intended to slow down the pace

of education by the inclusion of lesser students to prevent the

masses from becoming educated. Education is thought

control. If you own the information you can bend it all you

want . 429

Starting in kindergarten, children are indoctrinated with

blind loyalty and patriotism to the state. Even social media

pressures teachers to defend the status quo. America, an

alleged republic, is the only country in the world which recites

a national Pledge of Allegiance each morning before classes

begin. I have worked in ten school districts, and every single

one still practices this routine. Think about the name of this

activity for one moment; The Pledge of Allegiance. We are

teaching our children that it is their solemn patriotic duty to

stand daily and vow that no matter what they will remain loyal

to the state. George, Thomas, and Benjamin would not

approve of statism . 430

429 Paraphrasing John Mayer’s Waiting on the World to Change.

430 Statism: The Most Dangerous Religion

https://www. youtube. com/watch?v=N6uW2DcqtO


When I graduated college and began working as a substitute

teacher, I encountered a disruptive young ninth grade girl.

She refused to stand respectfully or recite The Pledge of

Allegiance during morning announcements. Not only was I

offended, but so was the student body. I soon come to learn

this had been an ongoing issue the regular teacher was

unable to resolve. At the time however, it was causing quite

a stir among the other students which in turn attracted my


Since it was an English class, I decided to forgo the regular

teacher's lesson plan of silently reviewing for a test. The new

assignment became writing an essay on what it meant to be

patriotic. There were two essays from the class of twenty that

spoke defiantly against standing for The Pledge each

morning. As no surprise, the first was the girl this tangent is

about, the second; her only friend. What was a surprise is

that the best essay I read was from that girl's friend. She

intelligently and eloquently wove together very well thought

out and mature statements for a ninth grader in a general-

level English course.

The essay discussed the indoctrination process we subject

our children to each day. It detailed how the idea of what we

were reciting did not reflect the reality of our country. She

stated that we are to give over our allegiance for the belief


that our soldiers are dying to keep us free and that we are to

remember the sacrifices of both the veterans and the civilians

who died to establish independence.

She went on to say that those people all died fighting for an

idea which unfortunately is no longer representative of

America. We no longer value the rights of others whether in

this country, or in a foreign land. The soldiers no longer fight

for our freedoms, or for the freedoms of other people around

the globe. The ideals that true patriots use to fight for were

personal choice, true freedom, and independence from rules

that were unjust; for defending everyone's right not to be

required to stand up and chant a verse proclaiming loyalty to

a fallen government.

That young lady who was wise beyond her years went on to

join the military herself. Her essay on patriotism and the right

to say, or not say, whatever you choose was encapsulated by

a very famous statement from history. Once, there was

another woman who defended the rights of others. Her name

was Evelyn Beatrice Hall, and she succinctly made her point

by loosely quoting Voltaire "I may disapprove of what you

say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

Unfortunately our news networks do not cover free speech.

"Press-titutes" rarely even report on viewpoints which oppose


the official story. Despite all the proof and all the evidence I

have beared witness before you, none of these sources I have

cited are given air time. You will not see anything

contradicting "a lone nut assassin" on your evening news. You

will not see anything contradicting Islamic extremists

"hijacked commercial airliners and crashed them into symbols

of our economic power." You will not see investigative

journalism into Operation Mockingbird, Operation

Northwoods, Project Bojinka, or the dealings of The Trilateral

Commission and the Rockefeller Foundation. Hopefully, what

you will see is the irony in referencing 437 sources to write

this book.

Our media tows the corporate line which is ultimately

approved by the CIA. 431 Networks such as ABC, CBS, and NBC

are all directly controlled by the CIA. CNN receives its talking

points from Military Liaisons from within the apparatus. FOX

is sponsored by the wealthy and promotes ideals of hate the

poor and work harder; all concocted by the man that once

made Nixon president. 432 Even FOX's parent company lists

the channel as an "entertainment" station rather than a

"news" station.

431 Wallace, Tabitha. Ventura, Tyrel. CIA Routinely Reviews Hollywood Scripts. RT

America. January 8, 2015.

432 Dickinson, Tim. How Roger Ailes Built the FOX News Fear Factory. Rolling Stone

Magazine. May 25, 2011.


Think about it. If there was any such thing as a "liberal

media," then why wouldn't liberal politicians dominate the

congress due to preferential treatment in broadcasting?

Thanks to Operation Mockingbird, corporatization has

consolidated and centralized media ownership so much, that

only ten companies control everything that you see and hear

on television and radio. 433 Big Media, which is Big Business,

allow only a narrow range of debate that rarely criticizes

corporate power, says Program Director Janine Jackson. 434

Former media titan and Publisher of the Washington Post

Katharine Graham added, "there are some things the general

public does not need to know and shouldn't. I believe

democracy flourishes when the government can take

legitimate steps to keep its secrets and when the press can

decide whether to print what it knows." 435 Truth is treason in

a kingdom of lies.

There is an epic speech by actor Jeff Daniels in the pilot

episode of his show The Newsroom. This was a television

433 Free Press. Who Owns the Media. May 2013. Available online,

434 Grossman, Karl. Who Owns Your Opinion? Professor Karl Grossman examines media

ownership and how it affects what you know. Hustler. LFP Inc, Beverly Hills, CA. June

2005. Page 36-39.

435 Louise, Mary. Operation Mockingbird: CIA Media Manipulation. American Patriot

Friends Network, The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press. Accessed December

28, 2014. Available online


series about a fictional news network station and what took

place behind the scenes. Mr. Daniels' character debated

politics on a stage, inside a college auditorium, before a

capacity crowd.

"And with a straight face, you're gonna tell students that

America's so star-spangled awesome, that we're the only

ones in the world who have freedom? Canada has freedom,

Japan has freedom, the UK, France, Italy, Germany, Spain,

Australia, Belgium has 207 sovereign states in

the world, like a hundred and eighty of them have freedom."

"...Just in case you accidentally wander into a voting booth

one day, there's some things you should know, and one of

them is, there's absolutely no evidence to support the

statement that we're the greatest country in the world. We're

7th in literacy, 27th in math, 22nd in science, 49th in life

expectancy, 178th in infant mortality, 3rd in median

household income, number 4 in labor force, and number 4 in

exports. We lead the world in only 3 categories: number of

incarcerated citizens per capita, number of adults who believe

angels are real, and defense spending; where we spend more

than the next 26 countries combined. 25 of who are allies.

Now, none of this is the fault of a 20 year old college student.

But you, nonetheless, are without a doubt a member of the

worst, generation, ever. So when you ask, "what makes us

the greatest country in the world?" I don't know what the fuck

you're talking about. Yosemite?

We sure used to be. We stood up for what was right. We

fought for moral reasons. We passed laws, struck down laws

for moral reasons. We waged wars on poverty, not poor

people. We sacrificed, we cared about our neighbors. We put

our money where our mouths were. And we never beat our

chest. We built great big things, made ungodly technological

advances, explored the universe, cured diseases, and we


cultivated the world's greatest artists and the world's greatest

economy. We reached for the stars, acted like men. We

aspired to intelligence, we didn't belittle it, it didn't make us

feel inferior. We didn't identify ourselves by who we voted for

in our last election. And we didn't... we didn't scare so easy.

We were able to be all these things, and to do all these things,

because we were informed, by great men, men who were

revered. First step in solving any problem is recognizing there

is one. America is not the greatest country in the world

anymore." 436

As I explained in detail from A Commoners Guide, our

owners preapprove the Election Day candidates. It is the

illusion of choice, much the same as you would give a toddler.

"Would you like to take a nap now or in fifteen minutes?" The

child is given a false sense of control and believes that they

have a say in the matter, but the outcome is predetermined.

Our political process is the same. Republican or democrat is

nothing more than two sides of the same coin which is being

flipped by the elite puppet masters.

The internet is our battlefield in the future war against the

elite. Red versus blue must cease. We must mix together in

a purple storm of liberation. Our collective intelligence is what

can ultimately unshackle us from oppression, if we can keep

the internet free and accessible, and if we can recognize the

436 Daniels, Jeff. The Newsroom: We Just Decided To. Season 1, Episode 1. HBO. 2012.


shills spewing propaganda to influence the multitudes. 437 The

World Wide Web is where we come together to expose the

crimes and to fit together the puzzle pieces.

It should be no surprise that the oligarchs wish to silence

our voices online. Policies are being created to control and

censor what the American people see and hear electronically.

A neutral internet is the furthest thing from reality as

lobbyists oppose any legislation aimed at preventing carriers

from limiting bandwidth and traffic to various sites deemed

unfriendly to national or business interests. In its essence this

is an attempt at modern day burning of books to keep

information from the masses.

The privileged want us to work just hard enough that we

come home and do not think and do not learn that there is a

better way. That we do nothing but "zone out" and blankly

stare at memes of cats expressing poor grammar; all because

an educated proletariat that bands together in recognition of

the elite's misdeeds would end their reign.

Those crimes are always hidden under the veil of National

Security to conceal evidence. We allow the criminals a way

out by pleading the Fifth Amendment, so that what they say

will not incriminate them for what they have done. Laws do

437 Hall, Rory. Propaganda 101: Operation Mockingbird Continues. Activist Post.

January 11, 2015.


not apply to the wealthy and powerful; they never face the

same consequences for their actions. They do not even

cooperate with the investigations or hearings as they proclaim

"never complain, never explain."

After reading this account of our unpolished history, which

is far from complete, do you still question why it is always the

United States that is forced to go it alone when fighting

overseas? Do you still ask why no other country ever steps

up and helps us wage military campaigns in desolate foreign

countries? Do you still wonder why we are taught to hate

other democracies, if we are truly fighting for underprivileged

people's rights?

The Declaration of Independence states: That whenever any

Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is

the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute

new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and

organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem

most likely to affect safety and happiness.

We cannot continue to live in fear of political assassinations,

of biological weapons such as cancers and viruses turned on

our own populations, or of staged attacks like school

shootings and terrorism. These continuous strategies of

domestic tension, as with Operation Gladio, deceive


populations into trading liberty for security. We have to stand

up against these puppet masters and declare war against

them. Living in fear as our government chips away our

freedom in the perceived exchange of security should no

longer be tolerated.

Political murders are disguised as heart attacks, suicides,

cancers, drug overdoses, airplane and car crashes. Anyone

who preaches peace is murdered; people such as Princess

Diana, Bob Marley, Martin Luther King Jr, John Kennedy, etc.

Conflict equals profit and the wealthy are addicted to

accumulating more and more. Their greed has an insatiable

appetite so they cannot afford for the masses to heed a

message of peace.

Oligarchs have no conscience. They have no qualms about

killing and poisoning indiscriminately to maintain their

lifestyles. After all, if we commoners had a decent life style;

what would be superior about them? We must choose

between servitude and freedom, democracy or a republic. The

rules of this New World Order are clearly enumerated on

American monuments, specifically the colossal engravings on

the Georgia Guidestones.

Since the Civil War, we have been usurped into a Babylonian

Business Plan of banking making us a nation of chattel for the

cult of personality. Our masters ride us harder each year


using the tools of inflation in place of a crop and reigns. They

influence us to hate the poor so we work hard not to become

like them. Similar to the concentration camp Dachau's

untruth, they provide the hope that work will set us financially


We are in a never ending state of economic recession

despite the advanced technology in existence. The

Rothschilds have influenced the markets along with their elite

friends to condemn us to servitude running the rat race on a

Plato's Cave 9-5 treadmill. In a world where the price of food

remains fairly constant, the price of fuel has increased by

tenfold in the past decade. The modern robber-barons

continue to fleece the populace by perpetrating fears of

faceless terrors to fund defense and security. The only goal is

to create a class system where they sit at the top, and we all

labor beneath them. Without wealth there would be no

distinction, ie without money there would be nothing

extraordinary about them.

Modern America does not practice capitalism. We have

regressed to feudalism. The wealthy oligarchs decide if their

class will create jobs, and when they do they choose to hire

part-time, minimum wage, with no benefits. They

intentionally keep the masses fiscally treading water one

crisis away from financial drowning. Where will America be in


one generation with these "good business" practices? Toiling

as a modern-day serf is not a society I wish to be a part of.

"The moral crisis of our age has nothing to do with gay

marriage or abortion. It is insider trading, obscene CEO pay,

wage theft from ordinary workers, Wall Street's gambling

addiction, corporate payoffs to friendly politicians, and the

billionaire takeover of our democracy."

- Robert Reich

There is no covert paramilitary division of our government

fighting to restore the people's liberty. There is no rogue

black-ops faction of the CIA waging secret wars against the

special interests and moneyed elites aiming to reinstate the

principles of our founding fathers. We are on our own. The

only hope we have is through education to expose the crimes

of our leaders for the entire world to see.

It is not my opinion that I am the individual who has the

knowledge, skills, or ability to lead the change. It is my hope

that I will find and influence that person to stand up and lead

the change our species so desperately needs. Our next stage

of human development is to throw off the shackles that

subjugate us in servitude to the perceived elite. Revolution

merely resets history to begin again, what we need is an



Recommended Reading

1. Fifty Years of the Deep State, by Mark Gorton. A free

forty-five page pdf online. It is the most clear and

concise history of the US since the coup.

2. They Killed Our President, by Jesse Ventura.

Organized by sixty-three facts regarding the

assassination. The book will open your eyes to what is

really going on.

3. The CIA and the Media, by Carl Bernstein. A 25,000

word cover story in Rolling Stone from 1977. The

article does not make allegations, it names names and

it details who did what in which publication.

4. The Leipzig Connection: The Systematic Destruction

of American Education , by Paolo Lionni.


Recommended Youtube Viewing

1. JFK to 911 Everything is a Rich Man's Trick

Three and a half hours of reality. It contains some minor

discrepancies with my research but overall is an outstanding


2. Dark Legacy 1 and 2

These are quality documentaries about the evidence

surrounding the JFK and JFK Jr. assassinations.

3. How Big Oil Conquered the World

A one hour eleven minute documentary detailing the

Rockefellers' oil monopoly which led to their control of

education, medicine, information, and politics.

4. E Howard Hunt's Deathbed Confessions


Donations always



By: Stew Webb (Federal Whistleblower)

Copyright Jan. 1999, 2000, 2001. 2002

Thank You

Western Sugar

Directors: George Bush. General Manuel Noriega,

Ollle North, General Richard Secord,

Norman Brownsteln, Leonard Mlllman


Ollle North, Ted Shackley, Al M

Dick Brenneke, Gunther Russb

Michael Rlconoscluto, Gene Ta



acher, s


United Bank

of Denver



Flatiron Construction

Company Colorado



Savings and Loan

NeH Bash. Director



Compendium Tru*t

(Isle of Jersey)

Intel Trust (Isle of Mon)

Houston Energy Partners Ltd.

George Bush. James Baker III.

Robert Mossbacher

Meyer Blinder

Maurice Greenburg




So, You Don't Believe in Conspiracy?

Operation Paperclip

Operation Gladio

Operation Mockingbird

Operation 40

Operation Zapata

Operation Northwoods

Operation ZR Rifle

Operation Mongoose

The Katzenbach Memo

CIA Document #1035-960

Operation Ivy Bells

Operation Bingo

Operation Gemstone

Operation CHAOS

Operation Brownstar

The Bojinka Project


Operation Hornets Nest

Executive Order 13603

Jade Helm


So you don't believe in aliens?

Operation Highjump

Operation Majority

Valiant Thor

jj^^aanipotent Krill

Kite Domes

Project Sigma

Project Plato

Project Biue Book

Project Grudge/^

Project Peagwi^®

Montadlf Project

Black Knight S


"There's a government inside the government, and I don't

control it."

- Bill Clinton



Aristocracy - A governing body or upper class usually made up of a

hereditary nobility.

Bankster - a member of the banking industry seen as profiteering or


Caliph - A leader of an Islamic polity, regarded as a successor of

Muhammad and by tradition always male.

Caliphate - the rank, jurisdiction, or government of a caliph.

Capitalism - An economic system in which investment in and

ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange of

wealth is made and maintained chiefly by private individuals or

corporations, especially as contrasted to cooperatively or state-owned

means of wealth.

Chattel - Slaves who are viewed as property and can be traded as such.

Checks and Balances - Limits imposed on all branches of a

government by vesting in each branch the right to amend or void those

acts of another that fall within its purview.

Chicken-Hawk - A person who strongly supports war or other military

action, yet who actively avoids or avoided military service when of age.

Clandestine - Characterized by, done in, or executed with secrecy or

concealment, especially for purposes of subversion or deception; private

or surreptitious.

Conglomerate - A corporation made up of a number of different

companies that operate in diversified fields.


Conservative - Disposed to preserve existing conditions, institutions,

etc., or to restore traditional ones, and to limit change.

Corporate Restructuring - A change in the business strategy of an

organization resulting in diversification, closing parts of the business,

etc, to increase its long-term profitability.

Corporate Welfare - Financial assistance, as tax breaks or subsidies,

given by the government to profit-making companies, especially large


Cronyism - The practice of favoring one's close friends, especially in

political appointments.

Democracy - A form of government in which the supreme power is

vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected

agents under a free electoral system.

Derivative - Something derived; a financial contract whose value

derives from the value of underlying stocks, bonds, currencies,

commodities, etc. (Likened to purchasing fire insurance on your

neighbors' homes, you have an interest in them burning down.

Detente - A French word meaning a period of lessening tension

between two major national powers.

Elitist - A person professing superior intellect or talent, power, wealth,

or membership in the upper echelons of society.

Free Market - An economic system in which prices and wages are

determined by unrestricted competition between businesses without fear

of monopolies.

Gulag - Soviet forced labor penal system.

Hedge Fund - A mutual fund organized as a limited partnership and

using high-risk, speculative methods to obtain large profits.

Incumbent - The holder of an office.


Jihadist - One engaged in armed opposition to Western influence and to

secular governments and institutions in Muslim countries or areas with

Muslim populations when such opposition is perceived as fanatical or

employing means that are immoderate or unlawful.

Junta - a military or political group that rules a country after taking

power by force.

Laissez-faire - The practice or doctrine of noninterference in the

affairs of others, especially with reference to individual conduct or

freedom of action.

Liberal - Favoring or permitting freedom of action, especially with

respect to matters of personal belief or expression.

Lobbyist - A person who tries to influence legislation on behalf of a

special interest.

Loyalist - A person who is loyal; a supporter of the sovereign or of the

existing government, especially in time of revolt. A person who

remained loyal to the British during the American Revolution; Tory.

Luftwaffe - The official name for the Nazi air force founded in 1935.

Led by Hermann Goering, it became the largest and most powerful in

Europe by the start of World War Two.

Monopoly - Exclusive control of a commodity or service in a particular

market, or a control that makes possible the manipulation of prices.

Mossad - The Israeli Secret Intelligence Service (ISIS). Similar to

America's CIA, or England's MI-6.

Nobility - A person professing grandeur or magnificence.

Oligarchy - A form of government in which all power is vested in a few

persons or in a dominant class or clique; government by the few.

Plutocracy - A government ruled by the wealthy, a corruption of



Profiteering - A person who seeks or exacts exorbitant

profits, especially through the sale of scarce or rationed goods.

Progressive - Favoring or advocating progress, change, improvement,

or reform, as opposed to wishing to maintain things as they are,

especially in political matters.

Proletariat - The class of workers, especially industrial wage earners,

who do not possess capital or property and must sell their labor to


Propaganda - Information, ideas, or rumors deliberately spread widely

to help or harm a person, group, movement, institution, nation, etc.

Socialism - A system of government that advocates the vesting of the

ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of

capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole.

Speculation - Engagement in business transactions involving

considerable risk but offering the chance of large gains, especially

trading in commodities, stocks, etc., in the hope of profit from changes

in the market price.

Subsistence - Means of supporting life; a living or livelihood.

Subsidy - Direct monetary aid furnished by a government to a private

industrial undertaking, a charity organization, or the like.

Serf - A member of the lowest feudal class, attached to the land owned

by a lord and required to perform labor in return for certain legal or

customary rights.

Usurp - To seize and hold (as office, place, or powers) in possession by

force or without right. Example: usurp a throne.


"Those who make peaceful revolution Impossible will make

violent revolution inevitable."

- John F Kennedy



9/11 Encyclopedia. Arbusto. Accessed online, December 5, 2014.

9/11 Shanksville Eyewitness Susan McElwain. Accessed online, December

22, 2014.

Adamson, Bruce. Oswald's Closest Friend: The George de Mohrenschildt

Story. Amazon Digital Services, Inc. February 2012.

Adamson, Bruce. The JFK Assassination Timeline Chart. Amazon Digital

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"When I die , do not believe the official story."

- Phil Mennitti



9/11 Commission Report 263, 273

Affordable Care Act 285

Air Force One 123, 270

Al-Qaeda 229,266, 297, 299

Amendment Five 311

Amendment Fourteen 25

Amendment Two 295-296

Arbusto Energy 242-243

Assoc of Retired Intel Officers 167

Auschwitz 36

Bay of Pigs 83-89, 95, 124, 196

Bell Helicopter 84, 150

Bernstein, Carl 60, 71, 73, 180, 185

Bojinka Project 221-222, 307

Bonesmen 23, 35, 89

Branch Dividians 222-224

Brown Brothers 33, 40

Buckeye Steel Castings Comp 27

Bush, Barbara 47, 87-88

Bush, George H W ?

Bush, George Will, 201, 227, 236,


Bush, Jeb 201, 241

Bush, Marvin 201, 268, 274

Bush, Prescott 35-65, 125, 153

Bush, Samuel 27

Butler, Smedley 32-34, 51

Byrd, DH 107

Carter, Cliff 129-132

Carter, Jimmy 181-189, 280

Castro, Fidel 69, 75-76, 84-95, 124,


Charnin, Richard 145-146, 172

Chase, Salmon P 23, 32, 41

Cheney, Dick 155-156, 166-167, 191,

199, 208, 213-214, 240, 251-252, 265,

270, 300

Chile 156-157, 271

Church Committee 168, 183-186

CIA Document #1035-960 146

Civil War 23-25, 313

Clinton, Hillary Rodham 163, 220-221,

224, 231

Clinton, William J 207, 219-236, 320

Coca-Cola 52, 110

Conn ally, John 103, 110,115, 130-133,

144, 161, 173

Constitution 16, 24, 163, 289, 295-296

Craig, Roger 85, 110-111, 117, 132,


Crowley, Aleister 46-47

Cuban Missile Crisis 96-97, 174

Dal-TexBuilding 105-106, 111-112, 132

Death Ray 43, 202, 210, 258-259


De Mohrenschildt, George 107-108,

112, 170-171

Denver International Airport 283-284

Donovan, William J 59

Dulles, Allen 32, 52-54, 68, 70-75, 90-

91, 104-105, 143, 153, 168

Dulles, John Foster 32, 52-54, 153

Eisenhower, Dwight D 67-78, 91, 168

Enterprise, The 201, 207, 219, 221,

225, 232, 240, 307

Farben, IG 36, 41, 53, 62


Federal Reserve Bank 28, 31, 97, 189

Ferdinand, Archduke Frantz 31

Ferrie, David 83-84, 119, 127, 131

Ford, Gerald 117, 125-126, 144, 161,

165-181, 278

Ford Motor Company 52, 151

Fort Detrick Maryland 41

Gaddafi, Muammar 285

Geronimo 35, 180

Glass-Steagall Act 50, 197,228

Gold-Backed Currency 24, 32

Government Crisis Actors 290, 294-


Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act 228

Grassy Knoll 110, 112, 123, 132, 135,

145, 173, 174, 176, 177

Guaranty Trust Company 25-27

Hamburg-Amerika Shipping 34, 40-41

Harriman, Averell 23, 25-27, 34, 35-36,

40, 52-53

Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich 22

Hegelian Principle 22, 201

Helfferich, Emil 41

Himmler, Heinrich 41

Hinkley,John W 192-193

Hitler, Adolph 35, 38-46, 52-53

Holt, Chauncey 112-113, 132

Hooke, Richard 105, 136-139

Hoover, J Edgar 71-73, 85, 95, 124-

126, 129-131, 157, 199

Hunt, E Howard 75, 86, 153, 161, 170,


Hunt Oil 79, 131

Hussein, Saddam 214-215, 243-244,


Insider Trading (9/11) 264-265, 314

Iran-Contra 205-209, 278

Iran Hostage Crisis 191-192

Iron Beam Technology 43, 202, 210,


ISIS 296-300

Johnson, Lyndon B 18, 79-81, 84, 98,

103-104, 107-108, 121-122, 128-131,


Junta 157

Katzenbach Memo 19, 141-142

Keating Five 198


Kennedy, Jacqueline 115-116, 121,


Kennedy, John F 79-181

Kennedy Jr, John F 231 -236

Kennedy, Ted 153-155, 165, 233

Kerry, John 23, 264, 277

King Jr, Martin Luther 149, 312

Kissinger, Henry 156-160, 166, 170,


Kopechne, Mary Jo 154

Koresh, David 222-224

Kuwait 214-215, 244

Lansky, Meyer 94-95

Lennon, John 194-196

Liddy, G Gordon 158

Lindauer, Susan 246-247, 253, 269

Magic Bullet Theory143-144

Malaysia 300

Mandarin Hotel Beijing 259

Manning, Bradley 288

Mannlicher-Carcano 117, 143, 173,


Marcello, Carlos 125, 131, 132, 150,


McCain, John 198, 239, 298

McMahon, Brien 65

Merrill Lynch 191, 198

Meyer, Cord 70-71, 174, 219

Milosevic, Slobodan 229-230

MK Ultra 62, 68-69, 149, 196

Morales. David Sanchez 75, 107, 174,


Morgan, JP 23, 32, 41

Mossad 231, 236, 297-298

Murchison, Clint 98, 129-131

NAFTA 227-228

Nano Thermite 256

National Bank Act 24

National Security Act 59

Nicoletti, Chuck 96, 171

Nixon, Richard M 65, 68, 74-75, 80,

103, 126, 129, 131, 153-163

Noriega, Manuel 208-210, 243

NSA 168, 184-185, 288, 297

Obama, Barrack H 227, 281-301

ObamaCare 285

Office of Naval Intelligence 82, 85, 162,

175, 177

Oklahoma City Bombing 225-226

Operation 40 74-76, 83, 88, 101, 106,

161, 196, 208, 268

Operation 9/11 251-278, 300-301

Operation Brownstar 199-202

Operation Desert Storm 213, 215

Operation Ivy Bells 167

Operation Mongoose 88, 92

Operation Northwoods 92, 307

Operation Paperclip 61-62

Oschner, Alton 119


Oswald, Lee Harvey69, 79, 81-86, 107-

111, 118-138, 141-146, 169-180

Ozark Mountains 284

Paine, Ruth 84, 111,118, 150

Panama 187, 208-210

Parkland 115-121, 128, 170

Park-O-Meter 220

Pentagon 233-234, 261-262

Perot, H Ross 216

Phillips, David At lee 75, 167

Pledge of Allegiance 304-305

Plumlee, Tosh 82

Project Bojinka 221-222, 307

Prouty, L Fletcher 87-88

Putin, Vladamir 271, 300

Pyrothermic Flow 257

Rather, Dan 112, 260, 277-278

Reagan, Ronald 43, 191-210, 243,

258, 282-283

Reaganomics 197

Regan, Don 191, 198

Rhoads, Cornelius 41

Rockefeller, John D 23-27

Rockefeller, D 32, 40-41, 53-54, 191,

214, 227, 288

Roosevelt, Franklin D 23, 49-56

Rose Law Firm 220-224

Rothschild, NM 32, 313

Rove, Karl 153, 215

Ruby, Jack 84, 127-132, 176

Rumsfeld, Donald 155-159, 166-167,

184, 241, 248, 262, 300

Russell and Company 23

Russell, Richard 143, 147

Russell, William Huntington 22, 23

Safari Club 188

SALT 159

Sandy Hook Elementary 289-293

Scherff Jr, George H 44

SEC 50

Securacom 268

September 11, 1972 156

September 11, 2001 [9/11] 245-275,


Shanksville 254

Silverstein, Larry 264, 267

Sirhan, Sirhan 149, 195

Skorzeny, Otto 44-45

Skull and Bones 23, 35, 89

Snowden, Edward 287, 297-298

Sonnenfeld, Kurt 260-261

Specter, Aden 143-144

St Louis Architects 258

Standard Oil 26, 33, 36, 40-41, 52-54,

62, 64

Standley, Jane 263

Star Wars Satellite 43-44, 202-205,


Stubblebine, Maj Gen Albert 262

Sturgis, Frank 75, 91, 107, 129, 132


Suad, Ibn 53, 63-64

The House Select Committee on

Assassinations 169-173

The School Book Depository 84-85,

105, 107, 109, 120, 132-133, 143, 145,

173, 177-178

Three Tramps 112, 114

Thule Society 21

Thyssen, Fritz 35, 37

Time Magazine 80, 134, 185, 213

Tippit, JD 118, 178, 180

Titanic 28

Trading with the Enemy Act 52

Truman, Harry S 52, 58-65, 67

Vary Baker, Judyth 84, 127

Ventura, Jesse 228

Vietnam 97-98, 104, 128-129,

150-151, 156, 165, 168

Von Schroder, Baron 32

Waco 222-224

Walker, Bert 23, 26-27, 52

Walker, George Herbert 35, 40,

52, 86, 89

Wallace, George 153

Wallace, Mac 81, 107, 129-133

Warren Commission 70, 91, 117,

125, 142-146, 148, 169, 173,

181, 278

Watergate 154, 161-162, 163,

167, 181

Washington, George 59, 74, 228

White, Roscoe 107, 176-178

Wilson, Woodrow 30-31

Woodward, Bob 162

World Trade Center Bombing 221 -


World Trade Center Seven 263-

264, 274

Yousef, Ramzi 222

Zapata Offshore 86-89

Zapruder, Abraham 105, 111-112,

134, 169

Zimmerman Telegram 31





















Excerpt from The Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,

that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,

that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to

secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving

their just powers from the consent of the governed,

That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these

ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute

new Government,

laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such

form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their Safety and

Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long

established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and

accordingly all experience hath shewn, that

mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to

right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the

same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism,

it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to

provide new Guards for their future security.

Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now

the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of

Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history

of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the

establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let

Facts be submitted to a candid world."


All characters and events depicted in this story are fictitious. Any similarity

to actual persons, living or dead is purely coincidental.

The characters and incidents portrayed and the names used herein are

fictitious. Any similarity to the name, character, or history of any person

is entirely coincidental and unintentional.


Amendment I.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or

prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech,

or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to

petition the Government for a redress of grievances. 438



The Bill of Rights. December 15, 1791.

About the Book

This is the second story in a non-partisan series detailing how

the elite have impoverished America's Middle Class. In this

timely and revealing book the author explains what has

happened in simple, easy to understand terms, that are brief

and to-the-point. The crippling and devastating consequences

to liberty have not gone unnoticed. The author bears witness

to history and the treacherous crimes which have overthrown

the Republic.

The Illusion of Democracy is a more accurate history of the

United States since the coup of 1963, when President

Kennedy was executed in Dealey Plaza. This sequel explains

Hegelian Principles and how our puppet masters create

conflict to increase their wealth and power. It connects the

dots of all major false flag events to prove this massive

deception has been intentionally engineered to subjugate our

nation to indentured servitude in a feudal system controlled

by wealthy oligarchs.

This book was written at a high school level with those

students in mind. It is perfect for high school classes, college

courses, or the average reader at home who is curious about

what went wrong over the past generation which killed the

American Dream.


About the Author

Phil Mennitti is an honors graduate with a Master of Education

from Point Park University in Pittsbugh. He earned two

previous degrees in education and completed his Bachelors

degree to teach History in 2007. His pursuit of exposing our

true American history began in college when he realized most

official government reports do not match the actual evidence.

Phil and Jen married in 2000. She is a graduate of Penn State

University with a degree in business, and was treasurer of the

Penn State Business Society.

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